Chapter 62 Go betray me (seeking subscription, sixth more)

Chapter 62 Go and betray me (seeking subscription, sixth more)

Zhu Yeqing quickly opened the door and took Anna to leave.

In fact, what Zhu Yeqing watched at the door was quite clear. When Anna came back, she must have known it, but she wanted to watch the show.

Let’s see what will happen.

What surprised Zhu Yeqing was that Anna went to Chen Fan’s room.

And the two people also quarreled.

To be honest, it was the first time that Zhu Yeqing saw Chen Fan angry. In fact, he thought from another point of view. If there were such mistakes in his original plan, his mentality would collapse.

Obviously, this is aimed at oneself.

Finally, the plot is right, you come out early.

I told you that you must go to the Grand Duke or something, and you ended up in Laozi’s bed.

Are you embarrassing me?

But Chen Fan’s method, Zhu Yeqing thought about it for a long time. She felt that Chen Fan’s strength was very terrifying, and this guy was good at ancient martial arts.

Set up Anna, prepared a special ice bag and gave it to her.

“Am I disfigured?”

Zhu Yeqing checked, and said, “That’s not the case, it’s just swollen. You should also practice martial arts, and you can basically recover the next day.”

“Oh, Zhuyeqing, although we don’t know each other, can you keep a secret for me?”

“This is okay, but as long as it doesn’t harm the young master, I can help you.

Anna is in a mess, she doesn’t know if she should talk to the undercover in front of her.

However, she couldn’t help it a little, always wanted to find someone to talk to.

“I seem to have a physical problem?”

Zhu Yeqing froze for a long time, and said, “Is sick? Then go to the doctor to suck it.”

“No, no, it’s not this, it’s Chen Fan, your young master, when hitting me, I felt that my body was very uncomfortable.”

Not adapted?

Zhu Yeqing frowned, could it be said that what was written in Chen Fan’s diary was correct. Whoever beats her, who does she like?

Men who like domestic violence?

It shouldn’t be, no matter how you look at it, it should be the protagonist. What does this have to do with you?

Chen Fan is just a villain.

Are you confused by the slap in the face?

“To be specific.”

“It was when Chen Fan was beating me, I felt that there was electricity, and I didn’t feel particularly uncomfortable all over my body. I just felt that it was as if electricity had gone all over my body. Have you been electrified before?”

My fucking, I’m sick, I’m okay to be electrocuted?

“I was very naughty when I was a kid. I touched the switch and almost died at that time.”

Zhu Yeqing gave him a thumbs up silently, awesome, you are a real cow, and you dare to go against the electricity.

Anna continued: “But Chen Fan is different. How can a human body generate electricity? I think this is really incredible. I think it may be my heart.”

Zhu Yeqing said, “You mean, do you like Chen Fan hitting you?”

“Well, I don’t know whether this is good or bad, but I don’t think I should have such thoughts, but I can’t control myself a little bit.”

Crazy, really crazy.

It is true that the human body does not generate electricity, but it is not impossible. My master and myself have said that when surpassing Yipin, there are attributes.

Most of it is actually a breath, very mysterious, not very clear.

The master talked about a person who cultivated the palm of fire a few years ago, and he surpassed the first grade. That palm seemed to make trees burn.

But these are all rumors, no real ones have been seen.

But not seeing it does not mean it does not exist.

Chen Fan? How could it be, how old he is, this should be her psychological function.

“Don’t think about it, it’s actually nothing. I think it does exist in psychology. If you like boxing, you actually like the feeling of abuse. It’s not sick.”

|”It’s not the same. Oh, forget it, forget about it, I just want to find someone to talk to, thank you.”

Zhu Yeqing nodded and left the room.

This night, it was destined to be an unstable night. The Grand Duke did know about Ye Aotian sending Anna to the hotel. Moreover, Anna and Ye Aotian went upstairs to the hotel together, and they were also known.

Obviously, Ye Aotian has ideas.

The Grand Duke was very angry.

However, Chen Fan sent a message to the Grand Duke that Anna was on his side.

The Grand Duke believes that Chen Fan, Chen Fan and Ye Aotian are rivals.

As for the fact that he beat the princess, Chen Fan did not talk to the Grand Duke.

