Thirty-six enhanced sword grasses.

Half attacked Jiang Nan.

Half attacked the other true story.

Seeing this, the true messenger shouted in shock.

He also immediately mobilized all his spiritual power to resist.

The seventy-two cave heavens are like seventy-two flood furnaces, releasing raging spiritual power.

After attaching to the sword, he slashed fiercely towards Lin Xingyun.

However, the strengthened sword grass broke through his sword light almost instantly.

Then, like a broken bamboo, he cut off his protective spiritual power.


His limbs were also instantly penetrated.

Screamed and flew out backwards.

"Junior Brother Liu!"

Jiang Nan urged the god and demon phantom to resist the eighteen sword grasses with difficulty.

While discovering in horror.

At this point on the platform.

There are only two people left, myself and Lin Xingyun!

He couldn't help but sweat coldly, thinking back.

Before the contest begins.

The four of them, still fighting.

Who strikes first to teach Lin Xingyun......

Now in the blink of an eye, I am left alone....

The other three junior brothers.

It's all blurred with flesh and blood, and it's miserable!

Looking at the killing sword in one hand and the sword box in the other.

Lin Xingyun who attacked towards him.

At this moment, he was from the bottom of his heart.

Boundless fear was born!

Even the hand holding the sword began to tremble.

"Heh, the mind is so fragile, how can you cultivate the Sword Dao?"

Lin Xingyun saw his flaws and couldn't help but sneer.

Then he swung his sword and connected the dots.

Another thousand sword grasses quickly emerged, forming a nine-leaf sword array.

Now he has a great increase in the wilderness.

The power of the sword formation has also skyrocketed.

And all the sword grass is only for Jiang Nan alone.

Lin Xingyun also put the eighteen enhanced sword grasses in front of Jiang Nan.

All thrown into the sword formation as the main attack!

Even if he is a complete cave realm, he still can't bear such a killing.

After a dozen breaths.

His Demon God Illusory Armor was completely chopped to pieces!


And he himself, his momentum plummeted, spitting out a large mouthful of blood.

Then countless sword grasses swarmed up.

Penetrate all his limbs!

Unable to support himself, he fell to his knees.

In the end, he was also unwilling and lay in a pool of blood............

See Jiang Nan completely lose his combat power.

Lin Xingyun just slapped the Tiangang sword box.

Re-infused with sword grass.

Right now.

The blood-killing sword in his hand is also seen in the stitches.

He began to siphon Jiang Nan's blood again.

"Stop sucking."

"In the future, if there is more blood and food, it will feed you."

Lin Xingyun patted the hilt of his sword and ordered indifferently.

The Blood Killing Sword stopped siphoning ruefully.

Otherwise, Jiang Nan and these three people would be drawn into dry corpses in a blink of an eye.

After taking the Tiangang Sword Box and the Blood Killing Sword back into the Qiankun Ring.

Lin Xingyun looked at the two elders on the edge of the platform.

"Elder, it's time to announce the results."

"Knot... Outcome?

"Oh! Good...... Good! The

two elders were still in shock.

After Lin Xingyun's reminder, he came back to his senses.

Immediately mobilizing spiritual power, Lang Sheng announced.

"Ask the four true legends of Jianfeng and challenge Jianzi Lin Xingyun."

"Jianzi Lin Xingyun......... Victory! The

crowd at the scene was also shocked and stunned.

This is the first time to wake up.

All exclaimed!

"Groove? Lie down - groove!

"Win? He won? He won four in one hit ?! "

Yuanfu Zhan Dongtian... It's still a pick..."

Can you win too?!

"Even those holy sons and holy daughters have never had such exaggerated achievements!"

"This kind of combat power ... Ask Jianfeng, this sword son, has the posture of a young emperor!

"He is only in the Yuan Mansion Realm, so he is strong like this, and he will have it in the future?"

"Shhh! It turns out that the sword is not only handsome, but also terrifying!

"This doesn't make people live?!"

"Look at those senior sisters, junior sisters, what kind of idiots have become!"

"Alas! The four True Transmission Senior Brothers all lost so badly..."

"In the future, we will ask Jian Feng, we really want to become the world of Sword Son!"

"Maybe it's also a good thing, the sword is so powerful."

"It will definitely lead us to ask Jianfeng, become bigger and stronger, and create brilliance again!"


A group of male disciples.

The discussion is hot.

The female disciples looked at Lin Xingyun's peerless heroic posture.

I can no longer contain the excitement and excitement.

Everyone was red in the face and screamed!

Zhao Binglan was the first time.

Cheers flew onto the stage.

Excitedly, he threw himself into Lin Xingyun's arms.

Hugging Lin Xingyun, his face was full of excitement.

"Young Lord! You... You turned out... It turned out to be so powerful!

"Just now you... Too... So handsome..."

"I... I seem... It seems to be..." She

put her arm around Lin Xingyun, her beautiful eyes watery.

The little pink face is full of spring heart and adoration.

A pair of slender little pink legs are twisting and pinching.

It seems to be emotional.

And just behind her, Zhao Hanyi also rushed to the scene.

Took Lin Xingyun's hand.

Look closely to see if he is injured.

At this time, she was also inexplicably excited, and her jade face turned crimson.

For a long time, Lin Xingyun was in her heart.

He is also a cute younger brother who needs protection.

Unexpectedly, today, the other party was powerful.

Forcefully defeated them and asked the four true legends of Jianfeng!

Even she had a feeling.

In this battle, Lin Xingyun still has many reservations.

Even if it's on your own.

I'm afraid, I don't have a full grasp of dealing with him.

One thought of it.

It made her heart beat wildly and her body was hot!

I can't wait for now.

Just pull Lin Xingyun and return to the Sword Pavilion.

Continue the frontier!

At that time, I will still ... Can suppress him fiercely!


Just as this fierce battle came to an end.

The top floor of the main pavilion of the peak.

Liu Xinyan was very invisible.

Twist and lie by the window.

She craned her chin and watched the movement below with relish.

"This little bastard, his skills are really not small."

"The Yuan Mansion is complete, defeating the four Cave Heaven Realm True Legends."

"Aren't they all innate Dao embryos?"

"How is he better than I was back then......... So much fierce?

Liu Xinyan pursed her lips and complained breathlessly.

"And he spends too much intestines!"

"If I hadn't blocked it in time, wouldn't he have had to be with those three girls that night

..." "And look at the virtue of the winter clothes, gee, sooner or later he will have to give it..."

It's a big deal..."

Little bastard...,"

Liu Xinyan said to himself, and read it for a long time.

He scolded Lin Xingyun for a while.

He closed the window hatefully.


After this war.

Ask the position of Lin Xingyun's sword son in the sword peak, and no one dares to object.

This time, everyone was completely pleased.

They all really saw it.

What is the name of the demon Tianjiao!

After the competition, Lin Xingyun's reputation record.

It also spread rapidly throughout the entire Yao Pool again.

That's when everyone understood.

Ask Jianfeng this little sword.

Not too presumptuous.

But strength does not allow him not to be arrogant!

Many people are beginning to think.

With Lin Xingyun's qualifications.

In the future, he will definitely be able to win the position of Holy Son of the Holy Land!

Even many elders couldn't help but sigh after they found out.

This son has the posture of a young emperor!

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