Chapter 65 How about you call twice? (subscription, second more)

Chapter 66 How about you call twice? (for subscription, second more)

Chen Fan feels that the whole person is not good, damn it, this damn thing, why doesn’t it play cards according to the routine, normal story, it shouldn’t be like this.

If you are like this, how can Laozi continue?

In fact, there is a description in the novel about this plot.

I believe it in the description.

Chen Fan kidnapped Lin Qingyue, and asked Lin Qingyue face to face, why, why not choose his own kind of silly things.

But what Lin Qingyue said was that she liked Ye Aotian very much.

In the end, I would rather die than follow.

Then, Chen Fan gave up.

To be honest, when I saw this story, Chen Fan himself was dumbfounded, f*ck, your protection of the protagonist is really too crucial.

Forget it, just go down.

So, Lin Qingyue was sent into the room, Chen Fan didn’t say a word, just started and hugged.

Then go kiss.

Normally, this woman turned her head and avoided, but now this situation seems a bit wrong.

How can you be like this, why don’t you avoid it.

Chen Fan was a little confused, he did kiss.

Normally, Lin Qingyue avoided, but this girl not only didn’t avoid it, but even took the initiative to come up.

Trust me, you are too much.

Where is there a heroine like you? How can I continue as a villain like you?

Lin Qingyue looked at Chen Fan who was stunned, and kissed again unbelievingly.

“How can you, you, what’s the matter with you.”

Chen Fan is completely messed up, fucking, the story is wrong, absolutely wrong.

Lin Qingyue said: “Don’t you like me? Now I tell you, I like you too.”

I don’t believe it, even if you really like me, I don’t believe it.

“You can’t be like this, how can you?”

Lin Qingyue smiled and said, “Chen Fan, still say, are you persuaded? Don’t let me look down on you, you don’t even have the courage to touch me, what do you say you like me?”

Chen Fan cursed.

Fuck you, who do you look down on.

Do it directly, look at Laozi, is it really persuaded or something?

But at this moment, Lin Qingyue was a little bit embarrassed. In fact, Lin Qingyue was angry.

To put it bluntly, Lin Qingyue feels that Chen Fan actually likes herself, and she still likes Chen Fan.

I don’t know how the novel is, Lin Qingyue doesn’t care about the development of the novel long ago.

Reason? Lin Qingyue is not Jin Lan, Jin Lan thinks a lot about things, but Lin Qingyue thinks very simple, just simply like it, in fact, it’s fine.

Follow your heart.

But if you like it, it doesn’t mean that you can really go down.

At that step, she was still very scared.

Pushing Chen Fan away, he said, “Wait a minute… Chen Fan.”

Chen Fan came back sensibly soon, and almost laughed happily, wow hahahaha, hahaha.

Isn’t this right?

Isn’t this correct?

Look at the tears in Lin Qingyue’s eyes. This is very obvious. This woman is still timid. Her father is really awesome. This majesty is really scary.

She should be afraid of Chen family’s revenge.

After all, his father did something wrong today and took the initiative to betray the Chen family and approached Lin Aotian.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Qingyue will take the initiative to say that she likes it.

In fact, Lin Qingyue was crying, not because of the way Chen Fan thought, but because Lin Qingyue was a little excited.

Tears caused by excitement.

Chen Fan smiled, took off his suit and threw it to Lin Qingyue who was sitting on the ground.

“Put it on, I don’t like you like this.

No, brother, have you found any reason to come back?”

Is it a bit too much for you to be like this?

I rely on it.

“If it’s just to protect your father and take revenge on your home, you will give yourself, and I look down on you.”

I don’t need you to value me, rely on me, my old lady is not rare for these.

“I don’t think it makes any sense to people who can’t get your heart, just get you. I think Ye Aotian will come to save you. I’m very curious how he will save you.”

Fuck off, my old lady is not rare for this guy to rescue Laozi.

If she dares to come, my old lady will kill him.

Lin Qingyue has completely exploded her hair, and now she needs to find someone to abuse her.

Chen Fan walked out of the room and said, “Look at it, you know? Zhu Yeqing.”

“Understand Master.”

