That was three years ago.

She has just completed her cultivation and intends to hone her kendo.

Just leave the Holy Land and walk the world.

It didn't take long for the result to come out of the Holy Land.

I met one, extremely handsome and from a prominent family.

Even the Dao Protector is a young master of the Wang Hou Realm.

The two only spent one night together.

That night, they drank and rejoiced.

For the first time in his life, Zhao Hanyi was drunk to the point of sleep.

Unconsciously, intentionally or unconsciously.

He fell drunk in the arms of the little young master.

After waking up the next day.

She found an excuse that made her regret so far.

Refused the invitation of the little young master to accompany him.

Then he fled back to the Yaochi Holy Land.

When parting, she didn't even dare to ask the other party's name and origin.

They dare not reveal their identity.

Because although there are thousands of sword cultivation paths, most of them are focused on killing and slaughtering.

Even more thoroughly, it will require a sword of severance.

She was also afraid that she would mess up her Dao heart again, and the path of kendo would be cut off.

Since then, he has not been out to practice again.

But what she never expected was.

This little wrongdoer actually came to the Yaochi Holy Land in person now!"

"Could it be..." "

This is one of my robberies?

How could he come to Yaochi........." Just

as Zhao Hanyi was staring at it without concentration.

At this time, Lin Xingyun had already stepped onto the high platform.

Standing opposite Liu Xinyan.

The looks of the two are rare and peerless.

Like a fairy couple, born a couple.

The most surprising thing is.

The two have almost the same dusty temperament.

It seems that they are all the darlings of heaven and earth.

A wisp of rhyme resonated from the two of them.

Everyone was amazed when they saw it, and they were almost ashamed of themselves!"

"The first peak lord is on top, and today the junior obeys the last instruction."

"Canonize a new disciple, Lin Xingyun.

"Ask Jianfeng for me, the new Jianzi."

Liu Xinyan took out a golden book and wished the heavens.

Immediately, with a wave of his robe sleeve, three light masses were released.

Floated in front of Lin Xingyun.

It was a big seal, a robe, a token.

Everything is extremely extraordinary, and the spiritual power is turbulent.

At least it is also a treasure above the Saint Soldier level.

"Lin Xingyun, ordered by the seal, robe, and sword.

"From this moment on, you are the new Jianzi I asked Jianfeng.

"In the future, you need to practice hard, and in the future, I will ask the Sword Peak Gate."

Liu Xinyan looked serious and solemnly declared.

"Yes, the disciple will live up to his trust.

Lin Xingyun bowed his hand and calmly replied.

Just take the three light groups.

"It turns out that... His name is Lin Xingyun?" "Lin Xingyun


Zhao Hanyi leaned over his face and murmured secretly.

"And slow!"

Suddenly, someone interrupted out of place.

It was the long-resented Meng Liangchen.

"Peak Lord, how can this position of Sword Peak be given so easily to a beginner disciple?"

"I waited for everyone to work hard for many years to ask Sword Peak.

"Are you just going to make him a wedding dress, and in the future, you will succumb to him?" Liu

Xinyan saw this, and his face turned gloomy.

said indifferently.

"Whoever can draw blood and kill the sword, and let him confess the Lord, shall be made a sword."

"This is the legacy of the old peak lord.

"Whoever has an opinion, he can go to the old peak master to mention it himself." When

everyone in the audience listened, they couldn't help but shiver....


old peak lord has been dead for more than eight hundred years

! The ghost will go to the old peak

lord! "Peak lord! You........." Meng

Liangchen was choked and his face turned livid.

At this time, the silver-haired man Jiang Nan also helped at the right time.

"Peak Lord forgive us, we are not questioning the old Peak Lord's legacy.

"It's this junior disciple Lin, whose cultivation is still low and his qualifications are shallow, and it is really difficult to convince the public.

"It's better to let him be the eighth true biography first, after several years of training, if he is really talented, I will naturally honor him."

"What the second senior brother said is reasonable, please

the peak lord think twice!" "Please the peak lord think twice!" Soon

, the other two true legends, together with most of the male disciples.

They all began to bow down in unison.

Let a newcomer to the Wheel Sea Realm be parachuted into a sword, above everyone.

They were indeed not convinced.

But none of the female disciples present followed suit.

Instead, he looked contemptuous of the male disciples.

"Ugh, that's so high-sounding. "

It's not that you want to compete for the position of the sword son, false Taoism!" Zhao

Binglan pouted, secretly disdainful.

And what she didn't notice was.

The sister beside her showed a struggling face.

Zhao Hanyi was a little worried at this time.

She was afraid that she would be involved with Lin Xingyun.

The Taoist heart is in chaos, and it is out of control............

But if not make a sound.

Watching Lin Xingyun being questioned and persecuted by everyone.

She couldn't bear it again.

After tangling for a while.

She bit her lower lip and made a decision.

I saw her stride out and walk under the high platform.

The first one bowed to Lin Xingyun and said loudly.

