She suddenly stared at Lin Xingyun.

Almost instantly, he saw through his entire bottom.

Jianxin, the ten-inch wheel sea, and the six Yuan Mansions were not the focus of her attention.

After making sure that Lin Xingyun's divine soul was not taken away by some strong person, she relaxed a little.

But the doubts in her heart came even more like a sea

of mountains! "Junior Brother, you... What father...?"

Liu Xinyan was asking, but was interrupted by Liu Qiuyan.

"Xinyan, you first go and wait outside the cave mansion.

"I'm with your junior brother... Let's talk alone..." Liu

Qiuyan looked struggling, but still decided to let Liu Xinyan avoid it first.

"Yes, Master..."

Liu Xinyan became more and more surprised.

But she was also not good at rebelling against her master, so she had to leave angrily.

When there were only two masters and apprentices left in the cave mansion.

With a wave of Liu Qiuyanyu's hand, a overlapping space prohibition was placed around to ensure that no one could detect it.

"Say, how do you know...?"

she asked a little warily.

Although she knew that with one look of herself, she could kill this little guy thousands of times.

But after all, the other party is his own apprentice, or his best friend's junior.

Before she asked, she couldn't do it rashly.

At this time, in Lin Xingyun's eyes, Liu Qiuyan had no secrets to speak of.

Because just when she explained to Liu Xinyan, she had already seen her attribute panel clearly.

"Name: Liu Qiuyan"

cultivation: Great Emperor Realm

Life Script: [Yaochi Female Emperor] Golden Life Number:

[Heavenly Talent] Gold, [Heavenly Spirit Holy Body] Orange, [Palm Godmother] Orange, [Benevolent and Kind] Blue, [Father's Drag] Gray, [Ominous] Black............

Favorability: 50 [normal

] Detailed explanation:

[Yaochi female emperor] Jin: Originally the daughter of the immortal Liu family, the capital of Tianzheng, the crown of the same generation, her father Lin Twilight is a Dacheng Taichu Holy Body of the Lin family, the combat power is comparable to the emperor, but abandoned his mother and daughter early, his mother was the head of the Yaochi Holy Land, so that she worshiped the Yaochi Holy Land, supported its growth all the way, and then fought in the Immortal Domain for 10,000 years, and finally became an emperor, titled Yaochi Female Emperor, but after becoming an emperor, Lin Twilight's holy body underwent ominous changes, lost her mind, and made chaos everywhere, she couldn't bear to hurt her father, so she had to seal it and bring it back to the depths of Yaochi, forgetting the hidden space at the bottom of the Immortal Lake, but as the holy body deepened and aggravated, and finally she was negligent and was ominously eroded, resulting in a great reduction in the emperor's life............


Spirit Holy Body] Orange: The ten physiques of the Immortal Domain rank ninth, and the strength of the pure flesh body can be compared to the Primordial Saint Body and the Overlord Body of the Underworld, and joining forces with people can greatly increase the opponent's combat power.

Orange: His mother was in charge of the previous generation of Yaochi Holy Land, supported and cared for her all the way, and passed on the position of leader before her death.

[Benevolent and kind] Blue: Benevolent by nature, he treats his disciple Liu Xinyan as his own, rarely kills when he fights the emperor road, and has leniency after defeating his opponents, but his opponents are usually chased and killed by his best friend Lin Rong.

[Father's Drag] Ash: His father was the Lin family's Dacheng Holy Body, and he abandoned his mother and daughter at an early age, resulting in his lack of father's love since childhood, and the post-Holy Body mutated ominously, causing chaos everywhere, making him work hard and eventually contaminated with ominousness.

[Ominous] Black: Has been haunted by the Dacheng Taichu Holy Body, and has to divide part of the cultivation to suppress, and needs to recuperate for a long time, get rid of the ominous in the body, and it is difficult to fight with the strong in the same realm.


Lin Xingyun read it at that time.

A lot of bold ideas were born.

Naturally, he had to support Senior Sister and talk to Master Venerable alone.

"Master, you forgot, I am also the Lin family.

"I know a little about the ominous mutation of the Primordial Eucharist.

"As soon as I saw Master, I sensed that you were contaminated with the Eucharist and ominous.

Lin Xingyun made a sad and regretful look and looked at Liu Qiuyan and said.

"How is it possible? This..." Liu

Qiuyan became more and more surprised.

She had tried her best to suppress the ominousness in her body, and not a trace of qi leaked out, and even Liu Xinyan could not find the slightest.

The other party is a Yuan Mansion Realm, can actually feel it?"

Could it be that it is the Lin family's bloodline, and it is particularly sensitive to the ominous body of the Primordial Holy Body?"

Liu Qiuyan thought secretly and continued to ask.

"How do you know... This is my father's

guess?" "This is the disciple's guess, because the Fourteen Ancestors once mentioned to me that your father, Master, is a Dacheng Saint of my Lin family. "

Ah, she........."

Liu Qiuyan was shocked and angry when she heard this, and secretly complained about Lin Ronglai.

"Rong Rong, she... Why did she tell this little guy everything?!" She

didn't know that in Lin Xingyun's Qiankun Ring, there was also a copy of "Smoke and Smoke Raiders" that Lin Rong stuffed in.

It details Liu Qiuyan's family background, life, preferences, habits, and physical characteristics, and Lin Xingyun occasionally takes it out to look at it.

It's just that there is no record in it that her father Lin Twilight happened ominous.

It seems that this matter, Liu Qiuyan even Lin Rong was hiding it from death.

It is estimated that he is afraid that with Lin Rong's style, he will forcibly solve the trouble for her............

"Since you have noticed it, keep it a secret for your master."

"Remember not to tell your family Fourteen Ancestors, this matter... For the master will deal with it..."

Liu Qiuyan sighed lightly, and ordered Lin Xingyun with a sad face.

"Master, it's not enough to keep secrets.

"It is recorded in the texts of my Lin family that those ominous are extremely rare and difficult.

"Master, you might as well let the disciples give it a try, maybe you can help the master and get rid of those ominous."

Lin Xingyun said with a sincere look.

About that kind of ominous legend, because it is closely related to the Primordial Holy Body, it has indeed been recorded in the Lin family.

It is said that it is a strange and terrifying energy, like a tarsal maggot, which will gradually erode people's minds and eventually cause people to fall into madness.

But not every generation of the Primordial Holy Body will produce ominousness, just like Lin Chen, Lin Feng's father and son, they have not been eroded by ominousness.

"Huh?" "

Nebula, you have this heart, and I am already very pleased for the teacher. "

But this ominous is too weird, even being a teacher is difficult to get rid of, you still concentrate on cultivation, don't replace the teacher..."

Liu Qiuyan showed a look of relief on his face, and admonished Lin Xingyun with a wry smile.

"Master, let me try it once.

"You are the first master in my life, the so-called one day as a teacher, a lifetime for..."

"If I can't try to help you, it will leave me with lifelong regrets, and it will not be conducive to my future practice!"

Lin Xingyun became more and more cheerful and sincere.

"Nebula, you..." Liu

Qiuyan couldn't help but be a little moved.

I didn't expect that this little apprentice had just worshiped his subordinates, and he was so sincere and filial.

She is naturally benevolent and soft-hearted.

At this time, seeing Lin Xingyun so firm and sincere, he was indeed afraid that he would have a deficiency in his heart.

"Since this kid knows all about it

..." "It's better to let him see a little, or let him retreat..."

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