Just now in the barrier, Cai Lin was like a greedy snake. After eating a lot of his Chaos Blue Lotus Fire, it glowed all over and fell into a deep sleep.

At this time, it was still curled up, as if it was about to transform, and it was still asleep.

Lin Xingyun didn't care. He stroked its snake body and looked at the enemies again.

"If we kill for a while, Yaoyao should be able to complete the enlightenment..."

He made up his mind and stepped through the air with a sword, as if he walked out of hell. Every step he took made Bai Wuyou and others feel terrified!

"Monster! It's really a monster!"

"The fairyland is too scary! I'd better go back and seal myself for tens of thousands of years before coming out again!"

"Everyone! It's impossible to kill Lin Xingyun. Otherwise, let's try to work together to break this realm and escape!"

The ten geniuses were all cold. They were no longer willing to confront Lin Xingyun head-on. They just wanted to escape and save their lives.

Cang Luo was also terrified, and he gritted his teeth and cursed.

"It's all Jin Lingtian's fault, that idiot! He fell into someone's trap so easily! He's still not out of trouble, he's just useless————"

Before he finished speaking, Lin Xingyun, who was coming with a sword, suddenly stopped.

The next moment, he frowned, feeling the strangeness coming from his body, knowing that he couldn't suppress it anymore, he immediately raised his hand and summoned the Heaven-Holding Pot.


When the bronze pot flew out, there was a earth-shaking explosion, and the pot lid was suddenly blown away by a terrifying force.

Then black and gold light columns burst out from it, like a pillar of heaven, directly penetrating the clouds, penetrating the sky and the earth, and instantly breaking through the three realms!

Two figures also rushed out of the pot at a high speed, and stabilized their bodies.

One of them was surrounded by dazzling golden light, the divine ring behind him was running like a flying bird, his golden hair stood upside down, and his aura was already majestic and surging to the extreme, like a true peerless god king!

The other person turned pale, with a pair of black horns growing on his head, his hands and feet turned into sharp claws, and a pair of black wings growing from his back. He exuded a sinister demonic aura all over his body, and his aura was as deep and terrifying as the abyss of the ocean, just like the demon god who dominated the darkness of the world descended to the world!

Jin Lingtian and Ye Huang were completely different from before. It was obvious that in order to escape from the Palm of Heaven Pot, they had to burst out all their combat power, so they showed the most powerful and perfect proud posture!

"Brother Jin————!"

Cang Luo was the first to fly forward and shouted to Jin Lingtian with sincerity.

"Brother Jin! You finally came out, I was always worried about you!"

"This little beast is too hateful, he must die! Brother Jin, I leave it all to you!"

Jin Lingtian didn't even bother to look at him, but stared at Lin Xingyun not far in front of him with a monstrous murderous intent.

"You dare to plot against me like this, even if you die, you will never be able to atone for your crime!"

"Submit to my clan, and I may spare your life."

Ye Huang was still calm and indifferent, but his words were also filled with murderous intent.

Seeing Ye Huang and Jin Lingtian escape, the triple domain was broken, all the people in the domain immediately gathered behind these two giants as if they had found their backbone, waiting for their instructions.

Lin Xingyun breathed a sigh of relief and quickly retracted the Heaven-Holding Pot into his body.

Just like when Jun Changsheng was blasted open by him and escaped, the Heaven-Holding Pot's ability to trap people depends on the strength of its owner. Now that it has suffered a heavy blow, it cannot trap people at will for a while.

But his face was not the slightest bit rippled, even though the two opponents gave him an extremely dangerous feeling at this time.

The battle was about to break out, and Lin Xingyun took the lead, stepping on the silver-white fairy light and holding a sword. His first move was an extreme move, and the Flying Fairy Sword Embryo and his two swords combined to attack Ye Huang and Jin Lingtian at the same time!


But Jin Lingtian held the golden spear, and the power of the God King was unparalleled. After only a few rounds of fighting, he forced the Feixian Sword Embryo back.

Ye Huang blocked all the attacks of the Blood Killing Sword with just a pair of black claws, and even struck out with one claw, causing Lin Xingyun to be knocked back hundreds of feet away.

Seeing that Lin Xingyun finally fell into a disadvantage, Bai Wuyou and others were ecstatic, and they turned around quietly and went straight to the Ten Thousand Daos Creation Jade, wanting to compete for the opportunity first!

"This bunch of rubbish, only know how to fish in troubled waters!"

Jin Lingtian said with contempt and resentment, not knowing whether to abandon Lin Xingyun and go to grab the treasure first.

"It doesn't matter. The absorption of the Ten Thousand Daos Creation Jade takes a long time. Let them interrupt the woman's enlightenment."

"Let's kill him together first. He still has secrets and it's not easy to kill him."

Ye Huang said indifferently, with a calm expression.

"Hmph! After all, he is a reincarnated emperor, and his experience is indeed extraordinary."

Jin Lingtian snorted coldly and looked at Ye Huang, and his fear of him became even greater. Just now in the Palm of Heaven Pot, he had already deeply felt the other party's strength, and now he had already identified him as the real opponent of this trip!

Chapter 366 Reincarnation, I hope you become stronger

"Flying Immortal Tribulation Light!"

