Both of them are fairy and jade, like fairy couples.

Let everyone look envious.

"Xiao Yu, the fourth prince of the Apocalypse, meet the young lord!"

"Meet the Young Lord!"

Seeing this, Xiao Yu did not dare to be rude, and immediately led everyone to worship.

"Excuse me."

"Luo Luo mentioned to me that you are her fourth brother and usually take good care of her."

"We'll be a family soon, so we don't have to be so formal."

Lin Xingyun ordered with a smile.

"Yes, fourth brother, you hurry up, Nebula he is very easygoing."

Xiao Qianluo listened to Lin Lang's words, only felt sweet in his heart, and also proudly ordered.

"Yes, thank you, Young Lord."

"It is really a blessing that Qianluo can win the favor of the young lord, and I also ask the young lord to move the honor, and a wine banquet has been prepared in the palace to catch the wind for the young lord."

Xiao Yu replied, then got up and smiled kindly.

"Well, let's go."

Lin Xingyun nodded.

The group entered the capital and headed for the palace.

Half an hour later.

In the Qianqing Hall, which specializes in banquets in the palace, there are already songs and dances, and the plans are staggered.

Xiao Yang, the lord of the imperial dynasty, occupies the first seat.

With Lin Xingyun on the side, talk and laugh with the wine.

Xiao Qianluo blushed a little face, like a little daughter-in-law.

Obediently sat next to Lin Xingyun.

Just now, Lin Xingyun briefly explained to her father.

said that his previous withdrawal from marriage was just that their little two were awkward.

Now that I'm back together, I apologize.

The words gave Xiao Qianluo enough face.

Make her as sweet as if she had drunk honey.

She was simple-minded, and she was only thinking about Lin Xingyun.

The resentment and resentment when he was first dismissed.

Now it's just forgotten by her!

Xiao Yang, as the head of the imperial dynasty, has a broad vision.

I don't care about the personal entanglement between these children.

Although he also knew that something big had happened to the Lin family now.

But what if Lin Chen's father and son returned safely?

Now he can still catch the second young master of the Lin family, and it is too late for him to be happy.

There will be no revenge at all.

Everyone present also congratulated one after another.

Being able to get closer to the Lin family would be of great benefit to their entire imperial dynasty!

However, the partial seat under the jade step.

A black-robed young man, but his face was full of disdain.

Sneered and looked at Lin Xingyun, who was in everyone's attention.

"Bah! What a young master of the Lin family, but a waste body that can only provoke women!

"Why is the imperial sister so confused! This wasteful father and brother, I don't know if I can come back alive, follow him, and still enjoy the scenery for a few days?

"It's just flowers on cow dung!"

Xiao Chen looked at his fairy-looking imperial sister.

With a loving face, he snuggled next to Lin Xingyun.

I can't help but secretly scold with contempt.

Since he was a child, he has had a good impression of his simple and kind Seventh Emperor Sister.

Now seeing her, she is about to fall into Lin Xingyun's "fire pit".

It's really urgent and hateful, and it hurts!

However, when he continued to look at Lin Xingyun with hatred and contempt.

Suddenly, Lin Xingyun also looked at him.

The two looked at each other, and Xiao Chen found it strangely.

When the other person looks at him, it is as if he is looking at prey.

The eyes are full of greed!

As if I want to knock myself out of the bones and suck the pith!

"What for? Why is he looking at me like that?!

Xiao Chen was shocked.

It seems to see some kind of big horror!

Then subconsciously bowed his head.

Avoided Lin Xingyun's gaze.

"Ding, detected the son of destiny - Xiao Chen!"

"Finally found you!"

The corner of Lin Xingyun's mouth hooked an evil smile.

The properties panel of Xiao Chen is viewed.

"Name: Xiao Chen"

cultivation is: Yuanfu Realm early

life script: [Burning Yan Heavenly Emperor] Golden

Fate Number: [Three-Year Covenant] Orange, [Talent Transcendent] Orange, [Nirvana Rebirth] Orange, [Alchemy Genius] Purple, [High Help] Purple............

