Only then did they suddenly realize that Lin Xingyun's combat prowess was obvious to all. Except for Ye Huang and Jin Lingtian, no one dared to say that they could defeat him alone.

Only with a joint siege can we have a chance!

Lin Xingyun stood in the air and looked around at the sixteen enemies on both sides. He saw that they were all staring at him. There were enemies watching from every angle, ready to kill him at any time!

With his fighting power, even if he could defeat any one of them, but with sixteen powerful enemies gathered together, the difficulty would be increased dozens of times!

In this situation, there is really no way to heaven and no way to earth!

He no longer held back, the Supreme Bone in his heart bloomed with immeasurable fairy light, tens of thousands of green-gold sword grass also flew out of his body, and a pair of pupils circulated to the extreme!

"The Divine Punishment Prison!"

"Nine Leaf Sword Domain!"

"Double Eye Opening Technique!"

The magical powers of the three major fields were used together, and the three realms were fully unfolded. In addition to the sixteen leading geniuses, there were also all the people in the restricted area and about one-third of the foreign monks.

At this time, everything within a radius of nearly a thousand miles has become his absolute home court!

On the other hand, within the red barrier.

Chu Weiluo watched Lin Xingyun fight powerful enemies from all directions alone. She was impressed by Lin Xingyun's heroic appearance, but also deeply worried about him.

She clenched her little pink fists so tightly that she wished she could rush out of the barrier immediately and help Lin Xingyun punch those enemies to death one by one!

"Willow! Calm down!"

"Although I also want to help my husband, Yaoyao is in a critical moment now, and we must protect her even more!"

At this time, Chu Lulu's solemn reminder came from her mind, which made Chu Weiluo calm down a bit.

"Hmm! I understand!"

"Yao Yao, I will protect you, and you must complete your enlightenment as soon as possible!"

"When you come out of the mountain, the three of us will fight against the enemy together. No matter how many troops there are, we can kill them all!"

Chu Weiluo turned her head to look at the Wandao Creation Jade, and prayed with her hands together as if in prayer.

At this time, in the Ten Thousand Dao Creation Jade, Qin Diyao was rapidly absorbing countless pure Dao charms coming from all directions, and his understanding of the Dao principles was much higher than before.

But at this moment, her face was full of pain, and not long after, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth!

The Dao Ze aura that was still rising was also interrupted!

After Qin Diyao adjusted his breathing, although there were no sequelae, he began to mutter to himself unconsciously.

"Why? Why on earth?!"

"I have clearly touched that trace of Tao, but there seems to be some kind of obstacle that prevents me from taking another step forward!"

"Now I have the help of thousands of creation jade, but I can't achieve enlightenment. What should I do..."

Chapter 363 The battle is fierce and one of his fingers is cut off

Qin Diyao was puzzled and couldn't figure out which orifice had the problem.

Now that she is in the Jade of Ten Thousand Creations, she is actually aware of the situation in the outside world clearly. She knows that the outside world has become dark at this time, and countless people are coveting this great opportunity that she has received!

Especially Lin Xingyun, who is still facing many powerful enemies alone!

But she has an extraordinary character and knows that the key to the battle at this time is whether she can succeed in enlightenment. No matter how worried she is, she still calms down and devotes herself to enlightenment once again!

At the same time, seeing that Lin Xingyun was like a divine soldier descending from the sky, he had trapped all the enemy's high-end combat power in an instant. The remaining foreign monks were simply horrified, and each fell into a brief sluggish state, their fighting spirit Naturally, it was greatly reduced.

On the other hand, the morale of the Fairyland side skyrocketed instantly!

"With one person against a thousand troops, the young master of the Lin family is too strong!"

"I thought that Ye Huang and Jin Lingtian were already invincible, but I didn't expect that the young master of the Lin family was even braver than them!"

"Now that all the foreign commanders are trapped, it can be said that I have the advantage!"

"Everyone! It's time to counterattack!"

Liu Zhennan, Lin Chun and other saint-level figures were so excited that they raised their arms and shouted. They immediately took the lead in the attack and defeated the foreign camp!

Among the crowd, the female sword cultivator who just wanted to fight for Jian Kan and die generously could not help but look at the huge sword field not far away in trance.

"Master Lin's swordsmanship... is so strong! So powerful!"

"I really want to go to learn the art of swordsmanship!"

"Sister, please stop being crazy! It won't be too late to find Mr. Lin after the war is over!"

"Oh! Okay!"

Several female cultivators passed by her and couldn't help but urge her, their faces full of speechlessness.

He said in his heart that you don't want to ask for advice on swordsmanship. You obviously want to get through the sewers!

At this time, the huge area has turned into a real purgatory on earth!

