I saw that around him, a huge brilliant golden crow had already turned out, rising to the sky and screaming, flapping its wings and mighty!

Behind the golden crow, a fuso plant, a round of scorching sun, huge and thousands of zhang, are also gradually taking shape.

The spiritual power in his body surged out wildly, and immediately urged the huge golden crow to attack Lin Xingyun.

When the golden crow, the sword light, and the immortal bell collided with each other.

The deafening collision sound of "——————!"

instantly resounded in a thousand miles

! And between the stirring of spiritual power, countless mountains, grass and trees were cut off by the escaping sword qi!

When this mountain range was almost destroyed.

That golden crow couldn't support it, and it was cut into two sections by the sword light!

"Cluck ———!

" "What ——?!"

Ye Yu's physique vision was cut through, and when he was terrified, his breath also weakened a lot.

However, that sword light and immortal bell, Yu Wei was still there, and he had already killed in front of him.

He was so shocked that he had to summon a roaring divine fire and all his spiritual power, cover his right fist, and shout violently, exerting his own peerless powers.

"Extreme Yang Emperor Fist!" he

punched out, as if he had struck a round of glorious scorching sun!

Once again, the two sides reached a stalemate.

Soon after, the sword light, immortal bell, and fist shadow burst open in unison.

Ye Yu was directly blasted hundreds of zhang away by that huge momentum!

"Big brother ————!"

Ye Que called out in horror, and immediately ran towards Ye Yu.

When he rushed to Ye Yu's side, he saw that although he fell to the ground and barely supported himself, he was covered in dust, but fortunately he was not seriously injured.

"Ahem... Cough...

..." However, Ye Yu coughed a few times, and still spat out two mouthfuls of blood!

"Big brother, how are you, I'll notify Uncle Jiang to treat you and give that kid..."

Ye Que said, hurriedly about to take out the transmission talisman.

"Go... Go!" "

This hatred... We'll report it later!" Ye

Yu grabbed him back.

He didn't even catch a Yuanfu realm today, and he didn't catch a move, and he was cut until he vomited blood!

After a

slight pause, Ye Yu immediately got up and glanced at Lin Xingyun with extreme resentment.

He knew that his brothers were completely planted in the hands of this kid today!

"Lin Xingyun

, you won!" "But today's shame, our brothers will remember it

!" "Today you took advantage of the victory, but in the future, if you and I fight to the death..."

"I will definitely make you regret what you did today!"

After he angrily put down his cruel words, he used his magic power, took Ye Que with him, and left for Qinzhou City in the blink of an eye.

"Huh, life and death fight?"

"At that time, you don't even have a chance to regret it!"

Lin Xingyun showed a vicious smile.

When he injured Ye Yu just now, it made Ye Que's heart anxious, and he exploded 10,000 villain values for him.

Since these two brothers have such a good relationship.

He had already decided that in the future, he would first slaughter Ye Yu and drain his Extreme Yang Body Origin

! I believe that the pain of losing his brother will definitely make Ye Que burst through the Heavenly Spirit and the villain!

And the three of Yingqing immediately came closer at this time, surrounding him up and down.

"Young Lord..." "

I was... I shouldn't have come to the Lin family to find you and get involved in this turmoil..."

"It's me... I'm sorry for you......" An

Miaoyin helped Lin Xingyun wipe her sweat, her beautiful eyes were red and apologetic, her face was full of guilt, and she was about to cry.

At this moment, she only felt remorseful.

At the beginning, he did have the idea of borrowing the power of the Lin family to get rid of the Ye family.

But at this moment, looking at Lin Xingyun for his own sake, he dared to cross two great realms to fight with Ye Yu.

She only felt both moved and self-contained.

"Don't be so sentimental, and I didn't do so much just for you.

Lin Xingyun chuckled and patted her head.

Even if there is no An Miaoyin.

Ye Que and Ye Yu two brothers, he can't let go, the other party is destined to become a mortal enemy and be harvested by him!

"You're not for me, then for whom

?" "Is it just to toss Ye Que?" "


She was even more sure at this time that the other party was very arrogant.

Obviously they have done this for her, but they are still denying it.

"Oh, she was struck.

"I'm really trying to toss Ye Que!" Lin

Xingyun smiled secretly and did not poke it.

At this point, he looked at An Miaoyin's system panel.

Anyway, the favorability of the other party has gradually risen to 97 [to death].

He also let An Miaoyin continue to make up his brain.



The next day, in front of the Qin family's mansion.

Today, the Qin family held a banquet for the gods and sons, lined up hundreds of miles of red silk, golden screens, and jade trees outside the mountain gate, and even attracted thousands of five-colored rare birds, hovering in the air of the mansion gate to greet the guests.

Since the beginning of the Chen, there have been noble guests from all over the world, all of whom are representatives of forces with heads and faces in the Immortal Domain.

They either came with high-level demon beasts pulling Xuan chariots, or riding various immortal boats, or imperial swords and winds.

After handing over the invitation and gift list at the door of the Qin family, they each looked for friends and companions and went to the banquet together.

At this time, above the sky, the Lin family's immortal boat was also coming unhurriedly.

And inside the Xianzhou box.

Lin Xingyun was lying comfortably on Su Qianwu's lap, eating the spirit fruit fed by Yingqing.

An Miaoyin was pinching his foot obediently, and the technique was very gentle.

After her affection for Lin Xingyun deepened, now she is more and more handy and considerate as a maid.

When Lin Xingyun was enjoying himself, he couldn't help but sigh a little.

"If only Luo Luo and Meng'er were there..."

he recalled, and was ready to get up and continue cultivating.

However, the entire immortal boat seemed to have collided with some foreign object, and suddenly trembled violently.

"Well, what's going on?" When

Lin Xingyun was puzzled, Yingqing had already turned into a streamer for the first time and went to the outside world to check.

But after a while, Xianzhou stabilized.

Yingqing also returned to his life.

"Young Lord, a member of the Immortal Monarch family, just drove a Xuan car with a nine-headed dragon and deliberately crashed into our Immortal Boat.

"Now Elder Lin Qian is arguing with them. "

Oh, Jun family?"

Lin Xingyun thought for a while, then got up and walked out of the room.

I saw that many of the Lin family's entourage had already gathered on the Xianzhou deck, and under the leadership of Lin Qian, they confronted a huge Xuan car.

The other party's Xuan car is also extremely luxurious, vast and hundreds of zhang, the main material used seems to be some kind of divine wood, exuding purple treasure light, and there are nine-headed Divine Fire Realm dragon monster beasts in front of it, driving forward.

"Jun Hanhai, you bastard, you dare to collide with my Lin Family Xianzhou, do you want to start a war!"

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