
"Name: Xiao Qianluo"

cultivation is: Yuanfu Realm early

life script: [One thought into a demon] gray

life number: [Wangfu Wangzi] Jin, [Simple in Heart] Orange, [Never Leave and Never Abandon] Orange, [Talented] Purple, [Met People Not Shu] Gray, [Misguided] Gray, [Becoming a Devil Because of Love] Black ............

Favorability: 85 [Love for life

] Recent chance: After being fooled by Lin Xingyun and leaving the Lin family, he was extremely depressed, wandered around, unwilling to return to the Apocalypse Dynasty, and accidentally met the Blood Sea Mother-in-law of the Demon Dao Quasi-Emperor seven days later, and was forcibly taken away by him to be accepted as a closed disciple, inheriting the [Blood Sea Annihilation Emperor Sutra]....


"A thought becomes a demon? She???

Lin Xingyun's face was full of question marks.

He couldn't imagine the delicate and pure girl in his arms, and there was also a little humble love brain girl.

Become a giant of the Demon Dao....

"This girl's life script is actually a gray script..."

"And she has two orange lives and a golden life!"

"The script of life is actually gray?"

Lin Xingyun couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Faintly in his heart, a sense of foreboding arose............

Immediately looked at Xiao Qianluo's life script and the detailed explanation of fate.

"[One thought into a demon] Ash: Born as the seventh princess of the Apocalypse Dynasty, extremely talented, when he met Lin Xingyun at the age of eighteen, he fell in love at first sight, and after being rejected by him, he encountered the quasi-emperor's mother-in-law of the Blood Sea, and was forcibly taken away by him, cultivating the [Blood Sea Extinction Emperor Sutra], with his frank sincerity, he always maintained his heart, never fell into the demonic path, and finally achieved the Great Saint Realm after a thousand years, escaped from the sky, came to Linzhou but found that Lin Xingyun had died many years early, had become loess, was sad and indignant, resented heaven and earth, became a demon, and began to massacre in Linzhou, After throwing tens of millions of people into the sea of blood, they were killed by the joint efforts of Patriarch Lin...

[Wangfu Wangzi] Kim: Can greatly enhance the fortunes of partners and children, so that everything will go smoothly [

Simple in heart] Orange: innocent, frank in character, clear mind, in harmony with the Tao.

[Don't leave or give up] Orange: Love for your partner is better than Jin Jian, no matter whether rich or poor, you will never fail [

Talented] Purple: The speed of cultivation is extremely fast, and the understanding of martial arts is quite high

[Meet people not shou] Ash: At the age of eighteen, I met

Lin Xingyun who was barbecued in the barren mountains [went astray] Ash: After leaving the Lin family, he was forcibly taken away by the mother-in-law of the Blood Sea of the Quasi-Emperor of the Demon Dao and accepted as a disciple [Becoming a demon

because of love] Black: After escaping from the sky, he saw Lin Xingyun die early, Completely fell into madness, with the [Blood Sea Annihilation Emperor Sutra] in the territory of Linzhou, after throwing tens of millions of people into the sea of blood, he was killed by the joint efforts of the Lin Patriarch...


After Lin Xingyun read it, a drop of cold sweat couldn't help but break out on his forehead....

I just wanted to fool her into going home first, and I would actually create a future Demon Dao Great Sage!

When I think of the absolutely beautiful and innocent delicate girl in front of me.

The future will slaughter sentient beings............

Plunge into the corpse mountain and the sea of blood!

He couldn't help but feel tight, and wiped the cold sweat again!

"Outrageous... It's a bit outrageous!

"Just a thought, life will change the world!"

"I know that this girl has a deep affection for me, but I didn't expect it to be so unfathomable

..." "And she is still a blood relative of the Son of Destiny, since this is the case..."

It can arbitrarily influence and change the life script and fate of others.

At this moment, Lin Xingyun naturally changed his mind.


"Alas, I still can't hide from you!"

"Luo Luo, you are so smart, what can I do?"

Lin Xingyun pretended to be embarrassed and sighed.

Immediately, with a sad face, he hugged Xiao Qianluo's full and delicate body.

"Hmph! Are you finally willing to admit it?

"I know that you are holding on, how can you be so cruel to others!"

Xiao Qianluo saw that he really guessed.

Suddenly his heart burst into joy, and he smiled proudly.