Rose felt that tonight, he was completely unable to go to sleep.

“Number seven, have you rested yet?”

“Consider the jet lag, it’s already dark on our side during the day.”

“Trouble you, I want to know all of Dragon King’s overseas business.”

“This is not cheap, I can find not much, I can only give you a part.”

“Anything you can, give it to me, I want this guy to be completely ruined and completely dead.”

This anger, really, don’t you know that you have been greened?

Forget it, I told you that you don’t understand it, but you have found the wrong person. Chen Fan should be found hahahahaha.

No. 7 can see everything, as long as there are electronic products, she can control it.

Naturally, I also saw the scene of Chen Fan and Anna fighting.

Although shocked by Chen Fan’s strength, more still noticed something wrong with Anna.

According to the diary, Anna likes to beat her own man. In fact, in theory, the first man should be Ye Aotian.

But I was beaten by Chen Fan. In other words, Anna must have feelings for Chen Fan in this situation.

But Ye Aotian is the one behind the pan.

It hurts inexplicably, I didn’t do anything, I didn’t get my hand, and I was about to be chased by the hammer.

“Later the file will be sent to you, remember, the money will be directly in my account.”

“Well, okay, it’s troublesome.”

Afterwards, the Grand Duke thought for a while and called Chen Fan.

“Chen, have you rested?”

“Get ready to rest, what’s wrong, Grand Duke.”

“Thank you for taking care of Anna. If you are not there, I am really worried.

Not only do I take care of it, but my damn thing is going to be taken care of on the bed. Damn, you guy, be up for it.

Is it good to work hard?

Really, my heart is broken, eldest brother.

“Why did Anna come back from the hotel?

Chen Fan racked his brains and said, “I guessed that Ye Aotian would chase Anna without knowing the heights of the sky, so he sent someone to follow. After Anna entered the hotel, I sent someone to pick it up. I was worried. There has been an accident.”

The Grand Duke whispered in tears and said, “Thank you, Chen, I really appreciate you very much. If there is a need, please don’t be polite with me.

After that, I asked for an account directly with Chen Fan. The Grand Duke planned to give Chen Fan money, but Chen Fan refused.

“I think our Chen family will have a lot of cooperation with you in the future.”

“That is natural. From now on, in your China’s words, you are my brother.”

“You are older than me, brother.”

“Second brother.

Chen Fan really wants to say, eldest brother, sister-in-law and his mother are not a good person.

Forget it, I’m too lazy to worry about it, and sleep a lot. The next day, I still need to wait for being beaten in the face.

In the morning, Chen Fan habitually gets up early together.

Looked out the window, it’s fine, and it’s a damn rainy day.

[July 14th, the weather is overcast, although I am not in a good mood, but I am going to be beaten and I am in a good mood again][Recently, the heroines are getting more and more dishonest. I think I’m a little panicked. 】

[Fortunately, Laozi slapped her in a hurry. She slapped her a few times and slapped her. Just Ana, a few slaps, you just slapped you in seconds, and you are insane? You found the wrong person. 】

[Alas, the Grand Duke recognized me as a brother, am I counted, seduce my sister-in-law? I am, my finger will be broken. 】

[Today, I am going to be slapped in the face, I am going to be completely famous in Qincheng, Ye Aotian’s first battle, when I am completely famous. 】

[One-handed medical skills, stun the world, and then try to turn the tide, and I need to be like a clown in anxious and frustrated. 】

[Yes, the face-slap is over, I’m going to kidnap my big brother, oh, Lin Qingyue, don’t blame my big brother, I’m cruel, I have to kidnap you, don’t you? Know what kidnapping is? Old and brutal. 】

[I don’t know whether Zhu Yeqing can treat the undercover identity well, alas, this girl I don’t think it’s right, no matter what, as long as the plot is right, it’s right, and these people’s personal settings are not jumpy. 】

At this moment, Zhu Yeqing, who was looking at the diary, burst into tears of laughter. Chen Fan, the self-entertainment spirit, is really fun.

After revenge, Zhu Yeqing spent almost every day in hatred and emptiness.

When having new fun, she seems to feel that sometimes revenge is not necessary.