When Chen Fan left, Zhu Yeqing walked into the room and looked at Lin Qingyue who was sorting clothes, with a shocked expression on her face.

You are so cruel.

They are all heroines with diaries, why are you so showy?

Damn it, was pretended by this woman.

“Do you need me to find you a new dress?”

Lin Qingyue looked at her clothes and her socks, and smiled helplessly.

“No, I think this is good, Zhuyeqing, can I beg you for something?

“Yes, you can say it, but the premise is that it can’t hurt the young master.

Lin Qingyue said, “Can you give me a set of seven? I need a knife.


Are you going to commit suicide?

Or what?

It shouldn’t be, during this period of observation, how do you look at it, you have obtained a copy of the diary, why, you still want to commit suicide?


“What is the purpose of your holding the dagger? If the reason is not sufficient, I can’t give it to you.

“I think, kill Ye Aotian.”

What’s the matter? Don’t you start to hide it now?

At this moment, Zhu Yeqing realized what the first heroine is.

No wonder, Chen Fan said that Lin Qingyue is the first heroine. Look at people, this method, this technique.

As a result of the observation, Zhu Yeqing determined one thing, that is, it was not just himself who got the copy of the diary.

However, Zhu Yeqing saw Lin Qingyue’s initiative and decisiveness, and instantly felt that this woman must be the first heroine.

The so-called first heroine, you have to be irrational. If you are sensible, how can the protagonist show so much hatred?

“Are you sure? Isn’t this knife aimed at the young master?”

“You can trust me, you can also distrust me, it’s up to you.”

Zhu Yeqing nodded, handed Lin Qingyue a dagger, and said, “Take it.”

Lin Qingyue simply waved twice and said, “Well, I don’t know how to martial arts. I want to ask if there is that kind of poison, the kind that sees blood in the throat.

Yes, but too much, the kind of killing people in minutes.

It’s a pity that Zhuyeqing can’t give it, and instinctively tells Zhuyeqing that if it is really given, will the novel end directly or will it be an eunuch?

In the room, Xiaolan poured tea for several people, accompanied by two big bears and two bears.

“Do you estimate that the Chen family will have a master?”

Nie Aoxiong and Nie Tianxiong looked at each other.

The eldest brother said: “Whether he has any masters, are we still afraid of their Chen family?”

Nie’s family is a traditional ancient martial arts family. The family lives in a small mountain village. It has some property, which is not particularly rich, but if it is about the background, it is absolutely not persuasive.

However, there are rules at home. The two of them are just going out for experience, not too much to mix things in the world.

But among the two brothers, the eldest brother’s temper is one of the hotter ones.

I don’t care about anything, I’m not afraid of heaven and earth.

The second child is very sensible.

The strength of the two, the eldest brother’s strength is a bit more powerful, reaching the seventh-rank strength, and the second brother is a bit short, only the eighth-rank.

The second brother said: “I don’t think there will be too many masters. All the masters of the Chen family can’t be placed in the small Qincheng.”

Ye Aotian said: “Lin Qingyue was kidnapped. I think I should go save it. I didn’t expect that Chen Fan didn’t follow the routine.

The second brother laughed and said: “You have made Chen Fan the laughingstock in the eyes of the entire second generation of wealthy Qincheng. If it’s you, can you stand it? It’s pretty good if you don’t mess with the rules.

There are two so-called rules. The first is that the elders cannot take action.

The second rule is also relatively simple, that is, it will not harm the family.

If everyone doesn’t comply, how can the novel proceed?

“That’s OK, in the afternoon, we will kill it. It happens to be rainy today. There are not many people. We can move more easily.”

: “Then Chen Fan killed or?”

The second brother said: “We can’t kill, big brother, we can’t kill Chen Fan. If Chen Fan dies, then Chen Tianqiang will retaliate desperately. Let alone Ye Aotian, our family will also be uprooted.

“Our Nie family hasn’t been afraid of any family yet.”

This is not the truth.

Ye Aotian said: “Chen Fan does not need to kill, this person, hand me, I need to slowly let him lose the courage to fight with me, torture him a little bit, simply kill Chen Fan, it is too cheap for him. .”