Not only are mountains of swords, seas of fire, and blood pools and iron trees everywhere, there are also countless sword grasses and double-eyed divine lights surging everywhere, harvesting the lives of those trapped in them anytime and anywhere!

An exotic monk was unprepared and was pierced by seven swords and grasses. He screamed and fell into a sea of ​​fire. The saint's body was quickly corroded and melted away!

Everyone is trapped deep in these three realms, and it is really like falling into hell, with life and death crises at all times!

While most of the monks were desperately resisting the invasion of the three realms, in the center of the battlefield, sixteen talented people were already furious and were besieging Lin Xingyun with all their strength!

I saw Lin Xingyun covered in black and yellow exquisite armor at this time, punching out a huge divine elephant, and beating an emperor in the restricted area until his torso exploded and he retreated!

But at the same time, four more magical powers attacked from the side. He raised his hand and the mysterious sword box was in front of him. One thousand and eighty strengthened sword grasses flew out and formed a sword formation to resist and destroy the opponent's magical powers!

There were two swords attacking from above. It turned out that Jian Kan and another forbidden area emperor who used swords launched a joint attack at the same time.

The two people's sword attainments were extraordinary. At this moment, they attacked at the same time, locking all the flaws of Lin Xingyun. The sharp sword energy was unstoppable and was determined to kill him with one blow!

And Lin Xingyun's eyes were cold, and a petite figure flew out of his heart immediately. Feixian Shentai and he held the Daluo Dao Sword and the Blood Killing Sword respectively. They came out together and fought hundreds of moves with the two emperors in the blink of an eye. In the end, they killed the two and made them spit blood and retreat violently!

But the other enemies still attacked fiercely. Countless powerful magical powers and magic weapons surrounded him, making people dizzy and unable to split their attention!

"It's better to cut off one finger than to hurt ten of them!"

Lin Xingyun made up his mind while parrying.

The next moment, the soul between his eyebrows shone brightly, and a golden sword god phantom transformed by the soul appeared from above him, which made his already powerful soul aura suddenly rise sharply!

"Sword Soul Emperor Sutra Sixth Level, Sword Soul True Body!"

"Soul-fixing Ring!"

After the phantom of the sword god appeared, the power and range of the soul methods he used were greatly increased!

At this time, he shouted, and sixteen golden rings immediately enveloped the sixteen opponents present, causing their actions to suddenly pause for a moment!

Lin Xingyun quickly locked onto the closest person, flew up, and raised his hand to summon the Qiankun Ding.

Then he held the large cauldron full of Xuanhuang mother energy and heavier than the stars and pressed down with all his strength, directly killing the foreign emperor who was caught off guard and turning him into a blood mist!

Then he turned around and raised his hand, resting it on the shoulder of the flying fairy fetus. A pair of vertical pupils appeared behind him instantly, aiming at everyone in front of him, and two fierce divine lights burst out instantly!

"Flying Fairy Moving Heaven Technique!"


After being hit by the two extremely terrifying divine lights, even if the group of geniuses broke free from the restraints of the Soul-Fixing Ring and made a defense, they were still injured and wounded, and even two people died on the spot and were annihilated into ashes!

"How hateful! This kid has too many tricks!"

"There is such a monster in the fairyland, is he really only in the king realm?!"

"Where are the teammates? Where are the teammates? Save them!"

"What happened to Jin Lingtian?! It's been so long, and he and the foreign leader haven't been able to escape yet?!"

"Heh! He usually shows off his power, but now he wants to hide his impotence!"

"If this goes on, we may really be killed by this kid!"

The remaining thirteen Tianjiao were also shocked by Lin Xingyun's terrifying combat power and various tricks.

At this time, the surroundings were already purgatory on earth. When they looked at Lin Xingyun again, it was more like looking at a hell killing god. In addition to the three dead companions, a strong premonition of death began to linger in each of their hearts!

"My heart and my sword, I will move forward!"

But Jian Kan, the son of the foreign sword emperor, was born with a sword bone, and his arrogance was far beyond ordinary comparison. Even though he was seriously injured, his fighting spirit was even more surging, and there were even signs of a breakthrough in the battle!

He raised his sword again, wanting to fight Lin Xingyun to the death!

"Kill! I don't believe that he really has the ability to kill all of us!"

The other Tianjiao were also greatly encouraged by this, and they all displayed their special magical powers to seek revenge on Lin Xingyun!

And just as the battle situation in the triple domain continued to evolve to a white-hot stage.

Outside the battle, there were also some foreign cultivators guarding the rear, guarding Hei Shang who was carving the formation, and from time to time someone would capture one or two already unconscious immortal cultivators.

"It's done!"

After a while, Hei Shang shouted with sweat all over his head, showing a weak and tired state but with a bright look in his eyes, as if he had accomplished an extraordinary feat.

But he looked back and frowned again.

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