He hugged Lin Xingyun tighter and rubbed around in his arms, as cute as an orange cat.

"These days, I really don't think about tea and rice, and I worry about my father and my eldest brother day and night!"

"Alas, I'm not just holding on, I'm almost bracing!"


now I figured it out, in fact, at this time, having one or two people who understand me is enough to comfort my heart."

"Are you right? Fall.

Lin Xingyun said in a soft tone, and if he went against his will, he would open his mouth.

At the same time, he skillfully stretched out his hand and held Xiao Qianluo's waist.

Naturally, he stared into her eyebrows.

"I know you understand me, you are different from them, and I feel very special about you from the beginning..."

Well! Right...... Right! "

Nebula... No matter what happens, I will be with you!

Xiao Qianluo's little face turned crimson when he was coaxed, and he quickly confessed excitedly.

Seeing that the atmosphere was almost the same, Lin Xingyun immediately bowed his head slightly and kissed her cherry.

Xiao Qianluo's ears were red in an instant, and he hurriedly closed his eyes to cooperate with him, and the two of them were there without anyone and began to greet me.

And Ying Qing on the side watched the whole process, and his face was a little unnaturally red.

She said in her heart that her own young master is really outrageous!

Just now, I was still in a hurry to go out, and after a while, I turned the spearhead and began to desperately provoke the girl.

The most outrageous is.

Lin Xingyun's lie also came with his mouth open.

"You are different from them, and I feel very special about you from the beginning."

This sentence, from childhood to adulthood, she has at least seen Lin Xingyun say it to dozens of women!

It's outrageous!

But she won't debunk it at this time.

Just quietly, watching his little young master flirting with his sister.

"Ding! Xiao Qianluo's favorability has risen, and the current favorability rating: 92 [Unswerving to death]!

"Alas, this has risen so much, this girl is indeed very simple."

Lin Xingyun secretly sighed while talking to Xiao Qianluo.

The system explained to him that the attribute of [favorability], the simpler the mind, the easier it is to rise.

In fact, Xiao Qianluo's favorability towards him has been hovering around 85-89 [Love for Life] in the past.

It seems that because she is too possessive and often easy to be jealous, her favorability fluctuates, but it is always the [Love for Life] level.

Now that this confession has come down, Xiao Qianluo has become more and more intimate with him.

The favorability finally climbed again, breaking through the mark, reaching 92 points [to death].

As long as you increase by 8 points, it will be the full level of 100, the level of [do whatever you want]!

(Favorability level: 0 [Never die] 1-20 [Fast after killing] 21-40 [Disgust] 41-60 [Normal] 61-70 [Love] 71-80 [Hard to give up] 81-90 [Love for life] 91-99 [Unswerving] 100 [Do whatever you want])



In the afternoon of that day, Lin Xingyun took Xiao Qianluo to the Apocalypse Dynasty.

On the surface, the reason was to visit his future father-in-law and mother-in-law.

In fact, he is going to harvest the children of destiny!

Just now, he knocked on Xiao Qianluo's side, and finally learned from his mouth.

Her Ninth Emperor brother Xiao Chen lost all his cultivation three years ago and became a waste.

Recently, he suddenly resumed his cultivation.

Moreover, it also revealed a more powerful cultivation talent than in the past.

It has only been more than half a year, and it has been rebuilt to the early stage of the Yuanfu Realm!

"That's him, son of destiny!"

This script for the rise of waste materials is not a child of destiny, what else can it be!

Therefore, Lin Xingyun did not hesitate, and after getting ready, he went straight to the Apocalypse Dynasty.

They took the Lin family's immortal boat, and in just four days, they arrived at the capital of the Apocalypse Dynasty.

Outside the gate of the capital, the royal children who had already received the news came to greet them with an honor guard.

The leader is the fourth prince of the imperial dynasty, Xiao Yu.

When the Lin family's immortal boat slowly fell, Xiao Yu immediately led everyone to kneel down.

"Welcome Young Lord to my Apocalypse Dynasty!"

The Apocalypse Dynasty is a subsidiary of the Lin family, and now that the second young master of the Lin family has arrived, even if it is for Xiao Qianluo's face, visiting as a husband, the Apocalypse Dynasty must also pay respect.

When the immortal boat landed, the attendants of the Lin family got off the boat first and opened the way.

A moment later, Lin Xingyun led Xiao Qianluo and walked out from the immortal boat.

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