Chapter 64 I pretended to be forced, why no one cheered (seeking subscription, eighth update)

Chapter 64 I pretended to be forced, why no one cheered (seeking subscription, eighth more)

At this moment, the most depressed person is Ye Aotian, he pretended to be forced, he really pretended to be forced.

Why is no one cheering, he doesn’t need the cheers of passers-by.

The women he cared about, why didn’t they be shocked for themselves.

Especially those women’s eyes, looking at their own eyes, seem to be looking at a fool.

This is illogical, it shouldn’t be like this, your eyes should worship me.

This is the protagonist, any protagonist actually has an ability, that is, you can see the joy, anger, sorrow, and joy in the eyes of the victim.

It’s just that, most of the time, I look at women. When a woman likes herself or doesn’t like herself, the protagonist is very clear.

However, in the same way, this ability can also see how others look down on oneself.

The protagonist? It’s normal. If you look down on me, I will destroy your whole family. Otherwise, how can you be regarded as the protagonist.

Moreover, one’s overseas business was attacked.

At present, Ye Aotian is most proud of his overseas business, but now, he has been sanctioned by the Grand Duke.

“All the funds are returned to the circulation, all withdrawn, and can no longer be carried overseas. I don’t have so much energy.

Ye Aotian panicked, he really felt that things were out of his control now.

However, at this time, the Emperor Heart Art in his body was running fast.

He felt that he might have to break through.

It’s interesting, but I didn’t expect that it would have such an effect even if it helped cure the disease.

In fact, it was really hard for him to save this person.

Of course, I want to add here. In the normal plot, the protagonist’s Emperor Heart Jue cultivation is very good. The Emperor Heart Jue is a domineering internal skill that requires strong physical support.

But as these heroines saw the diary, the protagonist’s Di Xin Jue was in a state of physical injury for a long time.

Moreover, because the kidney was taken out by a bullet, although it was taken out, it still left the root of the disease. In addition to this period of time, the Emperor Heart Jue was forcibly moved.

He has become stronger, but his body has left inevitable damage.

But today, in order to pretend to be forced, the Emperor Heart Jue was used forcibly. Although the Emperor Heart Jue was about to break through, the body could not stand it anymore.

However, he didn’t feel anything, this hidden danger limited a lot of things.

Most of them will only appear in the future, but, after all, it is the protagonist, as long as he feels that there is nothing wrong, then naturally there is nothing wrong.

“Master, are you sure? You need to know that overseas is yours.”

“It doesn’t matter, the industry is thrown away. I don’t have so much energy to manage and focus on stocks. My side is a pharmaceutical company in China, and I have a reputation now. It is completely okay.”

“Okay, master.

Ye Aotian is uncomfortable. Those are all the wealth he has accumulated. They just lost it, but they can’t be lost. At this stage, if he goes against the Grand Duke, he is equivalent. Mayfly shakes the tree.

And Ye Aotian still didn’t understand, damn, how did he provoke the Grand Duke, eldest brother, I haven’t gone to tease Anna yet.

Are you as you?

You said, if I talked or touched it, it’s okay for you to mess with me, but I haven’t talked yet.

At this time, Chen Fan was eating fruit in his house, enjoying his lunch break comfortably.

Although he vomited blood, it was nothing serious.

However, Chen Fan took care of the three old masters of Chinese medicine. Obviously, Chen Fan felt very satisfied with these three.

The next plot is actually quite simple, Ye Aotian meets someone.

Then I contacted Lin Qingyue, and myself, I needed to kidnap.

The phone rang.

It was my father’s call.

“problem occurs?

“It’s my incompetence, I’m sorry, father.”Chen Tianqiang said: “It has nothing to do with you, and I didn’t expect that the young man would understand Chinese medicine. It seems that I missed it. But this time, you did something very well, and you became brothers with the Grand Duke. ‘

“Maybe the Grand Duke thinks I have merit in taking care of Anna.”

“Well, keep this relationship. Although the company’s stock will be affected in this wave, the small pharmaceutical company, the Chen family has not paid attention to it. If you lose it, you will lose it. Throw it for you to play.”

“Father, I will definitely not let the pharmaceutical company fall.

“Just do your best. Remember to protect yourself. In this way, I will send you a master to protect you these few days.”

Don’t go big brother, I’m very good myself, I wish Ye Aotian would kill me.

In this way, I can finish.

“Father, I think, master, I can find it by myself, I believe in my own strength, I can make the master surrender to me.

