Chapter 32 What is the protagonist? (Seeking support, fourth more)

Chapter 32 What is the protagonist? (Seeking support, fourth more)

Don’t stop, I beg you, don’t stop, please, let him scream, really, the protagonist finally has a chance, don’t stop it.

Ye Aotian said: “I have never been afraid of Chen Fan. I don’t understand why you are afraid of this second generation of waste and rich.”

What am I afraid of him?

Your head is sick.

Ling Yuyan didn’t fight in one place, please, eldest brother, make it clear, he is a long-term villain, if he dies, how would you act?

As the novel is over, everyone has to finish it.

Ling Yuyan had a different idea about knowing the world of novels.

Jin Lan is going with the flow, but Lin Qingyue is going the other way.

Ling Yuyan is curious, or rather, looking forward to seeing her story, but she also cares about her family.

She didn’t want to put her family in danger because the world was destroyed.

Chen Fan is a traverser, knows all the plot, people want to kill you every minute, OK?

There must be a reason why you didn’t kill you, so don’t scream.

“Thank you today, thank you for pointing me, let me improve again.”

Ling Yuyan had a dark face and wanted to die.

Obviously, he was hiding, but he still encountered it.

In fact, when he came here at night, Ling Yuyan didn’t think much at all, just wanted to see who the undercover personnel next to Chen Fan were.

To put it bluntly, f*ck is addicted to chasing drama.

Curious about the next story.

Then I met Ye Aotian.

Ling Yuyan didn’t feel very good.

Sure enough, it still happened.

Li Long’s house, the one who stole things, Ye Aotian.

All are in line, the most important thing is that this guy has improved, which is very outrageous.

Damn, in the dark, is everything arranged?

“It’s up to you, whatever you love, it has nothing to do with me, goodbye.”

After speaking, Ling Yuyan opened the window and fled.

At this moment, Ye Aotian looked at Chen Fan who was sleeping, and compared Chen Fan’s neck with a knife.

“Wait, let you die, it’s too cheap for you, in the future, I must fix Lin Qingyue, let you cry and kneel and watch me hug Lin Qingyue.”

I beg you, hurry up.

Stop the fucking ink, I beg you, hurry up and chase the heroine, really.

Ye Aotian also turned the window and left.

Chen Fan sighed, got up helplessly, sat up, and covered Zhuyeqing with a quilt.

Came downstairs and looked at Li Wenqiang who was already dead, and walked back again.

Take out the phone.

[You have a lot of dramas, Ling Yuyan, do you have a hole in your head? The protagonist wants to retaliate against me, so what is your enthusiasm for? 】

[But it’s the protagonist in the end, look at this opportunity, and with the help of Ling Yuyan, he has improved his strength. 】

[What is the Son of Destiny? By the way, Zhuyeqing is so beautiful, this woman, can’t move now, can I…hehehe. 】

[Poor Li Wenqiang, still killed, I don’t know if Li Long will fry the pot]

After writing the last diary, Chen Fan went directly to rest. Tomorrow, he will still be in prison.

Have a good rest.

In the middle of the night, many people opened their diaries and looked at the messages.

Can’t help but fall into contemplation.

Sure enough, Ling Yuyan and Ye Aotian met, but Ye Aotian broke through. What is going on?”

What happened at night?

Curious, fuck, if only there was a live broadcast.

“Sure enough, I’m not mistaken. Chen Fan is not a good person. Didn’t he still touch Zhu Yeqing? In other words, this vengeful woman is really cruel in her heart.”

Lin Qingyue felt that she couldn’t do Zhuyeqing like this.

After reading the news, Jin Lan closed her diary and went to rest.

There is no role of his own, but a newcomer has appeared, which is quite interesting. Unexpectedly, there are many heroines.

Early the next morning, Chen Fan got up first.

I’m going to act in a while, so let’s get today’s award first.

[On July 11, the weather was light and rainy, and I was in a good mood. 】

[Today I am going to the detention center, I am going to the detention center, I am so excited, so excited. 】

[How am I going to act in a while? panic? Surprised, or ignorant? 】

[Hey, I don’t know, what level of strength Ye Aotian has, is it a fifth-grade or a fourth-grade? Your protagonist, how come you want to upgrade faster. 】

[The plot is not crooked, so happy, really worried, Ling Yuyan directly killed Ye Aotian. 】

[However, it is Ling Yuyan, after all, it is normal to like Ye Aotian, which is understandable. 】

[I have entered the detention center, then, the protagonist can go to Lin Qingyue to ask for credit, wow ha ha ha ha, the protagonist has treated you like this, you can just follow it. 】

[How romantic, to kill and harm people for you. 】

[Hahaha, hahahahahahaha. 】

【Wait, Li Long is dead, he is about to start acting, so uncomfortable, he will soon enter the life of a full-time villain. 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully uploading the diary. 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the reward, Lei Fa. 】

Chen Fan looked at the faint electric current on his fingertips, and wanted to die helplessly, damn it, this system gave him more and more power.

Lei Fa, also called attributes, can only be used after reaching a certain level.

Under the basic one, there is no play.

However, the martial arts in the novel world is weakened after all.

, At most, when fighting, you can paralyze the opponent.

For a master, a brief paralysis is enough to do a lot of things.

But Chen Fan’s Gold Finger has a drawback, that is, it will trigger the lightning effect unconsciously.

To put it bluntly, it is passive, these are not controlled by Chen Fan.

But Chen Fan doesn’t think there is anything wrong with this thing, isn’t it just that the eldest brother has some electricity on his body? It’s a fart thing.

After writing a diary, Chen Fan adjusted his breathing.

Began to shout desperately.

“Ah… it’s killing, it’s killing, it’s dead.”

Zhu Yeqing upstairs rubbed her head, she wanted to cry.

What she saw about last night was clear.


ps: Please support, thank you everyone, please give more votes to flowers.


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