"Old Peak Lord's last instruction, I and other disciples, naturally should obey. "

Ask Jianfeng... The first true biography, Zhao Hanyi. "

Congratulations... Sword!" Zhao

Hanyi bowed his head slightly, his eyes complicated.

It seems that there is some fear of being recognized.

But she still chose to follow her heart.

Support Lin Xingyun in public.

"Well, sister, you..." Zhao

Binglan was shocked and directly covered her small mouth.

Her sister, who has always been arrogant and obsessed with kendo.

Today, I actually saluted the little guy so obediently.

This is equivalent to giving the position of the sword directly for nothing!"

Sister she too....

"Moved the spring heart?!" Zhao

Binglan thought of this.

It was immediately interesting.

However, she didn't have time to move.

Su Qianwu had already followed closely and stepped forward to salute Lin Xingyun.

"Section ... The seventh true biography, Su light dance. "

Congratulations... Congratulations to Jianzi

!" "Huh, this new little girl, the reaction is fast!" Seeing this,

Zhao Binglan couldn't help but be surprised.

Now she is not far behind.

Immediately followed and saluted Lin Xingyun.

"Ask Jianfeng Sixth True Legend, Zhao Binglan, congratulations

to Jianzi!" "Congratulations to Jianzi!" "Congratulations to Jianzi!"

The other female disciples originally did not want to follow Meng Liangchen and the others to make trouble.

At this time, they all stepped forward and bowed to Lin Xingyun to congratulate them.

"Master sister, you... What are you doing?!" "

And you guys... Seeing

this, Meng Liangchen was directly stupid

! "Senior sister, you are the strongest among us in terms of cultivation and talent. "

How can you be so depressed now and give away the position of the sword son?!"

Jiang Nan couldn't help but be anxious, and quickly asked.

He adored Zhao Hanyi for many years, but begged to no avail.

I can't think of it anyway.

Always cold as frost, only caring about the master sister who practices swords.

Today will suddenly come out and be the first to recognize that little sword!"

Jiang Nan, it is useless to say more.

"You guys give up.

Zhao Hanyi did not turn his head and replied coldly.

"Senior sister, you!" Jiang

Nan's face became quite ugly.

Now there is a master sister taking the lead and worshipping Lin Xingyun.

How could they have any qualifications to oppose it?

And the other male disciples were all as face-like as pig's liver at this time.

Now this situation is really difficult to ride a tiger.

Just froze them!

On the high platform.

Liu Xinyan looked indifferent and watched the performance of everyone in the audience.

Seeing that the time was almost up, he waved his hand.

The Great Sage Realm coercion, only released half a point.

All the disciples shut their mouths suddenly.

Especially the male disciples.

All sweat rained.

As if being targeted by some kind of great terror!"

said Hanyi.

"I still say that, whoever has an opinion, can go to the old peak lord to mention."

Liu Xinyan said coldly.

Between the words, it was clear that he was biased in favor of Lin Xingyun.

Zhao Hanyi listened, and only then did he breathe a sigh of relief.

Meng Liangchen and the others were terrified.

But just before they were already deflated.

All frustrated.

Lin Xingyun suddenly said aloud.

"Peak Lord loves, I can't thank you enough.

"But if anyone disagrees.

"This sword position, I don't sit at ease.

"When I look at these four male biographies, I am particularly unconvinced.

"It's better like this...,"

Lin Xingyun said, looking at Meng Liangchen and the others with a sinister smile.

"Three days later, still here.

"I accept the challenge of the four of you true legends.

"If I lose, I will not mention the sword in the future."

"How, the four of you, dare to challenge?"

the words just fell.

Everyone in the room.

It was like being hit by a body-fixing technique, stunned in place!

Under the high platform, Zhao Hanyi, who was originally relieved, breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, I was also shocked.

Even Liu Xinyan couldn't help but look stunned.

Look at your junior brother.

It's like looking at a fool.

"Lin Xingyun, you... Can't you see their

cultivation?" "Of course, you can see that the silver-haired man's cultivation is the highest, and he has reached the Cave Heaven Realm to complete.

"The other three are all late Cave Heaven Realm stages.

Lin Xingyun replied of course, still confident.

"And you still let them challenge you?"

What's the big problem in the brain?!" Liu

Xinyan secretly said with disgust.

"Senior sister rest assured, everything is under control. "

Lin Xingyun is still light and breezy.

In these seven days, he swallowed the entire Origin God Spring, and his strength skyrocketed in all directions.

I was looking for a few eyeless sandbags.

Help him completely digest the fruits of his cultivation in actual combat.

By the way, it is also on this Qing Sword Peak.

Completely powerful.


You master a hammer!" "You just have a sea realm! Fight with the Four Cave Heaven Realm?"

"If your bones are itchy and you really want to be beaten, you tell me directly

!" "Senior sister, I will definitely satisfy you!" "

Hmph! If you let Master know that you are so arrogant, I will definitely punish you for her..."


Xinyan was angry, and transmitted a lesson.

Suddenly, under the high platform, Zhao Hanyi couldn't help it.

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