At this time, the frontal battlefield was already full of fighting. The monks from both sides fought to the extreme. Countless rays of terrifying spiritual power collided and annihilated everything in all directions, making the whole world change color!

The nine foreign commanders were like tigers entering the flock of sheep, killing everyone in all directions, and the saints of the fairyland fell after doing whatever they wanted!

Only Lin Chun, Liu Zhennan and other great saints and saints from aristocratic families can compete with them, but in the battle, the Immortal Domain side is still at a disadvantage.

"Jie Jie Jie! Kill them! Kill all these ants in the fairyland!"

Above the sky, Wu Chen, one of the nine commanders of the foreign land, laughed wildly.

He has revealed his true form, which is a three-headed ghost chariot bird.

At this time, as the wings were waving, countless sound waves turned into substance and spewed out. Any monk in the fairyland felt like hearing the roar of ghosts. In the least, they were confused, their ears were bleeding, and in severe cases, their heads exploded and died on the spot. !

"Keep all their eyes for me! I will take them back to make elixirs!"

One of the nine commanders, Centi Qian, was fighting against three Immortal Domain Saint-level figures with one person. Not only was he able to do so with ease, he also did not forget to loudly send messages to his subordinates.

And a moment later, Centipede Qianyi pulled off his robe, revealing a thousand evil eyes on his torso!

At this time, thousands of eyes burst out with black light, and the power was terrifying. The battle was instantly decided, and the three saints were seriously injured and retreated!

"Are you the only sword cultivators left in the Immortal Realm today?"

In the corner of the battlefield, a blindfolded swordsman with a sword intent soaring into the sky said disdainfully that more than ten sword cultivators from the Immortal Realm had fallen in front of him. All of them had broken swords and were disabled, and they were no match at all!

"The emperor's son of the Sword Emperor Clan... is truly unrivaled!"

"But I, the sword cultivator, would rather break than bend, and move forward indomitably!"

A severely injured female swordsman held her own broken sword. Although her breath was weak, she still had high fighting spirit!

Holding the sword, she exploded with spiritual power, displayed the most powerful sword skills in her life, and vowed to defend the kendo she had cultivated with her life!


"Are you worthy of holding a sword?"

Jian Kan still looked contemptuous, he raised the black and red long sword in his hand, and with just one stroke of the sword, he wiped out all the opponent's sword moves and magical powers!

Then the long sword in his hand made a frightening sound, as if he wanted to drink blood again!

"Huh?! Ye Huang?!"

Just as the nine commanders were killing everyone and showing off their powerful combat power, they suddenly felt Ye Huang's aura disappearing, and they immediately turned around and looked at the position above the barrier.

When they saw with their own eyes that Lin Xingyun was holding a small bronze pot and taking away Ye Huang and Jin Lingtian, they were also horrified to the extreme and even forgot about the fight!

"What kind of magic weapon is that?! It can actually take Ye Huang away?!"

"It doesn't matter what the magic weapon is, just grab it and release Ye Huang first!"

"Don't go rashly! Be careful that you and I will be taken in too!"

"Wu Chen, you idiot! If he could use that magic weapon to recruit people at will, he would have collected all the people in the restricted area long ago. Why wait until now? I think there must be restrictions on the use of that magic weapon!"

"Chunqian! You piece of shit, who are you calling a fool? If you want to die, just say so!"

"What? You want to fight with me? Come on then!"

While the nine commanders were arguing, they reached a consensus. Lin Xingyun could not use the small bronze pot to collect people without any scruples.

This is indeed the case. The ability of the Palm Palm Pot to absorb and trap people depends on the master's cultivation and combat power.

If the trapped enemies are too strong or too numerous, they will inevitably escape on their own within a short period of time. It would be better to just hold back Ye Huang and Jin Lingtian.

Chapter 362: One against many, the realm expands

Just as the nine foreign commanders were about to take action, they saw that Lin Xingyun had transformed into silver-white fairy light and took the lead in attacking. In the blink of an eye, he was not far from Wu Chen!

"Huh! I don't know how high the sky is!"

"The Underworld Curse Sound!"

Seeing that he actually chose himself as his first opponent, Wu Chen immediately shouted angrily, and all three heads screamed sharply. The sound waves contained infinite evil power, causing many immortal monks present to vomit blood and faint on the spot!

"The bell rings all over the world!"

The Immortal Bell of the Great Dao appeared on the top of Lin Xingyun. He raised his hand and the bell immediately resounded through the Heavenly Sound of the Dao.

After absorbing a large amount of Dao Ze Ling Jade essence, the physical potential of the innate Dao embryo was also greatly stimulated.

