Lin Xingyun immediately interrupted, and immediately withdrew from the Qiankun ring.

I took out a red belly pocket with a cute kitten motif.

"Senior sister, do you recognize this object?"

"This is what I picked up after the spring dried up, but looking at this pattern is so childish, it must not be Senior Sister you..."

Lin Xingyun asked with a kind smile.

However, he was not finished.

I saw Liu Xinyan raise his hand and finger.

Just put the belly pocket in his hand.


What did you pick up?" "

What pattern? What childishness?"

Liu Xinyan at this time, although her pretty face was a little red.

But more than that, it's gloomy, and threatening!.

On the jade hand, there was a surge of terrifying spiritual power.

Lin Xingyun was sure after a little observation.

If you go next, say the wrong thing.

The next moment.


can guarantee that if he receives this slap, he will only shout pain at most, because he may not be able to make a second sound..........

"No, I didn't pick up

anything!" "I didn't see anything!" "Senior sister take me out, I can't wait, canonized the sword!"

replied Lin Xingyun very wisely.

"Hmph, Dengzi!"

Liu Xinyan snorted and withdrew his spiritual power.

Then he waved his sleeves.

Leave with Lin Xingyun on the clouds.

After the two came out of the purple bamboo forest.

"Lin Xingyun, you still have time to explain the truth now.

"That source divine spring is extremely precious, although the spring is still there, it will not dry up completely."

"But for at least a thousand years, it will be difficult to recover."

"How did you get rid of the Origin God Spring in your little wheel sea realm?"

"Confess leniently, resist strictly!"

Liu Xinyan glanced at Lin Xingyun and asked majestically.

"This is my secret, and I hope Senior Sister will not inquire again.

Lin Xingyun was calm and unimpressed.

"If Senior Sister, I have to tell this secret.

"Then I can only announce the world."

"Say that I picked up a kitten-patterned in the Fountain of Origin..."

You're going to die

!" "me off, you little bastard!" Lin

Xingyun hadn't finished speaking.

He was interrupted eagerly by Liu Xinyan.

She couldn't take it anymore.

I saw her lift her slender jade legs.

Hateful is a kick.

Kicked Lin Xingyun down the clouds.

When Lin Xingyun fell, he was also calm and calm.

Instead, he turned around and said loudly.

"Don't worry, Senior Sister, I'll keep it a secret!"

You..." "

You're a slut! Go and die!"

Liu Xinyan was really embarrassed.

In the end, he took out his sword, and he was about to cut it out when he swung it!

"Not good

!" "Senior sister, see you tomorrow!" Lin

Xingyun saw Liu Xinyan bright sword.

Knowing that it is urgent to provoke the other party.

Immediately, he took out a bronze small ding from the Qiankun ring.

This was one of the holy soldiers that Lin Rong gave him, specifically for defense and escape!

Xiao Ding stimulated on its own, turned into a blue light, and flew away.

"Hmph, count you running fast!" Liu

Xinyan didn't really think of a sword.

After scolding Lin Xingyun a few words, he put away his sword and left hatefully.



The next day.

On this day, ask the sword peak, in front of the main pavilion of the peak.

All the elders and disciples of Qianjian Peak had already gathered here.

All of them held swords, and between the gathering of sword qi, there was a faint sonorous sound.

Among the disciples, seven were at the forefront.

They were four men and three women, all dressed in pale gold robes.

That is the symbol of the true disciple.

At this time, the four men among them each showed impatience.

But he prided himself on his identity and did not speak out.

On the contrary, the other disciples behind him were already talking about it.

"Have you heard, the sword son to be canonized this time is only completed in the Wheel Sea Realm!"

"This cultivation is in our Yaochi, that is, a little brother who has just started.

"The peak lord is actually so pedantic, let those true transmission senior brothers and sisters not stand, let such a little guy be a sword!"

"This little sword is the second young master of the Lin family, and his family is prominent

!" "Then isn't he the brother-in-law of the peak lord?!" "

I asked Jianfeng is the sword cultivation mansion, I have always preferred not to bend, and now he actually engages in this kind of nepotism, it's too outrageous

!" "Ask Jianfeng, it's getting more and more degenerate, no wonder it can't compare to the other three peaks!"


an elder suddenly exclaimed.

Everyone shut their mouths in embarrassment.

And the seven true biographers at the forefront are each thinking about it.