So yesterday, she decided to stay with Chen Fan and watch the show. This life is really quite interesting.

Similarly, seeing Jin Lan in the diary, simply ate breakfast, not having her role in the scene, which made her a little disappointed.

However, she should be able to play, after all, William’s arrival, she still needs to go to the scene to take a look.

Lin Qingyue was in the room, looking at the rope in front of her desk.

Kidnap me? Well, if you don’t kidnap me, you are a puppy, and I have all the ropes ready. I want to see if you kidnapped me for what reason.

Ling Yuyan glanced at the diary and sighed silently. Whether he was the heroine or not, it has been a few days without any ass.

Is it my own illusion?

I should be a fake heroine.

Forget it, don’t care, just follow the show, even if it is not the heroine, how can I be regarded as a special existence? After all, I still have a copy of the diary.

But Ling Yuyan is still angry. You have been writing in your diary for so many days, and your evaluation of the old lady is just a poo.

You are also ridiculous enough.

Yes, my old lady admits that I am a bit crooked.

But, that’s just my personal, it’s really outrageous, if you don’t give me the role, I will be finished.

Unfortunately, Chen Fan could not hear these heroines’ complaints, because he has very important things to do.

Three old Chinese doctors gave Chen Fan a plan.

And also marked the professional formula.Chen Fan took a look and, sure enough, he had to be beaten in the face. This formula was still too conservative.

The problem with the head of this housekeeper is actually the problem of cerebral hemorrhage. If you use western medicine, obviously, the craniotomy is done, but the whole person is completely abolished.

In traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture must be used.

The three of them were very accurate, but after all, their strength was a little weak. These acupuncture points were still not good.

If it’s good, it doesn’t make any sense.

But what’s interesting is that Zhu Yeqing gave this thing to Ye Aotian, that is to say, Ye Aotian relied on his own strength and used this plan to save the person.

Why is it successful, because of the effect of Ye Aotian’s Emperor Heart Jue.

It is the help of the so-called internal strength.

However, the description of this paragraph in the novel is not so detailed. After all, the author of the book is not a professional Chinese medicine author.

If this is a professional Chinese medicine doctor, you still make money by writing a fart novel.

In short, the protagonist is very good, acupuncture skills shocked the world, and then established his reputation and saved people.

It’s such a simple plot.

And Chen Fan is the one who needs to be slapped in the face.

After thinking about it, I handed this plan directly to Zhu Yeqing.

“.” Give this copy to Anna and the others, and let them have a look. ”

Zhu Yeqing nodded.

Look at Chen Fan.

Chen Fan looked puzzled, what are you looking at me? You honestly give Ye Aotian a copy of the plan. ,

Betray me, damn, what do you mean by the look in your eyes?”

Betrayal, sister (has Zhao), hurry up.

Otherwise, how awesome the protagonist is.

“Master, I know, but Anna and the others don’t seem to understand this.”

“It should be accompanied by a foreign Chinese medicine doctor. Just let them have a look. It’s just insurance.”

Damn, you have a lot of nonsense, hurry up, don’t ink, elder brother is anxious to go through the plot.

Zhu Yeqing walked out of the room and thought for a moment.

This scheme has been slightly changed.

In fact, she doesn’t understand anything, but if Ye Aotian needs it, then naturally she will give you some bad solutions.

The document was posted.

Soon, Ye Aotian called.

“Thank you. I will say that we will be very good partners. This time, you have to be careful. If it is not right, you must come to me. I can protect you.”

“Don’t worry about it.

When the phone was hung up, a line appeared in the diary.

Zhu Yeqing’s whole person is not good, damn, it’s hit.

[Found Zhu Yeqing’s first betrayal, wow ha ha ha, brother is going to punish you, it’s great, ha ha ha ha. 】

[Zhuyeqing is Zhuyeqing, and I gave a revised plan, which is very clever, because Ye Aotian understands medicine, how can he not understand where the plan is wrong? He][However, the betrayal was still discovered, but there is no way to say that she betrayed, only that she was kind to do bad things. 】

Zhu Yeqing froze for a long time, I was so wronged, I really wanted to cry.

I’m so hard.

ps: Please read it, thank you all.

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