"Nebula is also being besieged by those two powerful enemies..."

"Why...why do I always end up in this situation!"

"Why do people close to me... always have misfortunes!"

The sadness in Qin Diyao's heart came like a snowstorm, almost shaking her Taoist heart.

She struggled to stop absorbing the power of Daoyun around her, and wanted to leave the Wandao Creation Jade and go out to fight alongside Lin Xingyun!

But at this moment, there was a hot feeling deep in her heart, a heavy throbbing that she couldn't ignore, and she reached out to touch her heart.


"Are you whining for me too?"

Qin Diyao lowered his eyebrows and murmured to himself.

She named the second Supreme Bone that grew out of her as Feixian, and the third Supreme Bone that grew back, she named it Samsara.

Before meeting Lin Xingyun, she was working out alone and could not help but chat and express her concerns to Feixian Zonggu.

Over time, she actually realized the magical power of the flying fairy clone, which can transform into a flying fairy clone to accompany her to fight against the enemy.

After growing the Supreme Bone of Reincarnation, she also loved talking to the Supreme Bone of Reincarnation, and also realized similar magical powers of reincarnation clones.

But at this time, she did not choose to use her magical power. The Supreme Bone of Samsara released a halo of its own accord, and an illusory figure flew out of it.

The figure looks the same as Qin Diyao, but it is constantly changing.

Sometimes it turns into a petite black cat, sometimes a green girl, sometimes a gray-haired old lady. The appearance is constantly changing, as if it is experiencing birth, old age, illness and death all the time.

"Reincarnation? What are you going to do?"

Qin Diyao asked in confusion, but the figure smiled slightly and responded in an extremely gentle tone.

"Yao Yao, don't be discouraged."

"It's my fault for blocking your way."

"The principles of reincarnation that you understand all come from me."

"Let me go, and I will help you peel off the rules of reincarnation."

"Yao Yao, I hope you... become stronger!"

"What?! This——"

Qin Diyao's eyes widened in shock. Although she had known that her Supreme Bone had already developed spirituality, she did not expect that the other party would take the initiative to leave her at this time.

But she is so talented and understanding. After hearing the words of reincarnation, she quickly understood.

The principles she will understand in this creation jade are powerful, unique, and incomparable!

Only by breaking down and building up again, and abandoning your own rules of reincarnation, can you realize success!

"Reincarnation! Do you really...really want to leave me?"

Qin Diyao's eyes were full of reluctance, but Samsara held her little hand,

"No, he is by your side, and I am by your side."

"And I have a hunch..."

"It seems like I'll be reunited with you soon..."

Samsara gently hugged Qin Diyao's body, smiled and whispered.


Qin Diyao's eyes turned red and she called softly, seeming to understand the meaning of the Supreme Bone of Samsara.

With the next breath, the phantom of reincarnation turned into a rain of light and returned to the Supreme Bone. Qin Diyao's arms fell empty, but his eyes became clear and firm again!

I saw her closing her eyes and concentrating, fully cooperating with the Supreme Bone of Samsara to mobilize the principles of her body, and the visions of sentient beings in the six paths in her heart continued to appear, as if she was about to open up the six paths of reincarnation immediately!

Not long after, a treasure bone shining with a strong samsara fairy light appeared, without a trace of blood, and it was as holy as a fairy weapon!

With the separation of the Supreme Bone of Samsara and the Dao of Samsara, Qin Diyao's aura weakened a lot, but the power of Dao Yun from all directions was countless times more surging than before. At this moment, they all gathered and were absorbed by her!

Qin Diyao himself felt as if he had been enlightened. There was no longer any obstruction or hindrance, and the world suddenly became brighter!

Chapter 367 Three bones merge into one, I have a plan!

While absorbing the endless jade charm of creation, Qin Diyao took out two jade slips and fired out a stream of pure spiritual power, wrapping the jade slips and the Supreme Bone together, turning them into flowing light, and sending them out beyond the myriad creation jade. .

The Tianji Demon Suppressing Tower is also full of spirituality, allowing the stream of light to fly out of the tower and shoot straight to the sky at extremely fast speeds!

"Supreme Bone!"

When Yuan Pi saw that it was the Supreme Bone Queen, his eyes were red and almost spitting out fire. He immediately flew up and went to catch up with the Supreme Bone Queen!

