"Ding!" "

Name: Su Qianwu"

cultivation is: Yuanfu Realm Fulfillment

Life Script: [Instrument Spirit Rebirth] Golden

Life Number: [Da Luo Sword Scabbard] Gold, [Heavenly Talent] Gold, [Kendo Genius] Gold, [Bamboo Horse Period] Orange, [Heart Simple] Orange, [Body Feeding Sword] Orange............

Detailed explanation

: [Instrument Spirit Rebirth] Jin: In the previous life, he was the Great Luo Dao Sword Scabbard Instrument Spirit, guarding the Da Luo Dao Sword for 100,000 years, since the dark turmoil of the last era in the Immortal Domain, the Da Luo Dao Sword was lost, the instrument spirit consumed a lifetime of Dao Xing, reincarnated as a human, continued to search for the Da Luo Dao Sword, and then met the reborn Tianluo Great Emperor Tang Yu, became his childhood sweetheart, helped him reach the peak all the way, and finally accompanied Tang Yu to become the Great Emperor!

Jin: Formerly known as the Great Luo Dao Sword Scabbard Instrument Spirit, practicing for 100,000 years, after the loss of the Dao Sword, it consumes a lifetime of Dao practice to regenerate into a person, and the foundation of the Sword Dao is the ultimate immortal domain

! [Heavenly Resources] Jin: Understanding, cultivation speed are rare and rare, and it is the material of heaven's connivance and achievement

! [Kendo genius] Gold: The scabbard is reincarnated, the innate sword heart, sword bone, sword soul, and the cultivation of kendo can be called a thousand miles a day!

[Bamboo horse can be expected] Orange: Tang Yu, the brother of the same village who I knew since childhood, was formerly the Tianluo Emperor of the Immortal Domain, and his childhood sweetheart, accompanied by cultivation, and finally formed a Taoist couple, both of whom became emperors.

【Simple in heart】Orange: Innocent, frank personality, clear mind, in harmony with the Tao.

[Feeding the sword with the body] Orange: Because it is the reincarnation of the scabbard spirit, after cultivation is successful, it can be transformed into a scabbard again, and it can be combined with the Da Luo Dao sword, greatly increasing the power of the Da Luo Dao sword!

Current favorability: 80 [difficult to give up]



Isn't that your old acquaintance?" "

I said, looking at her appearance, I thought I was fascinated by me again!"

There was an affirmative response.

Moreover, the Da Luo Dao sword constantly emitted an earnest and expectant sword sound.

It seems to be hoping for Lin Xingyun.

Keep Su Qianwu by your side.

"Oh, even if you don't say it, I'll do it!" "

Since it's your scabbard, that's mine..."

"Your sword, and your childhood sweetheart."

"I want them all!" the

corners of Lin Xingyun's mouth drew an evil smile.

Immediately danced softly to Su, who was walking towards him, and smiled gently.

"This girl, what's wrong with me?"

On you... That sword!"

"Can you... Let me take another look?"

Su Qianwu came to Lin Xingyun and asked obsessively.

She is not in a normal state now.

His face was crimson, and he couldn't help himself.

It seems to have been found, a treasure that has been lost for many years.

Although she did not awaken the memories of her past life.

But the instinct deep in the soul.

It still excites her!"

"But why don't you get closer and feel it up close?"

asked Lin Xingyun with a deliberate evil smile.

He also saw that Su Qianwu had been attracted by the Great Luo Dao Sword at this time.

Just go along the water.

It's also good to break Tang Yu's mentality!

"Ah? get closer?"


Su Qianwu listened, but did not feel inappropriate.

Instead, he obediently continued to get closer.

When she left Lin Xingyun, almost touched on both sides.

I saw Lin Xingyun incomparably natural, opening his right arm.

Just dance Su lightly and take it into his arms.

So close.

Da Luo Daojian and Su Qianwu immediately resonated together.

"Yes... It's you...... It's really you!" "

Found it... I finally... Found you!"

Su Wu was full of joy and couldn't help but mumble.

Although she didn't know why she was so excited.

But I still cried with joy and tears!

Then I opened my arms.

Tightly hugged Lin Xingyun.

"Xiao Wu, what are you doing?!" "

Are you crazy? Don't come back soon!" Tang

Yu was completely anxious, and shouted at Su Qianwu.

Look at your childhood sweetheart.

Hug Lin Xingyun.

Tang Yu's face instantly turned green with anger!

"Huh, Tang Yu, do you know this girl?

It's really enthusiastic!" Lin

Xingyun pretended not to know and asked with a smile towards Tang Yu.

Let Tang Yu instantly become furious, his eyes blood-red!

"Lin Xingyun, you are so despicable!" "

Xiao Wu grew up with me, she has been an honest and timid girl since she was a child.

"How is it possible that he was so frivolous when he first met

you!" "You must have used some kind of psychedelic spell to make her look like this!" "

Elders, even if he has a noble status, are you going to let him do such a fool and mutilate the female disciples of the Holy Land?!"

Tang Yu didn't pretend anymore, and immediately cursed.

And open your mouth to occupy the moral high ground.

The male disciples present agreed and agreed.

The female disciples shook their heads in disbelief.

Lin Xingyun Juncheng is like this, and he still needs to be in the soul?

Tang Yu's goods don't understand women at all.


..." "Young Lord Lin, is this girl really by you..." "

Can you let the old immortal and the others take a look?" and the

ten elders were also embarrassed for a while.

Hesitantly asked Lin Xingyun.

After all, if it was true, it was Lin Xingyun who secretly used the Ecstasy Spell on the new female disciple.

The impact is just too bad.

"Oh, just look it up.

Lin Xingyun said, and let go of the beautiful woman in his arms.

At the same time, communicate with the Da Luo Dao Sword and suppress itself.

Stopped resonating with Su Qianwu.

Su Qianwu also quickly sobered up and came back to her senses.

At this time, an elder held a whisk in his hand.

In Su Qianwu's eyebrows, he exerted his soul and examined it carefully.

"The spirit is normal, and there is no sign of being half enchanted." Seeing

that the investigation was fruitless, the elder changed his mind.

Began to cross-examine.

"Little girl, what's your name?"

Sue light dance.

"That young man, do you know?" the

elder pointed at Tang Yu.

"Well, I know, it's my brother in the same village, Tang Yu. "

Brother, why are you covered in ash?"

asked Su Qianwu in surprise, only then noticing Tang Yu's appearance.

"Xiao Wu, you're awake, I'm fine, come over quickly!" Tang

Yu was suddenly surprised and inexplicable, and immediately called.

At the same time, secretly rejoice.

It's good that I'm just covered in dust now.


No hurry!" Now

that it has been confirmed, she is conscious, and Old Man Rong will interrogate again. "

Little girl, why did you suddenly approach this Lin Gongzi just now?"

the elder on the side waved his hand and continued to ask.

"This... I..." "

I just feel... Very... I like him a lot..."

With him... Close..."

"And it seems... That sword on him... It's important to me!" Sue

Qianwu blushed.

Confused replied.

At the end, he was already embarrassed to bury his head deeply.

The elders on the side listened, and they were stunned at first.

Then they all smiled heartily, showing the expression that you know I understand!

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