With Tang Yu's ability, if he took this divine light hard.

It can be said that death is undoubtedly!

But at this time of great crisis of life and death.

His body once again burst with dazzling purple brilliance.

A small nine-story tower shadow flickered in his Yuan Mansion.

The divine light that Bai Ze shot out, although powerful.

But as soon as the blow was in front of him, it instantly collapsed.

Yu Wei did not disappear, scattered in all directions, and smashed the four walls of the cave mansion to pieces.

Tang Yu was not too surprised, and still stared at Lin Xingyun with great resentment.

"Lin Xingyun, the mountains don't turn around. "

I'm not done with you!" Tang

Yu roared angrily, and then pinched his hands.

Urging the pagoda, he turned into a purple light and galloped towards the outside of the cave mansion.

Seeing this, Bai Ze immediately connected his right claw, and dozens of divine xia blasted away.

But he still couldn't stop Tang Yu, and he escaped without a trace in the blink of an eye.

"Forget it, he can't escape the palm of my hand."

Lin Xingyun patted Bai Ze's dragon horn.

"Although his strength is low, he has the Tianji Town Demon Tower for self-defense, and it is indeed difficult to kill.

"Unless there are multiple great saints, or there are quasi-emperors to make a move, there is no certainty.

Bai Ze sighed and replied helplessly.

Lin Xingyun thought about it.

Just subdued Bai Ze and took Tang Yu's chance, causing him to collapse mentally.

Let his villain value increase by another 40,000, and Tang Yuqi's luck value decrease by 20,000.

It is estimated that he will take the Tianji Town Magic Tower again.


You seem to have a lot of experience, is there a way to help me snatch the Tianji Town Demon Tower?"

"How is it so easy?

"However, our family has a noble bloodline and is born to understand and know all things.

"Since you've asked me, I do have two methods."

"The first one is that you completely repair your Great Luo Dao Sword, and I will teach you how to capture the tower." "

Oh?" Lin

Xingyun was stunned, and then looked inwardly at the Yuanfu.

The Great Luo Dao Sword, after these days, continued to devour those holy soldiers of his.

It has recovered a little from the original third of the sword body.

Well, about one thousandth or so..........

However, with the gradual recovery of the Dao Sword.

The speed of devouring magic weapons and divine materials will gradually increase.

"This method is still too slow, is there another way?" "

Hey, the second method is even slower!" Bai

Ze pouted and frowned.

"The second method, you only need to restore the Great Luo Dao Sword to half.

"But you'll have to find its scabbard, merge the two, and temporarily exert some of its power in its heyday before it can match my methods." "

Do you know that the scabbard disappeared at the same time as the Da Luo Dao sword, I don't know how many tens of thousands of years!"

"The Immortal Domain is vast, how do you say you can find it..."

Without waiting for it to finish, Lin Xingyun interrupted with a chuckle, waving his hand.

"I got it roughly.

"When I restore half of the Dao Sword, let's use the second method."

As he spoke, he jumped up and rode on Bai Ze's back.

Grabbed the two dragon horns and gave them a try.

"Well, it's pretty good.

"By the way, I forgot to ask, are you male or female?"

asked Lin Xingyun casually.

The other party's voice contains a wonderful rhyme, which is difficult to distinguish.

Bai Ze was stunned.

Then he raised his head and said angrily.

I can't see it, I..."

she yelled halfway, suddenly a little embarrassed.

She has not had such contact with a living person for tens of thousands of years.

For a while, I forgot even this precaution..........

Lin Xingyun reacted to this.

Looking towards Bai Ze, he looked around.

Soon, he saw ............

"Oh, that's good.

"Then I don't have to be afraid of you killing people and taking treasures."

"It's not a secret, my physique is not afraid of all female creatures in the world. "

I bah, do you want to be faceless, the Great Emperor doesn't dare to blow like you!" Bai

Ze couldn't help but stick out his tongue and said disdainfully.

"You'll understand later.

"Let's go, get out of here.