Lin Xingyun held his heart with his hands, and the Supreme Bone Immortal Light on his heart shone brightly, and the vast Tribulation Light burst out with all its strength, blasting straight at the two.

"God King Demon Hand!"

Jin Lingtian raised his right hand, and instantly manifested a golden handprint to suppress Lin Xingyun, and collided with the Flying Immortal Tribulation Light, bursting out a terrifying air wave, but for a while it was a stalemate and it was difficult to determine the winner.

But Ye Huang also raised his hand, and a dark green spiritual power bead that was several times stronger than before emerged from his fingers.

"Nothingness and annihilation."

He spoke indifferently, and the spiritual power pearl in his hand quickly flew towards the center where the golden hand seal and the calamity light collided.


After a shocking explosion, there was a long period of annihilation and silence, as if everything had been wiped out, leaving only the dark green evil light that erupted from the spiritual power bead and covered the sky!

That evil light took advantage of the momentum like a wave, quickly overcoming the Flying Immortal Tribulation Light, and headed straight for Lin Xingyun!

Lin Xingyun sensed the terror of the opponent's offensive, and immediately used the Ten Thousand Transformations Sword Art with the Feixian Divine Fetus to continuously eliminate the invasion of the evil light in the sky!

Under the protection of the black and yellow exquisite armor, he was not injured, but he was once again forced to retreat thousands of feet away.

Ye Huang and Jin Lingtian were like two mountains of ten thousand feet, standing across here, blocking his way, making it difficult for him to break through for a while.

The next moment, Jin Lingtian came through the air with a golden war spear in hand. With such power that the world collapsed, he pierced Lin Xingyun's heart with a spear!

Ye Huang spread out his dark wings behind him, almost faster than Kunpeng. He also attacked and grabbed Lin Xingyun's head with one claw!

One of them possesses the bloodline of the Great Emperor and one of the top ten physiques of a God-King, and their talents are as outstanding as ever.

One is the reincarnation of an ancient emperor from a foreign land. Not only has he mastered the practice methods of his previous life, but he has also received the gift of power from the deepest part of the foreign land and fused with a drop of the other's black blood, allowing him to be invincible and respected among his peers!

Both of these two people have perfected their cultivation in the Saint Realm, and they are now recognized as the strongest talents in the Saint Realm in both realms. At this time, they join forces to attack and kill, Lin Xingyun only feels that they are worse than the sixteen emperors and commanders before. It's ten times more difficult!

The three of them fought at a high altitude until the sky was dark and the sun and the moon were dim. Lin Xingyun relied on the massive amount of Xuanhuang Mother Qi supplied to the Xuanhuang Exquisite Armor. Although he was not injured at all, it was still difficult to defeat these two people!

At this time, outside the Tianji Demon Suppression Tower, Yuan Pi was leading the warriors to attack continuously.

Suddenly, Cang Luo and other ten geniuses arrived quickly. They had already noticed the strange changes here. Now they saw that there was no strange barrier to block them, and only a pagoda was left to protect them. They had no worries anymore!

"Huh? Yuan Pi! What's going on?"

"Yuan Pi! You are looking for death! How dare you make our monks into war puppets?!"

However, after several foreign commanders took a closer look and realized something was wrong, they immediately focused on Yuan Pi with unkind expressions.

"Everyone, I was forced too!"

"It was Hei Shang who said that there were not enough prisoners and Ye Huang would blame him for not being able to activate the formation, so I made this move!

Yuan Pi looked helpless, pointed at Hei Shang and complained.

He kept in mind the way of survival that his father Yuancao once taught him, and he practiced it even more at this time.

One is a "false accusation" and the other is a "blame"!

"Yuan Pi! You are such a wanyi, I you!"

Hei Shang, who was adjusting his breath, became furious on the spot and pointed at Yuan Pi for a friendly exchange.

"Cough...cough! Everyone, let me explain the matter of fighting puppets later!"

"You see, although the defense of this pagoda is equally astonishing, it is not as impossible to break through as the barrier!"

Yuan Pi quickly changed the topic and pointed to the Tianji Demon Suppressing Tower.

I saw that with the continuous bombardment of the war puppets, the dark purple light around the Tianji Demon Suppression Tower was dimming little by little.

Although the brilliance dimmed extremely slowly, it made all ten geniuses shine.

"This pagoda is just a magic weapon after all. Without someone to control it, it cannot be protected forever!"

"Work together to break it as soon as possible, otherwise when Ye Huang and Jin Lingtian kill that kid and free up their hands, the jade ultimatum will have nothing to do with us!"

Although the ten geniuses each had their own agendas, under pressure from Ye Huang and Jin Lingtian, they quickly formed an alliance!

The ten emperor-level figures are all at the saint level and have perfect cultivation. With their own rich background, they all have great saint-level combat power.

Now that everyone is trying their best, no one can control the Tianji Demon Suppression Tower. Even if it is still indestructible, the ability to protect and suppress it seems that it can no longer be maintained for too long!

At this time, inside the Tianji Demon Suppressing Tower, there is the core of the Ten Thousand Dao Creation Jade.

Qin Diyao once again launched an attack with the infinite power of Taoism, but still failed. The backlash of her forcible enlightenment made her look pale.

"Willow was swallowed into another dimension, her life and death are unknown..."

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