But when I thought about it, the other party was Meng'er's own sister after all.

Now Meng'er has not woken up, and she is always worried about her life, but she wants to give her sister..........

Even the beasts like him felt that this was too much of a beast!

He calmed down for a while, so he laughed lightly.

"Gee, senior sister, your reward is too petty and perfunctory. "

Huh?" "

Bah, Lin Xingyun... You're a little beast! I'm all... That's all... You actually call me stingy!" Liu

Xinyan heard this, and suddenly became embarrassed.

She instantly put on her robe, and when she got up, she was about to pull Lin Xingyun's ears to teach him a lesson.

"Senior sister, if you really want to reward me, just untie the prohibition on the winter coat.

"You should also know that your apprentice is a treasure body, and I need her treasure body origin to forge a foundation for me."

Lin Xingyun waved his hand to stop her and said bluntly.

"Why, you approached her just for this?"

You are not only a little beast, but also a personal scum

!" "How can my apprentice be destroyed in your hands!" Liu

Xinyan was even more annoyed, gritting his teeth and raising his jade hand, almost about to slap Lin Xingyun good-looking.

"Don't worry, I'll be responsible for her, and besides, I'm happy with Hanyi, aren't I?"


""You give me ———!"

Liu Xinyan could no longer listen, grabbed Lin Xingyun and threw it casually.

He turned him into a stream of light and threw him far away from the Sword Peak............

"This little beast... I'm mad at me!" Seeing

his junior brother being thrown away, Liu Xinyan was still so angry that he stomped his foot.

However, when she thought about it, she couldn't help frowning.

After getting along for a long time, she naturally understood Lin Xingyun's cultivation path.

The other party wants to cultivate every realm to the limit, and the stronger the foundation, the better, and Zhao Hanyi's female treasure body origin is indeed very suitable for the other party.

But when she thought that her own apprentice would preemptively talk to her junior brother............

She was jealous and angry, and she almost wanted to beat Lin Xingyun to her knees and beg for mercy!



The next day, in the deepest part of the Yaochi Holy Land, in front of a quiet cave mansion surrounded by mountains and waters.

Liu Xinyan and Lin Xingyun were dressed up and waited here together, waiting for the summons of the master who was retreating in the cave mansion.

After a while, the stone gate of the cave mansion slowly opened on its own, and a vast aura rippled out of it, as well as a faint, but still terrifying Diwei.

Liu Xinyan led Lin Xingyun and slowly walked into the cave mansion.

When the two walked to the depths, the cave suddenly opened up.

I saw that this place was like a small world, countless treasures and medicines were born everywhere, and a gurgling golden stream of water flowed out from the stone wall of the cave like a waterfall, merging into a vast deep pool.

That water flow was similar to the Origin God Spring Water, but the Dao Rhyme, Purple Qi, and spiritual power contained in it were thousands of times thicker than ordinary Origin God Spring Water!

And in that deep pool, on a jade platform throne, there was a green-robed woman sitting at the end.

"Disciple meet Master!" Liu

Xinyan immediately led Lin Xingyun and bowed down to salute.

"Well, get up.

The woman ordered, her voice as gentle as a spring breeze.

The two immediately got up, and Lin Xingyun looked at his master.

However, as soon as he looked closely, he couldn't help but be a little stunned.

The woman on the jade platform, dressed in a luxurious green robe, was sitting cross-kneeled, with a holy temperament like a lotus, but faintly exuded the strong coercion of the top superior.

She is not only beautiful as a fairy, but also quite similar to Liu Xinyan.

But her facial features and face are more mature, the charm and style are wonderful, and her expression is even more gentle and soft.

Lin Xingyun couldn't help but think of Yingqing.

He also had to admit that this kind of-like and beautiful woman really moved him the most!

Especially between Liu Qiuyan's eyebrows, the faint sadness and worry were even more pitiful, so that Lin Xingyun couldn't take his eyes off.

And Liu Qiuyan found that he looked at himself, and he was a little stunned.

She was also not angry, just as Lin Xingyun was a child's heart, she asked with a smile.

"Xingyun, practicing in the Yaochi Holy Land, are you still used to it?"

"Master Xie cares, everything is fine with the disciples.

"Thanks to Senior Sister's good care and care for the disciples.

Lin Xingyun came back to his senses and immediately replied.

"Oh, as long as you can speak!"

Liu Xinyan listened to him say this, and remembered last night's beauty, and couldn't help but blush and scold.

"Just get used to it, the fourteen ancestors of your family entrusted you to me, and I naturally want to cultivate you.

"But unfortunately, I'm afraid I still don't have time to teach you personally..." Liu

Qiuyan's face showed a little helplessness, and then asked Liu Xinyan about the recent situation of the Holy Land.

After Liu Xinyan returned one by one, she nodded slightly and ordered.

"Heart Word, then continue to have your four peak masters work together to manage the Holy Land.

"If there is a big matter that is undecided, come to the teacher."

"This... Master, do you want to retreat again?"

Liu Xinyan was puzzled and at the same time, joy welled up uncontrollably in his heart.

Because this means that she can personally teach her mentor and disciple again, and get along with him for a while!"


Xinyan, you have to practice hard, I'm afraid that you will be a teacher..."

"Forget it, don't mention those, you teach your junior brother well."

"This is the master's order, and if you have any elixirs, imperial scriptures, and magic weapons you need, you can take them at will according to the order."

Liu Qiuyan sighed softly, raised his hand, and floated a shining jade tablet to Liu Xinyan.

"Yes, Master..."

Seeing this, Liu Xinyan's thoughts suddenly disappeared.

Just looked at Liu Qiuyan with a worried face.

It took a while before she plucked up the courage to ask.

"Master, if you have any difficulties, you may as well tell your disciples.

"Although the disciple is low in cultivation and unable to solve it, he may also be able to honor you as a master..."


For the division has its own measure.

Liu Qiuyan smiled indifferently, and as in the past, comforted Liu Xinyan affectionately.

"Yes, Master

..." "The disciple retreats..." Liu

Xinyan was still full of worry, but he had to salute and retreat, and he was about to lead Lin Xingyun and leave sadly.

"Senior sister, you go back first.

"I have something to say to Master Venerable alone."

However, Lin Xingyun suddenly spoke up.

Let both the master and apprentice be stunned.

"Junior Brother, what are you going to do?"

Liu Xinyan couldn't help but question.

"Xingyun, if you have something to say, it doesn't hurt to say it, your senior sister has nothing to listen to.

Liu Qiuyan also frowned slightly, puzzled.

"Master, you don't want your father's affairs to be known by others, do you?"

asked Lin Xingyun with a smile.

Liu Qiuyan's face suddenly changed drastically, and her delicate body couldn't help trembling.

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