"Is that the Supreme Bone?"

"That woman is crazy. She actually took out her Supreme Bone at this time?!"

"It went to Ye Huang and the others!"


The other emperors also saw how extraordinary the precious bone was, and they also flew forward to catch up, fearing that they would be beaten first by Ye Huang and Jin Lingtian!

But the Samsara Supreme Bone also fully exploded with spirituality at this time, flying through the air at an astonishing speed, leaving Yuan Pi and others far behind!

On the high-altitude battlefield, Ye Huang and Jin Lingtian, who were working together to attack Lin Xingyun, also noticed the arrival of the Supreme Bone. They each raised their hands to form a spiritual palm print, and they were about to take the Supreme Bone by force.

But just when they were about to stop the stream of light, the spirituality of the Samsara Supreme Bone exploded to the extreme, suddenly blooming with brilliance, and a petite figure appeared again!

I saw her pink fists shooting left and right, punching each of them!

Suddenly, six samsara visions emerged with infinite power, blasting away the palm prints of Ye Huang and Jin Lingtian!

Then he rushed back to the Supreme Bone in an instant, seized the momentary gap between the two men, and rushed towards Lin Xingyun again at high speed.

"It's Yaoyao's supreme bone!"

Lin Xingyun felt that his heart was also becoming extremely hot, and the throbbing of the Supreme Bone in his body also made him understand Qin Diyao's thoughts instantly.

While he was extremely moved, he did not hesitate at all. He immediately stepped on the silver-white fairy light and flew like a meteor, rushing towards the Supreme Bone of Samsara at the fastest speed!

After a blink of an eye, the two finally collided heavily!

The Supreme Bone of Samsara was obviously prepared, and Lin Xingyun also let go of everything without reservation, allowing the Supreme Bone to merge into his chest in an instant!


Suddenly, with Lin Xingyun's body as the center, the dazzling fairy light wrapped him heavily, and layers of powerful and boundless waves surged out crazily, spreading in an instant, stirring up everything between heaven and earth!

At this time, even the cultivators who were fighting in the sky and on the ground all stopped unconsciously, and everyone had waves of fear and awe in their hearts.

It seemed that some kind of great terror was about to be born here!

"What's going on? That kid—"

"That supreme bone has merged with his original supreme bone and is about to become a more powerful bone..."

"It should be said that it is the strongest supreme bone that has never been seen before and will never be seen again!"

Jin Lingtian frowned, not knowing what was going on, but Ye Huang saw what was going on and his expression became solemn.

At this time, the aura emitted by Lin Xingyun after he merged with the supreme bone of reincarnation finally made him feel frightened for the first time!

But he still didn't think he would lose, after all, he still had a trump card, which was the gift of the supreme being from the foreign land to his reincarnation and cultivation.

Yuan Pi and others who followed closely behind did not have such confidence.

At this time, feeling the terrifying and boundless pressure in the light ball, they were even frightened and dared not take action for a while!

After a while, the light ball slowly dissipated, revealing the handsome body of a young man in it.

At this time, not only did Lin Xingyun's spiritual energy completely recover to its peak state, but his body was also emitting ethereal fairy light all the time. His temperament became more and more ethereal, and he was a real exiled fairy, as if he would ascend to heaven in the next moment!

He stroked his chest, feeling his own transformation and this new powerful force, and exhaled a long breath.

"The three bones of heaven, flying fairy, and reincarnation are combined into a brand new supreme bone."

"From now on, you can be called-"

"Heavenly Fairy Bone!"

Lin Xingyun thought in his heart, and took out the two jade slips that had just come with the supreme bone.

The divine pattern of the Great Dao Fairy Bell on his head was brilliant, which stimulated his top-level understanding of the innate Dao embryo to the extreme.

Then he grabbed the two jade slips, stuck them to his eyebrows, and refined them in an instant!

"Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist?"

"Three Lives Sword Art?"

"Yaoyao is so good!"

Lin Xingyun smiled and nodded. As the reincarnation principles attached to the Supreme Bone of Reincarnation flowed into his body, he quickly comprehended these two magical powers that were deeply integrated with the mysteries of reincarnation!

He then walked towards Ye Huang, Jin Lingtian and others step by step.

"Brother Jin! I'll leave this kid to you!"

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