The other side of the phone fell silent.

Chen Tianqiang thought for a long time and said: “Good boy, ambitious, then I will wait for your good news.”

Hanging up, Chen Fan hummed a little song and continued to eat fruit.

Find a master who farts, it’s fine to be like this, otherwise, how can I be abused by the protagonist?

However, business still needs to be done.

Just when Chen Fan was about to call Zhu Yeqing, Zhu Yeqing took the initiative to walk into the room and knelt in front of Chen Fan without hesitation.

“Master, please punish you.”

You fucking, Zhuyeqing, I am fucking, are you planning to let Laozi be the bachelor for a lifetime, right?

is not it?

You did it on purpose, right? You tell me if you are a traverser.

Normally, the plot is very simple. Chen Fan found that something was wrong, went to Zhu Yeqing, and found the connection between Zhu Yeqing and Ye Aotian.

Then, in a rage, he directly made Zhuyeqing.

Then, from this time on, Zhu Yeqing has become Chen Fan’s exclusive woman.

Of course, it is the kind of relationship that resembles a lover, which belongs to Chen Fan’s use of purging fire.

But now, you take the initiative to admit your mistakes, what will Laozi do?

I’m fucking Blacken, don’t you know, it’s cruel, eldest sister.

You give me a chance to get the ball.

Chen Fan looked at Zhu Yeqing entangledly, and said, “Where did you go wrong?”

“I shouldn’t call the shots without authorization and tell Ye Aotian the treatment plan.

“You are actually in contact with Ye Aotian.

Chen Fan is about to send out that kind of nameless fire, Laozi doesn’t care, this story Laozi must be followed.

Although, there are not many descriptions in the novel, and Ti just said a little, but it is Laozi’s after all.

Zhu Yeqing said: “I took the initiative to amend the treatment plan to help the young master, but I didn’t expect him to know medical skills.”

Mingming Mingming, Chen Fan really wants to cry at this time.

If you do this, what can you do if you make me the villain?

Chen Fan sighed, cocked his legs, and said, “It’s okay. I also know your kindness. I will write it down.”

Zhu Yeqing breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, fortunately, Chen Fan didn’t freak out.

Chen Fan thought about it, got up, and found a board in the drawer.

“This, capital offenses are forgiven, but living offenses are inevitable.

I f*ck.

Zhu Yeqing looked at Chen Fan, her hands were restraining, she was thinking, otherwise, Chen Fan’s, Niang Xipi’s would be killed directly.

This guy, don’t play cards according to the routine. If you can’t publish it, don’t publish it. Don’t you want to follow the plot?

What are you doing to me, this poor girl?

The skull hurts, it really hurts.Taking a deep breath, Zhu Yeqing stood up silently, turned around, and lay down on the chair.

Chen Fan said: “I intend to hit your palm, what are you doing?”

I you you are shameless.

“Your master, I’m sorry, I misunderstood.”

“Why, do you like the young master?”

“No. I think any woman should like the young master.”

Chen Fan held the wooden board and touched Zhu Yeqing’s palm a few times.

These few times actually don’t hurt,

Chen Fan naturally knows that she knows martial arts, and it’s useless for you to take steel bars.

“Okay, go out and do things, and hand over the company’s shares to me. Also, I need Ye Aotian’s current trends.”

Zhu Yeqing nodded.

Just as Chen Fan guessed, the company’s stock began to drop. Everyone in Qincheng knew one thing, Chen Fan was vomiting blood in anger.

And it’s Ye Ao weather.

And this young man turned the tide and saved the housekeeper of William’s house directly.

Successfully got the friendship and sponsorship of William’s family.

Naturally, Ye Aotian’s company was established smoothly.

In the morning, the company cut the ribbon, and at noon, people looking for Ye Aotian’s treatment were in an endless stream.

And a middle-aged man and woman came to Ye Aotian’s company.

After seeing the two, Ye Aotian took the initiative to receive them.

“Uncle Lin.

“Nephew Ye Xian, business is booming.”

Lin Guofu looked at the young man in front of him sighingly. When he first met, he was still a dogleg, but now he has grown up.

To grow into one, you must be afraid of existence.

Not only that, he actually had a certain connection with his daughter, and everyone in Qincheng knew that Ye Aotian and Lin Qingyue were dating.

My daughter became the target of two men’s contention, and both of them were very good people.

But now, Lin Guofu likes Ye Aotian even more. This person has potential and has the help of the Ling family from a family of traditional Chinese medicine.

