Chapter 61 Give the Grand Duke a green hat? The protagonist is back? (seeking subscription, fifth)

Chapter 61 The protagonist is a bit miserable (seeking subscription, fifth more)

The salon lasted until the afternoon. Those who could still drink would naturally continue to drink. As for those who could not drink, they had already gone home one after another.

And Ye Aotian is the host, inviting everyone to go to his bar.

William is naturally very willing, because Anna is with William, so there is no way to go away, but to follow.

As for Chen Fan, it is an isolated existence. Obviously, many people in Qincheng now have an optimistic view of Ye Aotian.

Everyone knows that Chen Tianqiang will not take action because of a junior. If the Chen family really embarrass other families because of Ye Aotian, then the Chen family will not be really tough until now.

Therefore, Chen Fan had no choice but to go home.

Of course, this Chen Fan himself is still very happy.

He is eager to go home early to rest.

However, business still needs to pretend.

Anna’s housekeeper’s illness is a brain problem and has been in a coma. Some people say it’s not a brain problem, but a physical problem.

No matter how the western medicine shoots, I can’t figure it out.

Anna’s family did not want to perform craniotomy.

That’s why I sought the help of Chinese medicine.

Take care of the illness without hurting the elderly.

And the three old Chinese doctors began to prepare under Chen Fan’s arrangement.

Actually, Chen Fan is fine. The Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic, as an internal gong method that includes Chinese medicine, naturally improves Chen Fan’s level of Chinese medicine a lot.

Unfortunately, Chen Fan is the villain, how can the villain save people?

Even if you know that you can save people, you still need to go in the opposite direction, so that the protagonist has a chance to show himself.

In the room, the rain outside the window began to fall. Qincheng belongs to the south of the Yangtze River climate, so it is naturally rainy.

And the scenery is pretty good.

Zhu Yeqing poured some black tea for Chen Fan and said, “Master, the tea is ready.”

“Zhu Yeqing, you say, why, the people who played well with me at the beginning, how come they are suddenly far away from me.”

“Master, I think these people are afraid of you. I think it’s good to be like this.

Chen Fan turned his head and looked at Zhu Yeqing.

Sister, don’t play freely.

I just said something about the villain in twelve mouths, are you as you?

This line of yours has been added to the play by yourself.

“Why do you say that?”

“It’s scary, it’s hard, it makes everyone feel good, I think it’s hypocritical.”

Chen Fan approached Zhu Yeqing, stretched out her hand, talked about her chin, and said, “Then are you afraid of me or something?”

Zhu Yeqing blushed and said, “I naturally admire the young master. I am afraid that there must be some. I feel that you are so strong, young master.”

After speaking, he ran away, covering his face.


You are too much.

Chen Fan felt his heart touched just now.

I am embarrassed for you like this. How can you act so well and blush, damn it, and almost got the trick. Fortunately, my concentration is more vigorous.

Chen Fan has nothing to do at night, so naturally he intends to rest and sleep to play games.The difficult rest time should be cherished.

At the bar, a crowd of demons danced wildly, and Ye Aotian arranged for William to be accompanied by a special girl.

And Jin Lan and Anna each sat at the bar, drinking their own drinks.

Ye Aotian came to Jinlan and said, “You look very lonely.”

With the lines, damn it, what came up with cerebral palsy.

Your whole family is lonely.

Jin Lan said, “Oh, isn’t it? What do you think, what should I do?”

“Maybe it’s better to find a man, whether you are testing me or not, I think, I am worthy of your help now, you want to climb up, but Chen Tianqiang is pressing on me, we cooperate, I will destroy the Chen family , You go up, how?”

“I’m not interested, you can find someone else, I just look at William, this is an order, but since William is having fun, I don’t need to stay.,

After speaking, Jinlan left directly.

Ye Aotian looked at Jin Lan who was leaving, and smiled unconsciously.

Funny woman.

Ye Aotian looked at Anna and said, “Princess Anna, is there something on your mind?”

“You are really annoying, I said, I hate you, why do you still have to talk to me.

Ye Aotian was dumbfounded, it shouldn’t be, he has been teasing his sister for so many years, and no woman has ever dared to tell him like this.

