Chapter 31 In the big evening, you have a lot of dramas (please support, third time)

Chapter 31: The big evening, you have a lot of dramas (seeking support, third)

When he arrived at the villa, Chen Fan probably understood what was going on, but it was actually a paty.

Li Wenqiang played it.

The gameplay is also very simple. Li Wenqiang found four women, one of whom was a beautiful woman, who wore sexy clothes directly in the house, taking care of Chen Fan and him.

Chen Fan said: “Yes, Li Wenqiang, I didn’t see it, you are more sassy than your dad.”

“Hahahaha, wherever you can compare, what you challenge is very difficult.”

After speaking, he looked at Zhu Yeqing, frowning.

Zhu Yeqing lowered his head, thinking, himself, whether or not to take off the clothes.

At this time, Chen Fan waved his hand and said, “This person will follow me in the future. It is my secretary, but I didn’t play it.”

Zhu Yeqing looked at Chen Fan in disbelief.

What kind of medicine does this guy sell, aren’t you a traverser? Why, you lost your head IQ when you crossed it?

If you know the plot, you must know that I am going to assassinate you and bring down your Chen family.

Why do you want to keep me by your side?

Is it for me to completely destroy your Chen family? Or are you just bored and need someone to talk?

As far as the diary is concerned, Chen Fan doesn’t seem to want to change the plot.

In other words, no one knows what the final result will be.

In fact, in the original book, Chen Fan’s parents died last.

However, Chen Fan couldn’t do that, and told him in his heart that it would be difficult to do this.

Therefore, the system has a contract with Chen Fan, which is about the final result of the Chen family, which can be slightly modified.

But I will definitely die, but my family can survive.

As for money, Chen Fan doesn’t want to care.

Maybe this is my bottom line.

A novel is a novel, and people are people. Chen Fan can’t do these things.

Li Wenqiang was very impressed in his heart. This woman was not easy to provoke at first glance. As a result, Chen Fan used it boldly.

Is this Chen Dashao’s method and pattern?

“What are you looking at? She is a cronies of the young and old. Are you not yet? Let me go dancing and prepare to eat. I didn’t see that. Did Mrs. Chen drank a lot of wine?”

Several girls nodded one after another and went to work.

After a few people played around for a while, Chen Fan was indeed a little tired and a little confused after drinking, so he asked Zhu Yeqing to send himself upstairs to rest and sleep.

Going upstairs, looking for a special room, Chen Fan lay down.

Zhu Yeqing prepares towels for Chen Fan.

“Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you. My heart lies with Lin Qingyue. I don’t have much interest in other women.”

At this time, Chen Fan was licking the dog infatuated.

But after Li Long died, Chen Fan was going to become a grumpy licking dog. At that time, Zhu Yeqing had no good days.

“I believe you.”

But don’t, I don’t believe in myself, you still believe in me, and sure enough, the women who have revenge have problems with their heads.

Chen Fan walked into the toilet and took out his mobile phone.

Tucao started.

[Fuck, Zhu Yeqing is on the stage, shit, it’s really bad. 】

[In other words, what happened between Ye Aotian and Lin Qingyue? Wasn’t it just a meeting? Why was my nose and face swollen? 】

[Who the hell was he who beat the protagonist again without telling me? Damn, how difficult is he to know? 】

[Forget it, it doesn’t matter, Zhu Yeqing, this woman, oh, don’t want to say anything, take revenge, come on, I am optimistic about you, and one day you can make me go bankrupt. 】

[I don’t know when Li Wenqiang will die. If he does die, Li Long’s death date is approaching. At that time, Qin Cheng will start to shuffle his cards. 】

After writing the final diary, Chen Fan returned to the bed and looked at Zhu Yeqing, who was already on the bed.

“Take a rest inside you.”

Zhu Yeqing nodded.

She didn’t take off her clothes, to be honest, she still didn’t dare.

At night, Li Wenqiang was tired and uncomfortable downstairs, and fell heavily.

At this time, someone quietly opened the window and walked in.

He skillfully lit a candle, looked at the situation on the ground, despised it, and went upstairs.

Just after Ling Yuyan went upstairs, someone walked in again along the window.

When I saw Li Wenqiang lying on the ground, he took out the knife and wiped it directly on Li Wenqiang’s neck without saying a word, killing him directly.

Then he looked upstairs and walked upstairs step by step.

I found Chen Fan’s house, and as soon as I opened the door, I met a woman in black.

The two glanced at each other, and shot directly without saying a word.

Although Ye Aotian was beaten, he was not injured too seriously, but when confronted with Ling Yuyan, he obviously felt that his level was not enough.

“Why are you blocking my good deeds one by one, who are you?”

“Go to the underworld and say go.”

Ling Yuyan quickly cut through Ye Aotian’s skin with the scalpel.

Kicked him out with a kick.

At this time, Ye Aotian felt the Emperor Heart Art in his body slowly revolving.

“Come again.”

Head sick?

Ling Yuyan punched again. This time, Ye Aotian flew out, and then killed him again.

“Come again.”

Ye Aotian felt that he was about to break through.

Ling Yuyan didn’t get used to it either, and continued to shoot.

When Ye Aotian got up together, waved, and said: “I think our purpose is the same, it’s all Chen Fan, right.”

Fool you, my old lady is just curious about who this vengeful woman is, the fuck, who has the same purpose as you?

After thinking for a moment, Ling Yuyan took off the mask.

At this moment, Ye Aotian thought a lot.

“You… are the female thief in Qincheng.”

“Chen Fan can’t kill.”

Nonsense, of course you can’t kill it. Ling Yuyan felt that if Chen Fan died, it might have an unpredictable impact.

And Ye Aotian, the same can’t die. The protagonist is dead, this novel can be over.

“I understand that about the Chen family, I am only teaching Li Wenqiang today, and I will blame this incident on Chen Fan on the way.”

? ? ? ? ?

You are really a little genius.

Ling Yuyan said, “No, no one will believe it.”

Damn, you are sick.

Chen Fan really remembered it and strangled Ling Yuyan to death.

If the protagonist wants to put the blame on, he will put on the blame, what kind of energy do you have.

I did it all, so don’t stop it, damn it.


ps: Please support, thank you everyone, please give more votes to flowers.


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