With William, even the current Chen Tianqiang needs to be afraid, let alone Chen Fan.

Ye Aotian said, “Thank you for your uncle’s compliment. I think, my uncle came to congratulate me, right? Is it to see a doctor?”

Lin Guofu nodded.

Ye Aotian took Lin Guofu into the special room, and after a little bit of pulse, he probably knew what was going on.

He took the initiative to write a prescription and said: “Just go back and take it. If you take it for a month, you can be a bride every night, Aunt Lin, you will be happy.”

The woman snorted, and said, “Xiao Huatou, by the way, is there anything I need to pay attention to during this period?”

…Seeking flowers 0……

“Naturally, there is no. I am different from other Chinese medicine practitioners. You just eat it, and it’s also helpful at this stage.”

Lin Guofu nodded and said, “Then your company.”

“I plan to expand the company. For health products, I plan to form an industry. Naturally, someone needs investment support. I think Uncle Lin is still very willing.

Hahaha, this young man is sensible.

Sure enough, he gave birth to a good girl.

“I don’t know, Xiaoyue, why didn’t you come?”

Lin Guofu said: “Then I don’t know, my daughter is very busy every day, always doing some of her own things, we dare not ask too much.”

After a few simple conversations, the two old men went back.

The stocks are not much, after all, the two do not have much money.Lin Guofu found his daughter.

I talked about the matter and handed over the contract to Lin Qingyue.

“What do you do with Ye Aotian’s money? We are not short of money.

“Investment, isn’t this great? Don’t you have a good impression of Ye Aotian?”

“Parents, the thing I hate the most is Ye Aotian, where did you know that I like Ye Aotian? It was Xiaolan who stole my clothes privately that day and went out on a date with Ye Aotian. I was just wondering what Xiaolan did, and I had a misunderstanding. of.

Lin Guofu was dumbfounded.

Recently, his daughter has become better, which makes Lin Guofu very uncomfortable, but after a long time, his heart warms up.

Knowing that their daughter grew up, the two gave their daughter the real estate industry wholeheartedly.

I thought that this time I took the initiative to find the son-in-law of Chenglong for my daughter, but where did I think it was the result.

Lin Qingyue’s mother said, “Xiaoyue, you really don’t like Ye Aotian?”

“He is passionate about himself, and thinks I like him, but I can’t be disgusting. How can I like him.”


The two looked at Lin Qingyue.

“Then Xiaoyue, don’t you like it?”

Lin Qingyue blushed and said, “I think Chen Fan is pretty good.

It’s over, the girl is not saved, haven’t you always hated Chen Fan before?

Why do you like him now?

Lin Guofu said: “If Chen Tianqiang tries to pressure you, you don’t have to be afraid. Dad would rather die than he can do with me.”

|”Mom and dad, I really like Chen Fan, forget it, I can’t explain it to you, let me call Ye Aotian.”

Lin Qingyue picked up the phone and called Ye Aotian.

“Beauty, are you congratulating me?”

“Take your contract and give it to Laozi. Our family doesn’t care about your contract.”

“My uncle and auntie signed it, which is the heart of my parents, and my pharmaceutical factory is about to get better.

This idiot.

Lin Qingyue is almost cursing now.

Directly holding the contract, without saying anything, killed Ye Aotian’s pharmaceutical company.

There were a lot of people in the store at this time, but Ye Aotian was in his office.

Lin Qingyue directly killed him, and in front of Ye Aotian’s face, she smashed the contract on his face without hesitation.

“Return it to you, and the money will be treated as a consultation fee. I will not be allowed to hit my parents’ advice in the future. I, Lin Qingyue, just like dogs, I can’t like you.

After speaking, he left with anger.

At this time, all the people downstairs who came to visit were shocked.

They didn’t feel that the two were quarreling, but they felt that Lin Qingyue was so courageous that he went to Ye Aotian’s office.

Are you so anxious to get rid of Chen Fan?

Ye Aotian looked at the contract in front of him and said, “Lin Qingyue, I said, if it is Chen Tianqiang’s threat, you can tell me, I can help you solve it, the Ling family and the William family are standing behind me, what do you do? scared.

: “If it’s because of Xiaolan, I can get rid of the relationship with Xiaolan now.”

At this moment, Xiao Lan, who was listening in the bedroom, wiped her tears silently. At this moment, it seemed that she didn’t like Ye Aotian that much.

