"After this incident, let me go to retreat and penance!"

Yang Zhi ordered coldly without looking back.

"Yes... Master!" "

Obey the Peak Lord's Order!" the

crowd agreed tremblingly.

Tang Yu also shrunk in the corner of the team.

At this time, there were many people, and it was really inconvenient for him to get out.

But he had already made up his mind that the Yaochi Holy Land could not stay for long.

Lin Xingyun already knew the existence of the Tianji Town Demon Tower, and the danger was too great.

Although he was sure that Lin Xingyun would not be stupid enough to share this big secret with others.

But he was ready to disperse in the meantime.


this moment, in the Xianwu Peak camp, Lin Xingyun could no longer attack him.

It's safe for now.

As for Su Qianwu.

He could only tearfully give up, intending to meet again.

I don't know when I meet again.

Whether the other party has become a wife or a mother............

As soon as I think of it.

He felt a colic, and

compared to the fear and panic of everyone in Xianwu Peak.

Asked Jian Feng, but there was laughter.

Everyone heard about the glorious deeds of their own swordsman.

One sword defeated the two holy sons of Immortal Wufeng!

They asked Jian Feng, this time the limelight is too big!

And everyone in the front, Liu Xinyan also smiled.

I almost want to hum a little tune.

Looking at the three old guys, they looked bitter like dead parents.

She was secretly refreshed.


long after, when the giant gate of Wonderland was about to close.

A white fairy beast finally stepped out of the nine-colored fairy light.

Although her face was full of disgust at this time, her brows were furrowed.

But he still carried Lin Xingyun and the four of them and flew to the Qianjian Peak camp.

"What kind of demon

beast is that?!" "So beautiful, so powerful, and the realm is extremely high, is it..."

"This won't be the ancient immortal beast in the fairy realm that the peak lord reminded, right?!" "

That little sword... And tame that immortal beast?" "

Is this son omnipotent? The more he has the posture of a great emperor

!" "It's too much! He is alone, and he actually rides with three beautiful women, isn't he too crowded!"

This is simply unethical and unbearable

!" "That's right, you should change me! I also want to be squeezed!" "

Me too!" Seeing

Lin Xingyun suddenly riding Bai Ze appeared.

The disciples of Saint Rufeng and Wei Daofeng could no longer restrain themselves and began to talk in amazement.

And everyone in Xianwu Peak was hateful and afraid, and still no one dared to make a sound.

"It's that ancient immortal beast!" "

It was actually born, and it was carrying that kid..."

Really recognized that kid as the master?!"

"It's ridiculous! It's ridiculous!"

"Alas, this kid is really extraordinary, we shouldn't have rushed to agree to gamble..." Yang

Zhi and the other three peak masters were also surprised.

However, he was afraid of the might of the Lin family.

At this time, they are not good to say much, let alone rob.

In the Qianjian Peak camp, seeing that his own sword son had finally returned, he burst into cheers.

All the female disciples swallowed their throats while adoring and obsessively looking at their own swords.

In every woman's eyes, there is a desire to "want".

And Lin Xingyun had already ridden Bai Ze and fell straight in front of Liu Xinyan.

"Senior sister, oh.

He raised his hand and flipped it, and thirty-three enlightenment peach immediately floated out, one lot.

"Good junior brother, well done!"

Liu Xinyan praised with great joy.

I just felt that the more I looked at this brother-in-law, the more pleasing it was.

Then, she waved her hand towards the three peak masters.

"Willing to gamble and lose, take it!" When

Yang Zhi and the three heard this, their faces darkened countless times in Qiqi.

"Good, what a sword

!" "Take it!" Yang

Zhi gritted his teeth fiercely, his face was full of pain, and he threw out five quasi-emperor pills.

"Alas!" the

other two old peak lords also sighed.

In the end, he threw his hands and threw out five quasi-emperor pills each.

Liu Xinyan took it in his hand and didn't look at it.

He handed Lin Xingyun eight.

Lin Xingyun was also not polite, and directly accepted it into the Qiankun ring.

"Ho, Lord Liu Feng is so generous

!" "He is only in the Yuan Mansion Realm, can he be able to consume the Quasi-Emperor Pill?"

"Be careful of your family's sword, explode and die!" Seeing

this, Yang Zhi couldn't help but say with a strange yin and yang qi.

Immediately urged Lin Xingyun coldly.

"The bet, I've given.

"Lin Xingyun, you also return my two apprentices' Great Saint Soldiers.

After Yang Zhi finished speaking, his face was already extremely ugly.

The two apprentices of their own family were not only defeated across two great realms, but even the Great Saint Soldiers were snatched away.

He had to ask for it himself.

He only felt that an old face had been lost!