Ye Aotian decided to play Chen Fan a little bit.

Time came to two o’clock in the afternoon.

Chen Fan in the room ate his favorite steak and opened a bottle of red wine for himself.

Wiped the corner of his mouth very contentedly.

I arranged the cutlery on the table, got up, and took a look in the mirror.

Well, it’s great. Today is another day when the protagonist will be slapped in the face. It feels really good.

At two ten ten, three people sneaked into the villa.

It’s better to say that it’s sneaking, it’s better to say it’s just looking for things directly.

There are not many people protecting the villas of the Chen family, but there are also a few.

The security at the door was easily resolved.

A housekeeper and Zhu Yeqing stood at the door, looking at Chen Fan who came.

Obviously, Ye Aotian planned to deal with these two people alone.

The steward said, “Miss Zhu Yeqing, shall we cooperate or not?”

“It is natural to protect the young master. He is here to save people, but I am worried that it will hurt the young master.”

The butler nodded.

Backed out.

Ye Aotian looked at Zhu Yeqing, and the two did not exchange much words, so they shot directly. ,

Zhu Yeqing slapped Ye Aotian’s face directly.

Playing Ye Aotian was a little confused.Then when Ye Aotian didn’t react, he was directly sent out by Rui Rui.

The immense strength made Ye Aotian wonder for the first time whether he was practicing Guwu or not.

In the room, Chen Fan wrote his diary comfortably.

[It seems that Zhu Yeqing needs to let the water go, I will be beaten by Ye Aotian, alas, I don’t know if he will beat me badly. 】

[Although it doesn’t hurt to hit me, but I still have to beg for something, and show it, the feeling of a bereaved dog. 】

[Zhuyeqing, don’t let me down, you undercover, can’t you

Halfway through the diary, the door was kicked open, and a bear-like man stood at the door.

Chen Fan looked at the person in front of him, a little puzzled.

247 What do you mean, why are you here?

Chen Fan has two good brothers, who are twins. These two people come from the Nie family and belong to the ancient martial arts family.

Tigers and tigers playing with fists with one hand and back are alive and well.

The big bear is even more born with supernatural power, that fist can kill a bison.

This is a gap in absolute strength.

However, this guy shouldn’t be here, today the protagonist created the magic cave.

What are you doing here?

“A lot of people hate you, my brother hates you even more, and you kidnapped, my brother’s woman, I will kill you.”

This person is stupid.

Laozi is going to be beaten by the protagonist, not by you.

But the big bear was not vague, and rushed directly up, hitting Chen Fan’s face with a huge fist.

Ah ah ah ah ah.

Da Xiong clenched his fist and looked at Chen Fan in front of him in disbelief.

How is it possible, what is going on, why, I seem to be hitting steel.

In an instant, Chen Fan seemed to disappear and appeared behind Da Xiong.

“Although I don’t know why the plot is messed up, don’t pant for a role like you. You are dead and will not have any impact on the plot.”

What is this guy talking about?

Wait, when did he get behind him?

Then Big Bear saw that his arm fell to the ground.

Before he could shout, Chen Fan broke his neck.

Damn, there is a problem with your head.

Laozi wants to have a role with the protagonist, you little brother, join in the fun.

Moreover, you are on the stage, if you really kill me, how can the protagonist be upgraded?

At this time the butler walked in, looked at the big bear lying on the ground, and said, “Master, are you okay?

“It’s okay. Someone has solved it. How is Zhuyeqing?”

“The two are fighting.

At this moment, Er Xiong, who came from behind the door, looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

Brother is dead?

“Chen Fan, I want you to die.

The butler went straight to fight with Er Xiong.

Chen Fan was sitting on a chair with his legs cocked.

You guys hit it casually, anyway, in the end, I must be slapped in the face by the protagonist.

At this time, Ye Aotian outside, lying on the ground, covered in blood, he felt that Zhu Yeqing really wanted to kill himself.

And, why is this woman so tough?

This is simply not human, whether it is power or speed, it is much higher than itself.

ps: Please support, thank you, thank you all, please read more.

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