Lin Qingyue said: “It has nothing to do with me. Goodbye, the contract is not counted, you don’t need to transfer money to my family, my parents don’t need it, I have already said, and my parents agree with my idea.”

“Your parents agree? How could it be possible, before then?”

“Are you a three-year-old child? Can’t hear the polite words?”

“It’s not a rumor, your parents have always been with you

Fool, this guy.

Lin Qingyue said: “You are an orphan, and you can’t understand the feelings of your parents. I sympathize with you, but there are parents who don’t love their children in the world. Your brain circuit is really strange. If anyone likes you, it is really unlucky. .”

After speaking, the door slammed and turned and left.

Suddenly, Lin Qingyue thought of a keen point, damn, the plot began again, isn’t this giving Chen Fan a reason to kidnap herself?

Then Chen Fan felt something was wrong, and Lin Qingyue took the initiative to walk into her car.

Did not run.

Hello, elder sister, can you just run a symbolic run?

What are you doing.

You can’t tell, is my posture actually kidnapping?

Why don’t you run?

However, the drama still needs to be sung.

“Catch her for me, don’t let her run away.”

Lin Qingyue smiled haha, my old lady didn’t run, what do you mean by being excited.Lin Qingyue looked at Chen Fan and said, “What do you mean?”

“What do you mean? You are so anxious, are you looking for Ye Aotian? Are you? I have been arguing with me before, saying that the words have nothing to do with Ye Aotian.”

“As a result, when the company just opened, you were anxious to see him, why, so anxious to applaud? Do you think you can get rid of me completely in the future?”

Lin Qingyue sighed and said in a low voice: “Actually, I really have nothing to do with Ye Aotian. I have returned the shares. I have always told you that I don’t like Ye Aotian.”

“Don’t like it? Who believes it? People in Qincheng believe that you like Ye Aotian. I have never received such humiliation.

“Then what do you want to do?”

“How to do it, I want to see, Ye Aotian, who you are thinking of, will save you in the end, I am looking forward to it.

Zhu Yeqing looked at Chen Fan and did not continue to speak, knowing that he needed to do something.

Several people got started and directly pressed Lin Qingyue into the car.

On the rope.

The mouth is blocked.

Lin Qingyue is very speechless, I didn’t resist, is you here on your side?

However, Lin Qingyue also pretended to be too active, Chen Fan would also doubt it.

In this way, the chance to get along with Chen Fan alone is gone.

Therefore, Lin Qingyue likes this plot very much and hopes it can go on smoothly.

It’s just that she didn’t like it, and finally Ye Aotian came to save herself.

Ye Aotian, who was seeing a doctor at this time, looked at the news from Zhu Yeqing, and he was completely blinded.

How is it possible, Chen Fan, how dare? Why dare to be so presumptuous.

“You mean, Lin Qingyue was kidnapped by Chen Fan?”

“Yes, it was kidnapped. If you are willing to save it, please act early.”

“Thank you, thank you, thank you so much.”

Zhu Yeqing sneered and said, “Don’t thank me. Since you said, the enemy’s enemy is a friend. I think our friend still needs to do it.”

“Well, I understand.”

“At the time of 0.5, if you come, I won’t keep your hands. I hope you will be prepared.”

“Inevitably, you just go all out.”

Zhu Yeqing did not reply and put down the call.

Damn, I finally found a chance to let my old lady go and beat people.

Looking at the diary, Zhu Yeqing started to bother the protagonist and couldn’t help it for a long time.

After finally catching this opportunity, we must clean up this so-called cocky protagonist.

Putting down the phone, Zhu Yeqing looked at the room and sighed silently.

To be honest, it is just a novel. If it is a real story, then now, it is estimated that both of them will be the same.

How could it be possible for the heroine to go back intact.

It must be unrealistic.

However, after all, if the novel is really like this, this book is not a wireless text, but a green hat text or something.

In the room, Chen Fan looked at Lin Qingyue in front of him, and he was a little embarrassed.

Because he is going to be a hooligan.

Yes, the plot of this episode is quite simple. I take the initiative to play a rogue, kiss me, go upstairs, and then this woman would rather die than follow.

She was so furious that she slapped her and cursed her.

But now, this girl, she doesn’t resist anymore.

Chen Fan, who was holding Lin Qingyue, suddenly didn’t know what to do.

Sister, don’t be like this, I beg you, you can do it a little bit, can you resist?

You are like this, how can I go down the plot.

ps; Please keep reading, thank you all, please keep reading.

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