"Shut up for me!" At

this time, Ye Yu drank violently, and the coercion of the Divine Fire Realm was fully released, instantly calming everyone in the audience.

Seeing that no one dared to say more, he walked to Ye Que's side and stretched out his hand on Ye Que's shoulder.

"Second brother, how are you?"


Big brother, I... I lost......" Ye

Que covered his heart and coughed twice in pain.

His face was ashen, and he still couldn't believe it was true.

And opposite him, An Miaoyin had already hugged Lin Xingyun with adoration.

She never expected that Lin Xingyun could even be far better than Ye Que in the evil way of gambling stones!

"It turns out that you really know how to gamble on stones, and you are so powerful, you are worthy of being my young master!" "

I'm not powerful, do you know today?"

The flirting between the two fell in Ye Que's eyes.

Let the humiliation and unwillingness in his heart completely climb to a new peak!

"Ding, the host caused the child of destiny to collapse, and the reward villain was worth 30,000!"

Lin Xingyun nodded in satisfaction, and asked Ye Que with a smile.

"Since you admit defeat, then according to the previous agreement, with this maid of mine..."

"And slowly!"

Ye Yu waved his hand and said coldly.

"Lin Xingyun, today my second brother planted, do you dare to compete with me again?"

"I only have the Yuanfu Realm for you, and I won't force you.

"You pick me up three times, catch it, you take this woman."

"If you can't catch it, you will have to make amends to my brother in public and confess your mistakes, and you will also hand this woman over to us for disposal!"

Ye Yu said sharply with a grim expression pointing at Lin Xingyun and the others.

"Ye Yu, you have already cultivated to the perfection of the Divine Fire Realm, and you actually proposed this kind of gambling contract, do you still want to be faceless!"

"Young Lord, don't agree, he is an Extreme Yang body, combat power..." An

Miaoyin hurriedly pulled Lin Xingyun, wanting to dissuade him from fighting.

However, before she could finish speaking, Ye Yu interrupted coldly.

"Absurd, who the hell doesn't want to face

!" "You humiliated my brother so much today, is it really a bully for my Ye family!"

"Lin Xingyun, what you said before has some truth, it is indeed inconvenient to call two saints to fight.

"But if you don't dare to fight, I won't stop today's affairs!" However,

Lin Xingyun understated and extended a finger towards him.

"Three moves are too troublesome, one move will determine the victory.

"However, you picked me up.

"If you can take it, even if I lose, how, dare?" As

soon as the words fell, everyone present showed a ghostly expression.

This little brother of the Yuanfu Realm is provoking the completion of the Divine Fire Realm, and

also letting the other party take him?

"Hmph! It's ridiculous

!" "Lin Xingyun, I really didn't expect that you are an obscene thief crazy to this point

!" "Okay, I'll take you a move, I heard that you have transformed into a congenital Dao embryo, with extraordinary qualifications, let's see how capable you are

!" "If you dare to speak back, you will bear the consequences!"

Ye Yu showed a mocking face, and immediately agreed.

"Young Lord, you really want to..." Ying

Qing and the others wanted to dissuade them again, but Lin Xingyun waved his hand, signaling them to be at ease.

Not long after, a hundred miles southeast of Qinzhou City, in a deserted mountain range.

Ye Yu stood with his hands in his hands, looking contemptuously at Lin Xingyun not far from the opposite side.

"Let's make a move.

"No hurry, I'll warm up first."

Lin Xingyun chuckled, then flipped his hand and took out the Blood Killing Sword.

Now that he had shaped the Sixth Yuan Mansion, he was trying to test it.

See what kind of strength he will have if he goes all out without relying on the Great Luo Dao Sword!

The surrounding body began to continuously transform into lapis gold sword grass, all of which was poured into the blood killing sword.

It seems that he is about to use the third magical power of the "Nine Leaves Sword Technique" again, and cut the stars with one grass!

The disadvantage is that to cast it, you need to charge up your strength, and it is easy for the enemy to take advantage of the opportunity to kill.

The advantage is that the longer it is charged.

Last time, he fought against Lu Ming and Chu Yu, and delayed with nine Great Saint Soldiers.

The front and rear charging power does not exceed half a quarter of an hour.

But at this moment, he was ready to charge his strength to the limit and

cut out this sword again! While constantly pouring sword grass, he turned his left hand and took out the Tiangang sword box.

A slap of the sword box sounded with the sound of the machine.

Thirty-six enhanced sword grasses also flew out in unison, all infused with the blood killing sword.

Then put away the sword box and hold it with your left hand downward.

The Great Desolate Sutra was fully unleashed, and in this mountain range, a vast amount of earth, grass and tree aura immediately emerged, gathering towards him at great speed.

This kind of terrain, the Great Desolate Sutra is even more advantageous.

After letting his cultivation breath break through to the early stage of the Cave Heaven Realm step by step, he continued to climb upward.

Half an hour later, there were already at least tens of thousands of lapis sword grasses injected into the body of the Blood Killing Sword.

Ye Yu, who was not far away, also felt a little bad.

"Lin Xingyun, what are you still delaying!" "

Why? Are

you afraid?" "If you are afraid, I can strike now."

Lin Xingyun said with a defiant smile, but it was right in Ye Xingyun's weakness.

"Ridious, I will be afraid of you in a Yuanfu realm?" "

Although you are dying, when you lose, I will let you kneel on the streets of Qinzhou City and confess your mistake!"

But he did not underestimate the enemy, and a blazing sun-like divine fire emerged around him, protecting him thoroughly.

At the same time, the right hand formed a fist, and the majestic spiritual power surged, ready to respond at any time.

However, seeing that the sword weapon in the opponent's hand was at best not at the level of the Divine Fire Realm, he didn't use the magic weapon.

Lin Xingyun's face did not change color, and continued to use the Great Desolate Sutra to extract spiritual energy, and then turned into sword grass and poured into the blood killing sword.

The ninety-nine thousand giant elephant particles in the body were also flashing with divine light, surging out vast spiritual power!

Another quarter of an hour passed.

At this time, the Blood Killing Sword had been injected with more than hundreds of thousands of lapis sword grass!

And Lin Xingyun was not enough.

The power of his soul surged in his eyebrows, and five consecutive spirit swords flew out.

They were all attached to the Blood Killing Sword.

At this time, he held the arm of the Blood Killing Sword, and it began to tremble.

It seems that this kind of magical power has finally reached the limit.

Three feet above him, the vision of the Great Dao Immortal Bell was transformed again, circling non-stop.

"Lin Xingyun, you are endless, what are you........." Ye

Yu couldn't help it, and urged again.

However, before his words fell, Lin Xingyun suddenly

burst out and struck! "A grass, cut the stars!" As

he swept across with a sword, a vast scarlet sword light instantly burst out, slashing towards Ye Yu with the momentum of slaughtering everything!

"Jin Wu Yaoshi!" Ye

Yu reacted quickly, and immediately cast his physique vision.

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