“I know that the Grand Duke is very difficult to deal with, but I said, as long as you speak, I will naturally help.”

“Oh, you are amazing.

After speaking, put down the wine glass and left directly.

Ye Aotian came to William with incomprehensible thoughts and said, “Your sister, what’s the matter?”

“I don’t know, my sister’s work has been unpredictable.”

“Then why did Anna come to China? Purely to save people?”

“Perhaps, but, she only knew about the marriage contract a few days ago. After knowing it, she will come to China. How much has something to do with the Grand Duke? Why, don’t you like my sister? I told you that you’d better give up .”

“You family William, afraid of the Grand Duke?”

Huh, scared?

William said: “The royal family is just noble, it does not mean that it has rights. The real rights are naturally controlled by the Rothschild family. The queen can even be replaced. What do you think? Although your dragon king status is very famous, the grand duke is still Didn’t pay attention to it.”

“I advise you, it is best to control yourself, there are many women, there is no need to cause trouble for yourself.

“She is your sister, she is not happy, don’t you care?”

William was also said to be sore, and said: “How about it, what can I do? No one in the family dared to speak, I am an heir, what can I do? Drink, drink.

Ye Aotian looked at William and said: “We are good brothers, don’t worry, I will definitely not let your sister be wronged, I will definitely save her, I may not be enough to break the wrist with the Grand Duke now, but in the future, who knows Woolen cloth?”

And these speeches of Ye Aotian were naturally known by the Grand Duke. When he learned that Ye Aotian had taken the initiative to tease Anna, the Grand Duke had already sent someone to follow.

For the Grand Duke, it is not difficult to find an undercover agent.

And where is Anna at this time. ,

Only Chen Fan knows.

Chen Fan turned his head and looked at Anna lying beside him, lost in thought.

The Grand Duke is my brother. Don’t be like this. I’m nervous and fucking.

Chen Fan really feels that the woman in front of you is crazy, aren’t you playing in the bar?

Didn’t you go out to make a fuss?

There is nothing about your plot, but more or less, you should have a little contact with Ye Aotian, after all, Ye Aotian is still pretty.

Seeing that a woman can’t walk, isn’t this the protagonist’s talent skill?

What are you doing back?

In fact, Chen Fan’s senses are very keen. Chen Fan actually noticed it when Anna returned home.

But Chen Fan couldn’t move at the time.Is it necessary to tell the woman in front of me that in fact, Dad, I, I have noticed everything, know everything, and see it clearly?

Chen Fan can only pretend to sleep.

It turned out to be surprising that this woman went straight into her room slowly and leisurely.

The smell of a drink, the smell of various fruits in the mouth.

Chen Fan didn’t plan to see Anna at the time, and planned to turn his head and leave the woman alone.

Let this woman know what’s going on, and then, you will be fine, but for now, the woman in front of me has no idea of ​​leaving at all.

Then Chen Fan planned to move a little bit and turned his head to see the effect.

In the end, what made Chen Fan different was that the girl still didn’t leave, just looking at herself like this.

Fuck me, the Grand Duke is my brother, true brother, in the future, we will still play together.

I don’t want to ruin my relationship with the Grand Duke because of your presence. I think you must be testing me.

Yes, this woman is neurotic, for sure, she is now in a neurotic period.

Then, under Chen Fan’s stunned mouth, the woman stretched out her hands and opened her eyes.

She didn’t want to watch Chen Fan pretend to sleep.

This is Anna, Anna who is different from others.

Maybe it’s because of the character of foreign girls, what they do is careless.

If I changed to Zhuyeqing, I would just look at myself and leave.

But Anna doesn’t. I think you are not asleep. If you are not asleep, you are noisy and need to wake you up.

“Princess Ann, are you back?”

“Well, I’m back, you really slept, I pushed you so, and you woke up.”

Chen Fan smiled, sat up straight, and said, “Do you have no room to rest? I will find a room for you here. Don’t worry, I will take care of you on behalf of the Grand Duke.”

“Ye Aotian wanted to send me off. I didn’t agree, but he insisted and sent me to the hotel downstairs.

