The ten elders relaxed one after another.

"Alas, fate, it's always wonderful!" "

Maybe this Su girl, in her past life and this life, has something to do with my original swordsman."

"This will be momentarily lost and difficult to sustain yourself."

"I can't blame her for that.

Lin Xingyun sighed in time and said generously.

"The Second Young Master is right

!" "In fact, this kind of thing is not uncommon in the Immortal Domain, and there are even people who are destined for three lives!"

"Tang Yu, don't mess around anymore.

"I just said, how could a person with the honorable Second Young Lord do such a heartless thing!" the

ten elders echoed one after another, clapping their horses continuously.

And Tang Yu's face was as green as a grassland at this time!

"Little dance... What did she just say?"

"She said she liked Lin Xingyun very much, and wanted to be close to him?

!" "I*you****

!" "Dog thief, I swear to kill you!" Tang

Yu was a little strained, and a huge wave had been set off in his heart.

Then with a gloomy face, he immediately stepped forward.

It is necessary to pull Su Qianwu back to his side.

Yet the next moment.

A majestic and vast breath suddenly fell from the sky.

Even if the other party deliberately controls the coercion.

Still let these juniors present, most of them are only in the Wheel Sea Realm.

Tang Yu also stopped moving, and his heart was apprehensive.

"This is ... Great Sage Realm powerhouse?!" "

Who is it? Who is coming?!" He

didn't even dare to watch without permission, for fear that he would not be able to withstand the coercion of the Great Sage.

And the other side.

Lin Xingyun was not affected in the slightest.

The breath of the other party made him feel extremely cordial.

His innate Dao embryo actually stimulated itself.

A circle of rhyme aura emerged.

Neutralize the great holy coercion.

"Hmm, it's actually a congenital Dao embryo?!" "

Could it be that he..."

The white-clothed silhouette in mid-air.

See that extremely familiar aura of Dao Rhyme.

I can't help but be secretly frightened.

But her face was as usual, still steady, and fell in front of everyone.

"See the peak lord!" the

ten elders saw it and immediately saluted.

At the same time, each of them was frightened.

Unexpectedly, the new Jianzi was born.

It actually alarmed this Peak Lord and came to see him in person!

"Well, don't be rude.

"Is that the son who drew the sword?"

the woman asked nonchalantly.

The voice is exceptionally quiet and pleasant.

"Peak Lord, exactly

!" "Peak Lord, this is the second young master of the Lin family, Lin Xingyun!"

the elders immediately introduced.

"It really was him!"

"He also pulled out the Blood Killing Sword?" "

It seems that the rumors are true, he really... Reborn!" the

woman became more and more surprised, but her face did not show it.

Lin Xingyun's matter.

Her master Liu Qiuyan had already explained it clearly to her.

I saw her take a lotus step.

Slowly walked towards Lin Xingyun.

At this time, Lin Xingyun had time to take a closer look.

I saw this woman in white clothes, like a fairy of the Moon Palace.

Willow eyebrows cherry lips, thin waist and slender legs, skin is as white as the moon.

The face and figure, almost everywhere is imperfect!

A pair of perfect jade feet wrapped in Luo socks.

Stepping on a pair of delicate red embroidered shoes.

And she just stood there.

Just like Lin Xingyun, he has a unique temperament like the darling of heaven and earth.

Even Lin Xingyun encountered countless peach blossoms.

In the impression, there is only Xiao Qianluo today.

It can be compared to the woman

in front of him, but the face of this person in front of him is more gentle.

There is a sense of intimacy of the big sister next door.

"This sister, are you...,"

Lin Xingyun blurted out almost subconsciously.

"Sister?" "

Hairy boy, what is your name, who is your sister!" Liu

Xinyan was stunned, and her jade face turned slightly red.

After a coquettish sigh, he restored the majesty of the peak lord.

"I asked the Lord of Jianfeng Peak, Liu Xinyan.

"Since you pulled out the blood killing sword, according to the old peak master's order, you are the sword son of the sword I asked the sword peak."

"Come back with me and get acquainted with it for a few days first."

"Then choose an auspicious day to canonize the sword for you."

Lin Xingyun listened, and couldn't help but be secretly surprised.

"Liu Xinyan?"

"Isn't that Lin Feng's fiancée? that

is, mine..." "Unexpectedly, she actually asked the Sword Peak Peak Lord, and it seems..."

"Like me, it is a congenital Dao embryo physique!"

Lin Xingyun felt the other party's delicate body, exuding a burst of familiar Dao rhyme.

It is already certain.

The other person is like himself.

It is the top [Innate Dao Embryo] physique in the Immortal Domain! It's

just that people are born with original goods.

And his physique was given by lottery....

"No wonder... No wonder she made a marriage contract with Lin Feng..." Lin

Xingyun remembered an ancient legend from the Immortal Domain, and he had an understanding in his heart.

But his face was silent, and he bowed his hand to Willow.

"Thank you, Lord Peak.

"By the way, Peak Lord, before leaving, I have something that I hope you will agree."


Did you see that girl over there?" "

I think she's very close to me."

"If the two of us cultivate together, we may achieve twice the result with half the effort and improve our cultivation

!" "Please also ask the peak lord to bring that Su girl into the Sword Peak together!"

Lin Xingyun's face was not red and his heart was not beating, and he naturally asked incomparably.

"Hmph, you are not

old, and your mind is quite fancy.

"And the courage is not small, actually dare to openly ask this peak lord to make such a request?" Liu

Xinyan frowned, and couldn't help but say with disdain.

"The peak lord misunderstood, I just want to cultivate with this Su girl.

"There's no such thing as a dichotomy.

Lin Xingyun explained with a smile.

"There are many nonsense, do you believe it yourself?"

Liu Xin Yan said infinitely, giving him a blank look,

but she was not good at seeing each other.

Just refute the face of the future sword.

I had to look at Su Qianwu and asked indifferently.

"I see your qualifications, you are also excellent, and you are also born with a sword heart and sword bone, which is very suitable for sword training.

I asked Jianfeng, who has always practiced kendo. "

How, do you intend to come under my door?"

heard Su Wu softly.

He looked at Lin Xingyun again.

His face turned red at once.

She heard what she had just said.

Lin Xingyun actually took the initiative to let the peak lord.

Take her all to ask Jianfeng.

He also said that he would practice together............

Thinking of the sword in Lin Xingyun's body.

And his fairy-like appearance and temperament.

Su Qianwu did not hesitate.

Pray directly.

"Disciple Su Qianwu, willing to... Willing to ask Jianfeng

!" "Xiao Wu, you can't go!" Seeing

this, Tang Yu instantly stopped him eagerly.

"But, brother, I... I want to go!.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

"I can feel that that Lin Gongzi should... Not a bad person!"

explained Su softly, covering her small face.

"He's not a bad guy?" "

He's a beast!" Tang

Yu scolded secretly.

But seeing Su Qianwu's resolute attitude, it was difficult to convince for a while.

In a hurry, he immediately had a plan.

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