Meng Liangchen couldn't resist it.

It was pierced by countless sword grasses, and the left arm was penetrated in turn.

Crushed bones, minced meat, scattered all over the place.


He screamed bitterly again!

Then Lin Xingyun controlled the sword grass.

Directly cut off the platform!

At this time, he was covered in blood and passed out.

"Junior Brother Meng!"

"Let's strike together and break this sword array!"

Jiang Nan shouted angrily and swung his sword again, urging the Demon God Shadow.

In all directions of the sword array, countless divine rays of light were slashed.


The other two also made their own moves, using sword qi to slash a large area of sword grass.

However, the three Cave Heaven Realm True Legends combined their forces.

The Nine-Leaf Sword Array is still unbreakable!

Lin Xingyun's spiritual power was like endless.

Continuously transform the sword grass to replenish the lack of the sword formation.

"Stepping on a horse! How did this kid's spiritual power become like this?! "

How do I feel... Our three Cave Heaven Realms..."

"They are all likely to be consumed by him!"

"No, we have to find another way!"

"I'll open the way and take his Buddha-figure directly!"

The trio quickly changed tactics.

Jiang Nan stepped forward, and the other two tried their best to help him resist the sword grass.

But the three of them did not act.

Sword grass in all directions.

Suddenly it dissipated out of thin air!


"What's going on?!"

When the three were surprised, they looked at Lin Xingyun.

I saw that he didn't know when.

Already holding a scarlet long sword.

As if looking at prey, look at them with a sinister smile!

"Sword Formation, I'm familiar with it."

"It's hard to get a hand, let's use you to practice swordsmanship to fight!"

Lin Xingyun's extremely contemptuous words came.

Let Jiang Nan and the three be furious!

"Kid is arrogant!"

"It's you who are looking for your own death, and you can't blame me!"

Jiang Nan scolded fiercely, and his figure galloped.

In an instant, he approached Lin Xingyun.

The sword in his hand was blatantly cut out.

The Demon God Shadow behind him also merged with him and slashed towards Lin Xingyun together.

This sword is amazing, and its power is enough to split the river and the sea!

Some of the weaker disciples in the audience.

They were all shocked by the power of this sword, and they instantly fell to their knees.

However, Lin Xingyun did not dodge.

Raise his hand and sword, and confront Jiang Nan head-on.

"Sonorous ————!"

The sword weapons and spiritual power of the two sides collided.

A sound of gold and stone cracking came out deafeningly.

What shocked everyone's jaws was.

This first sword is a head-to-head fight.

It was Jiang Nan again, together with the demon god behind him, all of them were picked out and flew out!

"Senior Brother!"

The other two couldn't care about the horror, and immediately attacked Lin Xingyun with their swords.

Lin Xingyun's face was as usual, and he continued to swing his sword to fight.

Under the exchange of kingos.

The ground under the three quickly shattered large pieces.

Countless sword qi scattered in all directions.

Each one was already enough to kill an ordinary Yuanfu Realm cultivator!

If it weren't for the two elders, they would be protected by spiritual power.

At this time, there were already dead and injured in the audience.

"I use my sword with all my strength, he can actually take it..."

"This horse is the Yuanfu Realm?!"

"If he achieves Dongtian in the future, won't he be able to slash me with a sword?"

"This son... It's terrifying! After

Jiang Nan stabilized his figure, his heart was already terrified.

Lin Xingyun's strength exceeded his expectations too much!

At this time, he suddenly hesitated.

In his major exercises, there is also a secret method of amplification.

It can temporarily skyrocket the combat power several times.

However, it will consume a lot of qi and blood and damage the foundation.

He also didn't know if he should pay such a big price for this battle.

However, he was hesitating.

Suddenly, I saw the side.

Zhao Hanyi under the platform was holding his heart in his hand at this time.

Incomparably focused, looking at Lin Xingyun.

That charming face was full of concern, admiration, and pride.

For him, I didn't look at him at all..........

This made him instantly jealous!

"Lin Xingyun!"

"I have to kill you today!"

He roared fiercely, and then pinched his hands, and an eerie black light rose around his body.

"Devil Slaying Ascension Spirit Method!"

I saw that the black light was absorbed into his body, and his cultivation also skyrocketed instantly.

But he did not break through to the Divine Fire Realm.

It only reached about half a step of divine fire.

After all, the gap between the Divine Fire Realm and the Cave Heaven Realm was too big.

But at this time he is.

The aura of spiritual power is also several times stronger than before!

The Demon God Shadow before also completely turned into armor.

Become one with him and make him powerful.

He immediately raised his sword again and rushed towards Lin Xingyun.

This time, as soon as he spoke, he brought a giant hurricane.

A sword cut away, shattering the mountains, is simply a breeze.

And Lin Xingyun also waved his sword again to resist.

"Sonorous ————!"

Two swords against each other.

The sound of jingo became even louder, and it instantly spread in all directions.

This time, the strength was finally equal, and there was a stalemate.

"Feather Spirit Technique!"

"Flying Sand Sealing Curse!"

The other two true legends also reacted.

Take advantage of the fight between Jiang Nan and Lin Xingyun.

Use the Amplification Secret Method right away.

The cultivation aura of the two of them also suddenly rose to the level of Cave Heaven Realm Perfection.

Seeing this, Lin Xingyun couldn't help but show a sneer.

"Great Desolate Sutra!"

He pressed down with his left hand, and immediately gathered countless earth grass and tree spiritual energy.

He also raised his cultivation by leaps and bounds.

But his roots are too strong.

In the end, he only cultivated the breath and barely raised it to the early stage of the Cave Heaven Realm.

Then a sword came out.

Cut Jiang Nan off again!


Jiang Nan didn't even have time to be shocked.

Lin Xingyun had already chased after him with his sword.

"Senior Brother!"

The other two true legends immediately came to help.

Lin Xingyun wanted to hone his close swordsmanship.

With the four of them, fight with pure sword moves.

I saw the sword shadows of the four people flying like electricity, and the blade was as fast as thunder.

In a few breaths, hundreds of moves have already been stumbled!

And everyone in front of the peak main pavilion.

Looking at Lin Xingyun, a sword in his hand, as if the heavenly gods were under mortals.

Fight alone in the Three Cave Heaven Realm True Legends.

To put it mildly, they were defeated.

Everyone was strangely silent.

Everyone feels that they are afraid that they are not dreaming!

And only a moment passed.

Due to the blessing of half a sword heart.

Let Lin Xingyun between this hand-to-hand combat.

The comprehension of swordsmanship is growing rapidly!

And with the three true passes, after a thousand rounds of non-stop attacks.

He felt like he had almost comprehended it.

It was suddenly slashed out.

In an instant, hundreds of lapis gold sword grasses burst out from the tip of the sword.

One of the true legends hurriedly resisted.

Seventy-two caves around his body released divine light, surging spiritual power towards Lin Xingyun.

But it was still strongly penetrated by those hundreds of lapis sword grasses!

The defense is not as good as below.

All four limbs were pierced by sword grass, and in an instant, blood and flesh were blurred.

He then fell in a pool of blood.

There is no longer any more resistance.

And the blood killing sword in Lin Xingyun's hand.

But it was a fierce light.

Begin to quickly radiate suction, siphon his blood!

"Junior Brother Zhang!"

Jiang Nanqing shouted urgently.

However, the next moment, Lin Xingyun forced him back with a sword.

Immediately, he flipped his palm and took out the Tiangang sword box.

Just raise your hand and pat it.

The thirty-six sword grasses that were cultivated instantly popped out like flying swords!

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