Chen Fan said, “What does this guy mean?”

“I don’t know, but I think he seems to be interesting to me.”

Ha ha.

“Sure enough, mud legs are mud legs. I really don’t know that the sky is high and the earth is thick. I don’t know, are you the woman of the Grand Duke? It’s really funny, even trying to provoke the Grand Duke.”

Sister, I beg you, you are normal, I am afraid now, you are like this, I don’t have any lines in my stomach, I am really too difficult, you can be a person, just let me stop for a while point?

I just want to follow the plot, what’s wrong with me?

“He drove me to the hotel. After I entered the room, I made sure he left. I ran out. No one knew that I was coming to your side.”

“This won’t work, your itinerary, I must”

“If you dare to tell the Grand Duke, I will tell the Grand Duke that you are plotting against me.”

I’m going to your uncle, who are you scaring?

Chen Fan went directly to the Blacken stage and said: “Want to threaten me? No one has ever dared to threaten me, neither can you.”

“Why? Angry? You hit me?”

I’m going to your uncle. ,

Chen Fan lifted it with just one kick and kicked Anna out.

This time, Chen Fan is controlling his strength, without full strength, it is about one-fifth of his strength.

Anna sat on the ground, her face couldn’t believe it.

It hurts to touch my stomach.

How dare he kick me?

“The matter between you and the grand duke, my blessing, my heartfelt blessing, the grand duke’s liking for you, I have already told me.”

‘I think the Grand Duke is very good, and I am very willing to cooperate with our Chen family in the future.

‘Can you stop the prosperity of my family as a little woman? Sorry, no matter how beautiful you are, it has nothing to do with me. ”

Anna doesn’t care about these things. At this time, what a woman thinks is very simple, you fucking dare to beat the old lady?

Anna rushed up directly and hit Chen Fan’s face with a fist.

Chen Fan didn’t get used to it either. He grabbed his arm directly and slammed back and pressed it to the ground.

247 “Be honest, I have learned a little fighting.”

“I care what you have learned, do you dare to hit me?”

Anna is just confused, just at a loss, it doesn’t mean that she needs to be bullied.

Zhao Zhao greeted Chen Fan’s face.

King Kong is not bad for magical skills. Chen Fan didn’t get it for nothing. The fist hit Chen Fan’s face, and Anna felt like her fist was about to fracture.

It hurts, really hurts.

But now she has gradually lost her mind.

She was just curious and wanted to see what Chen Fan, the diary villain, thinks, can she really resist women?

Or, does he really like it?》

She doesn’t believe that there are men in the world who are not interested in women, especially herself.

In one, she hated the Grand Duke very much, especially after she knew the plot, she hated it even more, and even hated Ye Aotian.

Perhaps, if Chen Fan didn’t show up, he might really come into contact with Ye Aotian, just simply disgusting Grand Duke.

But now that I know Chen Fan, if she has to choose, she wants to choose Chen Fan.

So she wanted to see what Chen Fan planned, but she never thought that Chen Fan would beat her?

Chen Fan is completely irritated, isn’t it you, this is not to admit defeat, it is also true, it is indeed a woman who came out of the underground boxing.

Just refuse to admit defeat.

Chen Fan looked at his fingers and smiled, Laozi electrocuted you.

A slap hit Anna’s face directly.

Anna was stunned and looked at Chen Fan in disbelief. The scene before her was completely familiar with Anna’s cognition.

“Not honest?”

Chen Fan slapped again.

Chen Fan’s rule is not to beat women. To borrow a phrase from anime, where is there a beast that does not bite.

It’s almost done, I have to sing in front of myself.

Anna felt that something was wrong with herself, and she gradually fell in love with Chen Fan.

“How could you dare to do it?”

Chen Fan slapped again and said, “What’s wrong with hitting you? It really angered me. I don’t have to be afraid of the Grand Duke. Remember, this is Qin City, my territory, do you know?”

“I see.”

“Then you can go to rest and sleep?”

“Yes, I will go to rest now.

“Zhu Yeqing, where did you die, take Princess Ann to rest.”

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