"Junior Brother Meng, are you really going to oppose that little sword in public for a while?"

said the silver-haired middle-aged man among the seven.

Pretending to be worried, he asked the person next to him.

"Of course, I wait for the true legend and practice kendo ascetically, just to inherit the position of sword son in the future. "

Why come a little ghost, pull out a rusty sword, and give it a sword!"

replied the young man named Meng Liangchen with a face full of anger.

"Alas, well, then you have to pay attention to proportion, don't annoy the peak lord.

"The peak is mainly angry, everyone will suffer!" the

other two male true biographers also transmitted voices.

It is also hoped that Meng Liangchen will come out first.

They adapt.

After all, the four of them also coveted the position of the sword.

If you become a sword son, you can get cultivation resources, exercises, elixirs, and so on.

As well as the authority in the Sword Peak, it will far surpass the true disciples.

In the future, they will be able to inherit the position of peak lord!

This kind of throne, they naturally don't want to give it to a newcomer brat.

And the three women standing on the side are true biographies.

One of them, a pretty girl with pink hair, was hiding her mouth and chuckling.

The eyes are full of schadenfreude.

"A bunch of idiots, let's make a fuss. "

The person is the brother-in-law of the peak lord, is that what you can overthrow?" Her

name was Zhao Binglan, the sixth of the seven true legends.

Usually very jumpy and likes to play pranks.

At this time, he was looking forward to watching the other four senior brothers go and touch the stone with eggs.

And beside her, the tall woman with blue hair.

It's her own sister.

The first true biography, Zhao Hanyi.

Her temperament is as calm as snow, and her appearance is very similar to Zhao Binglan.

But the figure is much fuller.

Broad true golden robe.

It can't cover her beautiful curves.

At this time, she was taking a nap with her eyes closed.

There was no joy or anger on his face.

It doesn't seem to care at all, these are right and wrong.

And the two women around.

It is the new seventh true biography, Su Qianwu.

At this time, she was constantly grasping the corners of her clothes.

Looking at the gate of the Peak Main Pavilion, his little face was full of expectation.

Since the Sword Pavilion is different.

She had not seen Lin Xingyun's face for seven days.

In the past seven days, she seemed to be pregnant with a spring girl.

I want to see Lin Xingyun every day.

Or rather, I want to see the Great Luo Dao Sword.

But Lin Xingyun has been retreating in the Origin Spring.

Today is the canonization of the sword, and she can finally get her wish!"


long after, with a loud announcement.

Everyone present knelt down on one knee and saluted the peak lord.

"Greet the Peak Lord!" I

saw Liu Xinyan walking out, proudly alone.

Straight up to the main pavilion of the peak, the canonized high platform under the cloth.

She changed into a gorgeous gold-rimmed black dress today, with a golden crown and jade hairpin, and a grand decoration.

A pair of black and gold mirrored heels are under his feet.

The whole person is like the queen of the world.

Noble, indifferent, proud of the world.

The male elders and disciples present were afraid of the majesty of the peak lord.

I can't help but be shocked by this beauty.

And when Liu Xinyan, he stepped on the high platform.

A pair of beautiful eyes glanced at the Peak Main Pavilion.

Lin Xingyun came out of the pavilion.

He didn't dress up today.

It's just a return to the old style.

Jade crown ring wear, white robe victory over snow.

It is also a slow stroll, walking up to the high platform.

All the female elders and female disciples present.

After seeing Lin Xingyun.

Even more shocking and obsessive than others seeing Liu Xinyan!

Plus Lin Xingyun's rare appearance and temperament.

Let the sound of swallowing saliva continue to sound.

Su Qianwu was even more mesmerized.

I almost wanted to pounce and hug Lin Xingyun again!

Even Zhao Binglan, who was waiting to watch the play.

At this time, his eyes are also peach blossoms, and his mouth is open.

Until I feel my saliva, I have to drip down the corners of my mouth.

She quickly wiped her mouth.

And Zhao Hanyi next to her, after seeing Lin Xingyun.

Originally, the ancient well was delicate.

At this moment, it was full of shock.

"Is he?!" "

He... Why did he come to Yaochi?"

And to be canonized as a sword?!" Her

long-silent heart had already set off terrifying waves.

My body couldn't stop shaking.

One memory after another that was sealed by her death.

It began to surge again.

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