"What great saint soldier? What else?" "

Why should I return the magic weapon I robbed with my ability?"

Lin Xingyun waved his hand, looking like a matter of course.

"Lin Xingyun, you are simply shameless

!" "I could see at that time, you are just using the power of your jade sword magic weapon to win the victory!"

"Those magic weapons are all my Xianwu Feng's, why are you forcibly taking them?


, then when you heal your injuries, come to me again and try it."

"I won't need a magic weapon then."

"If you can defeat me, you Great Saint Soldiers will be returned!"

said Lin Xingyun, smiling provocatively at Lu Min and Chu Xin.

"You are the Holy Son of our Yaochi Holy Land, and it is estimated that you are more than one or two hundred years older than me.

"You won't fight me fairly, don't you dare

?" "No, won't you?" "

Lin Xingyun, you ————!"

Lu Min and Chu Yu were simply angry.

Yang Zhi frowned, just about to refute Lin Xingyun.

"Lord Yang Feng, can't you see that my junior brother is deliberately motivating your two apprentices to practice penance

?" "He is so painstaking, how can you fail him?" "

So decided, those three Great Saint Soldiers will be kept by my junior brother first."

"You people from Xianwu Peak don't even have the ambition to be shameful in front of a snow, right?" "

No, won't it?"

Liu Xinyan tacitly cooperated with Lin Xingyun in public.

"Lord Liu Feng

, you ———!" The words made Yang Zhi unable to get off the stage!

"Good, good, good, you ask Jianfeng, it's rare to be proud today

!" "He will personally take two inferior disciples to ask Jianfeng for advice

!" "Go!" Yang

Zhi was so angry that his face twitched, and he turned around and was about to leave.

Everyone in Xianwu Peak could only follow rudely.

However, just as everyone in the three peaks was preparing to disperse.

Lin Xingyun suddenly stopped him in a loud voice.

"And slowly!" "

There is another person, please ask Lord Yang Feng to dispose of it." "

Hmm?" "

Who?" said quickly!" Yang

Zhi questioned, turning his head.

His expression was grim, and he couldn't wait to slaughter

Lin Xingyun on the spot! "Your new true disciple of Xianwu Peak, Tang Yu!"

said Lin Xingyun, pointing directly at Tang Yu in the crowd.

"This person is sinister and vicious, and in the fairyland, he has repeatedly tried to murder me and seize my chances.

"Even when I asked the immortal beast to recognize the lord, he encouraged the immortal beast to kill me!"


Lord Yang Feng, tell me, should he deal with it?"

Lin Xingyun made a look of hatred and asked loudly in public.

Everyone in Saint Rufeng and Wei Daofeng heard that there were melons to eat.

They all stayed where they were.

Tang Yu was even bluffed by him and stunned on the spot.

After coming to his senses.

His eyes suddenly widened fiercely, and

he got up and roared angrily.

"Lin Xingyun, you... You...... You're spouting blood!" he

only felt a breath of depression, blocked in his heart.

Even with his heart.

At this time, they all felt extremely angry!

This beast obviously took everything from himself.

He had never seen such a brazen man!

Pleaded directly to Yang Zhi.

"Master Venerable Mingjian, the disciple has not done these things, he is completely slandering

!" "Ask the master to be the master of the disciple!" Yang

Zhi frowned and looked at his new little apprentice.

The other party is extremely talented, and he actually likes it very much.

Immediately asked Lin Xingyun.

"You said it so seriously, but do you have evidence?" Lin

Xingyun patted Bai Ze's paws beside him.

Motioned for her to testify.

Bai Ze still had a grudge on his face.

It seems to be very disgusted, Lin Xingyun just did a good thing in Wonderland.

Contaminated her fur,

but she still tacitly said to Yang Zhi.

"I testified that the kid did encourage me to kill my master.

As soon as the words fell, the audience immediately burst into an uproar.

It's all about fighting with the same door.

To take the life of the same family, this is an absolute taboo!

Everyone began to accuse and abuse Tang Yu.

The female disciples even looked at Tang Yu with collective hatred and fiercely condemned them.


Yang Zhi shouted angrily, his face turned black.

Then he stiffened and questioned.

"It's just an immortal beast, and it recognizes you as the Lord.

"Naturally whatever you say, it says.

"I'm afraid it's hard to be convincing.

Lin Xingyun seemed to have been prepared and suggested with a sneer.

"In that case, let my senior sister search his soul in public.

"Don't you know, has he ever done those things?"

"Lin Xingyun, you have to mess around again

!" "Don't you know that soul searching is easy to damage the foundation of the divine soul!"

"My disciple of Xianwu Peak can't be wantonly accused by outsiders..."

Yang Zhizheng retorted with a cold face and an evil voice.

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