Recent chance: Tomorrow morning, I bought a worn-out copper piece at a low price in the Treasure Pavilion in the city, brought it back, and let people calcide it with divine fire, and found that it contained the first half of the Great Emperor-level Divine Soul Exercise-"Sword Soul Emperor Sutra"!

Recent chance: Seven days later, at night, in a cave a hundred miles south of the capital, he found the cave mansion left by the ancient powerhouse, and took away the spirit stones, elixirs, and "Wind and Thunder Phantom" in it.

Recent chance: Fifteen days later, I went to the royal auction hall and spent 20,000 spirit stones to auction the blood of the Divine Fire Realm monster beast, which is actually a rare demon beast-golden-eyed foxy blood, and the real value is no less than 500,000!

Favorability: 21 [Disgust


"Good fellow, worthy of being the child of destiny, so many orange fates, the life script is still golden!"

"And the opportunities obtained are quite frequent, and you can pick up treasures by taking two steps casually!"

Lin Xingyun was silent, secretly praising the strange.

This is what he found, the first child of destiny.

Its talent attributes are indeed far beyond ordinary people!

He immediately clicked on Xiao Chen's detailed attributes and looked at them.

"[Burning Yan Heavenly Emperor] Jin: Xiao Chen was originally a genius prince of the imperial dynasty, suddenly lost his cultivation and was spurned, and later found out that it was Han Feng, a great saint-level powerhouse who fell a thousand years ago, and his remnant soul possessed his Qiankun ring, absorbing spiritual power, and after Han Feng woke up, he instructed him to cultivate, helped him advance all the way, and finally reached the Immortal Domain, and after becoming an emperor, he called himself the Yantian Emperor!"

【Three-year contract】Orange: Every time you make a three-year contract with someone else, your strength and luck will increase greatly after three years!

【Talent Transcendent】Orange: Cultivation speed and understanding are extremely high, and the talent is extraordinary!

【Nirvana Rebirth】Orange: Falling into a near-death state, you can turn into luck and cultivate to a higher level!

【Alchemy Genius】Purple: Born with a strong divine soul, excellent talent in alchemy!

Zi: In the Qiankun ring on his hand, there is the remnant soul of Han Feng, a great saint-level powerhouse, helping him grow all the way.


"[Talent transcendent]? One level higher than Xiao Qianluo's [Outstanding Talent]?

Lin Xingyun thought while looking closely.

Even if it is the same number of lives that represent talent, there are high and low levels.

Fortunately, the number of hits is not unchangeable.

It's man-made!

"At the beginning, his favorability towards me was as low as 21, and it seems that he is destined to be an enemy!"

"Boom! Xiao Chen, get ready to be harvested!

Lin Xingyun's eyes were awe-inspiring, and the corners of his mouth hooked a sneer.

Xiao Chen, who was drinking with his head down.

Suddenly, I felt cold all over my body, and I almost wanted to leave.


After the banquet, follow royal rules.

A top guest like Lin Xingyun.

It is to arrange a palace rest in the palace.

But Xiao Qianluo was afraid that he would "unintentionally" harm the harem concubines.

He took the initiative to pull him back to his princess mansion.

Although the two of them have not officially become married.

But there is no one who is not afraid of death and dares to interfere with them.

That night, inside the Princess Mansion, in the back garden.

"Huh? Want to stay in the Imperial City for a while?

Xiao Qianluo leaned into Lin Xingyun's arms and said curiously in surprise.

"Yes, I'm tired of staying at home, seeing that your imperial city scenery is good, it's better to play here for a while."

Lin Xingyun ruffled a strand of her hair to play with it.

Smiled and lied casually.

"And, this is where you grew up, and I want to see more."

Xiao Qianluo was stunned, and then his little face quickly became hot.

Then, she got into Lin Xingyun's arms.

Embarrassed, she kept beating his chest.

"You... You're numb!

"Really! Bad stuff..."

"You beat me again, I really want you to see what a bad thing is."

Lin Xingyun chuckled and pulled her hair.

"You... You...... Don't you dare!

Xiao Qianluo became more and more embarrassed, and also pinched Lin Xingyun's waist.

The two frolicked for a while.

It was also late at night.

But when the mood is strong.

Xiao Qianluo was a little reluctant to leave.

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