Lin Xingyun patted her dragon horn.

Bai Ze snorted, and then the four claws became windy.

In an instant, he stepped out of the cave and flew onto the lake.

When the two landed on Lake Island.

Zhao Hanyi's three people, looking at this mighty white-haired fairy beast, were all amazed.

"Nebula! Danger!" "

It... It could be that what the master said... That immortal beast that must not be provoked?!" Zhao

Hanyi reacted and hurriedly reminded.

"It's okay, come up and sit.

"Now she's my mount, let her carry us out of Wonderland."

Lin Xingyun smiled and stretched out his hand.

"Hey, hey, hey, I'm just talking about being your mount alone. "

I didn't say that these ants can ride me!" protested

Bai Ze dissatisfied.

"If you look closely, is she also an ant?" Lin

Xingyun smiled and pointed at Su Qianwu.


Bai Ze stared at Su Qianwu with a pair of blue eyes.

Took a closer look.

Suddenly, her pupils shrank sharply again, and her eyes flashed.

The next moment, she exclaimed directly.

"She... She is the Da Luo Scabbard?!" "She

actually... Right next to you?!" Bai

Ze saw the details of Su Qianwu, and suddenly opened his mouth in amazement.

It was then that she finally understood.

Why did Lin Xingyun, just without hesitation, chose the second method.

It turned out that the scabbard had long been found by him!

Lin Xingyun smiled and beckoned.

With spiritual power, Su Qianwu was raised.

One hand held Bai Ze's horns, and the other hand put his arm around her slender waist.

I can't help but secretly feel funny.

Da Luo's sword scabbard, he uses it every day.

How could you not find it?

"Winter clothes, ice orchids, come up." Seeing

this, the Zhao sisters also jumped behind Bai Ze.

Lin Xingyun patted Bai Ze and was about to leave.

Su Qianwu raised her small face and asked timidly.

"I just... See my brother.

"He also flew out from the bottom of the lake and flew straight away." "

You two... Is it fighting again?"

Lin Xingyun glanced at her and said casually.

You care a lot about him?"

No! Don't think about it! I just... Just afraid of you... Really kill him..." Su

Qianwu hurriedly put her arm around his waist and explained non-stop.

For fear that Lin Xingyun would misunderstand.

"His parents in his village are still waiting for him to go back to retire."

"Uncle Tang and Aunt Tang are very good to me, if he is really killed by you, how can I feel at ease?"

Lin Xingyun glanced at Su Qianwu.

The other party is just kind by nature, which is nothing.

However, for Tang Yu, he will not be soft.

He thought for a moment.

The corners of his mouth evoked a sinister smile.

"Xiao Wu, don't worry.

"For your sake, how could I really kill him?"

"However, he framed me repeatedly and tried to take my chances.

"I have to give him a hundred million punishments."

"That... Then don't go too far...,"

Su Qianwu was saying, and was suddenly pressed on Bai Ze's back by Lin Xingyun.

"You remember, every time you mention Tang Yu in the future.

"They all have to be punished."

After Lin Xingyun finished speaking, he patted Bai Ze.

"Fly higher and go into the air where no one can see." "

Well, what are you going to do?"

Bai Ze was also stunned.

In her heart, a sense of foreboding suddenly arose..........

(50,000 words omitted)



At noon of the day.

Outside the giant gate of the Queen Mother's Wonderland.

At this time, the disciples of the four peaks had already come out of the fairy land one after another.

The giant gate of Wonderland is also about to close.

Among the four peaks, except for Qianjian Peak, everyone else was silent at this time.

Because Yang Zhi and those two old peak lords were dark-faced and full of resentment.

No one dares to touch the mold with a loud voice.

Behind Yang Zhi, Lu Min and Chu Yu took the lead.

A group of disciples knelt on the ground.

The residual sword qi on the bodies of the two holy sons had been swept away, and there was no fear of life.

But the two were covered in cold sweat at this time, kneeling there and not daring to move.

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