Now, the divine patterns on the body of this Great Dao Immortal Bell are dazzling, like a real immortal weapon, and the burst of Tianyin is even more powerful!


As the sound waves from both sides collided fiercely, Wu Chen's curse sound was drowned out like a torrent. Countless monks from foreign lands were shaken by the impact of the heavenly sound of the great avenue, and even those with weaker cultivation levels had their heads exploded on the spot, and their bodies died!


Wu Chen was hit head-on by Dao Dao Tianyin and screamed. Blood spurted out from all three heads. It was obvious that he was seriously injured!

Lin Xingyun came up with a sword, intending to take advantage of his illness and chop off three of his heads!

"Thousand-Eye World-Destroying Technique!"

However, there were thousands of black lights in the slanting stabs that suddenly attacked, and it turned out that Centipede opened its torso with a thousand eyes and attacked with an explosive attack!

"Destruction Divine Light!"

Lin Xingyun's eyes flashed, and two gray divine lights shot out with the potential to annihilate everything!

After only a moment of confrontation with the thousand black lights, they swept directly past, destroying all the black lights, and severely damaged Centipede!


"This is... the Emperor's Double Eyes?!"

"Those eyes of yours! I'm going to make a decision!"

Centipede coughed up a mouthful of blood, and most of his eyes were closed due to the backlash, and blood continued to bleed.

But his face showed unprecedented excitement, and he looked at Lin Xingyun with extremely blazing greed.

The next moment, he transformed into his true form, which turned out to be a huge golden centipede with a thousand eyes!

At the same time, he shouted at Wu Chen.

"Wu Chen! Are you still alive? If you are not dead, hurry up and help me dig out his eyes!"

"Dead centipede, I am not dead even if you die!"

At this time, Wu Chen's cultivation aura completely exploded, and there were magical brilliance flashing on his three heads, trying to dispel the influence of the sound of the Great Dao on his soul.

"Nine leaves divide the universe!"

Lin Xingyun did not pause at all, and his two-handed sword drew a stunning sword light and slashed at Wu Chen, trying to kill him in one fell swoop.

But another figure broke through the air and blocked Wu Chen.

Jian Kan was still blindfolded, and he also drew a black and red sword light with his sword, which was so powerful that it seemed to be able to cut through thousands of miles of mountains and rivers!


At this time, they were in a foreign land. Two sword beams collided, and countless sword energy fragments flew and scattered, cutting the foreign monks below into pieces. From time to time, someone was affected by the residual power of the sword energy, and was cut all over the body, with broken hands and feet!

The two sword beams collided for a moment, and the winner was quickly determined. The blue-gold nine-leaf sword beam shattered everything and slashed directly at Jian Kan!

Jian Kan held the sword horizontally, and the sword way surged out, but he was still cut back hundreds of feet, leaving a long and narrow wound on his chest that was deep enough to see the bone, and then the sword beam was barely wiped out!

"Good! There are such sword cultivators in the fairyland!"

"You are worth my full-strength battle!"

But he showed ecstasy on his face, then tore off the white cloth covering his eyes, opened his eyes, and his sword cultivation seemed to be unsealed, and the fierce sword intent and sword energy gushed out like a hurricane!

On the other hand, Wu Chen finally dispelled most of the influence of the immortal bell and stabilized his soul with his full strength.

His three heads roared again, wanting to fight Lin Xingyun!

At this time, the other six commanders had also besieged and attacked, but they all saw Lin Xingyun's strong fighting power and did not choose to attack at the first time.

The people in the restricted area followed closely, and the six emperors and Qin Ji took the lead in the air, and also completely blocked all of Lin Xingyun's ways!

"Lin Xingyun! You can't escape even if you have wings, hand over the bronze pot!"

"Submit now, let us plant the slave mark, and you still have a way to go!"

Cang Luo and others shouted angrily and threatened, making Wu Qian and others couldn't help but respond with gloomy faces.

"Who are you?"

"The bronze pot belongs to us! Every piece of this kid's flesh and blood belongs to us!"

"Ridiculous! A group of inferior creatures stained with filth are worthy of competing with us for opportunities?"

"You are looking for death!"

Both sides immediately started friendly exchanges. Before Lin Xingyun was hurt at all, they almost started fighting!

Or Bai Wuyou couldn't stand it anymore, and shouted to everyone.

"Stop arguing! Do you think this kid is easy to deal with?"

"Now the strongest of both sides are trapped by him. If we don't join forces, we will die in the hands of this kid!"

Bai Wuyou's voice transmission exploded like thunder, and it also made everyone present sober instantly.

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