Qualification tests are carried out quickly.

But there are simply too many people.

There was a queue for an hour or so.

Tang Yu and Su danced lightly, and finally lined up in front of a spar.

The first is Tang Yu.

I saw him look confident.

Without hesitation, reach out and stick to the spar.

The next moment, a faint golden light.

It flickered out of the spar!


, golden qualification!" "After testing for so long, there is finally a golden qualification disciple!"

"I wonder which peak this young man will worship under


The other nine elders immediately looked over in unison.

They were all overjoyed, and with great interest, they began to discuss Tang Yu's whereabouts.

And thousands of young people present, after seeing this golden light.

They are also shocked and noisy.

The voices of envy and jealousy are endless.

And Tang Yu felt all this around him.

The corners of his mouth were proudly hooked, almost crooked to the ends of his ears!"

"A bunch of ordinary people, frogs at the bottom of the well."

"This is just the tip of the iceberg of this emperor's means!" "

But this Tianji Town Demon Tower is indeed worthy of its name. "

Even my mortal body can be transformed into such qualifications!"

thought Tang Yu, subconsciously touching his lower abdomen.

In the Yuan Mansion in his body, a mysterious small dark purple tower was spinning.

This was the Immortal Domain Supreme Treasure he got in his previous life.

Tianji Town Magic Pagoda!

The grade of this pagoda is unknown.

Although it is not an imperial soldier, it is more useful than an imperial soldier.

It can protect, suppress, and nourish the flesh.

It can also improve the talent qualification!

Tang Yu relies on it to protect.

In order to escape, reincarnation and rebirth.

"When I got this small tower in the last life, I was already a quasi-emperor realm, and I could no longer rely on it to improve my talent.

"In this life, I will definitely use it to make up for regrets, cast the strongest foundation, and win the crown again..."

Tang Yu was imagining the future.

Hi can't do it.

Suddenly interrupted by the elder in front of him.

"Eh, young man, don't be silly there!" "

Hurry up and leave me your name, place of origin, cultivation, and direction."

"Later, follow us back to the sect and wait for the masters of the peaks to take a look." "

After choosing a teacher, you will be a true disciple in my Yaochi Holy Land!"

said the elder with a smile.

He also thought that Tang Yu was the same as some of the people he had seen.

The test passes.

It's a joyful wind!"

Cough...... Oh, good..."

Tang Yu came back to his senses in embarrassment, and immediately began to leave a name.

At the same time, he gave way and gave Su behind him a light dance.

"Little dance, it's your turn, let's test it!"


Su nodded lightly.

With his eyes closed, he slowly pasted his hand towards the spar.


next moment, a golden light that was dozens of times more dazzling than before.

Suddenly, it burst out from the spar!

"What?!" "Golden qualification again? Second consecutive gold?!"


Such a dazzling golden light... The old man has accepted disciples for the Holy Land dozens of times, and he has never seen it

!" "This nizi is very talented

!" "Maybe it can be favored by the master!"

"This golden color is only the limit of the spar, not her limit!" The

ten elders were all surprised and amazed.

If they can recruit such outstanding disciples this time, and return to the Holy Land, they will definitely be rewarded.

And Tang Yu looked at the dazzling golden light in front of Su Qianwu.

Although there is a bit of jealousy.

But more of it was excitement.

He was already bound to Su Qianwu.

Anyway, it will be her own woman, and the higher the talent, the better.

After testing two golden qualification disciples in a row.

The crowd also became more and more turbulent, and they rushed forward to test.

It's like, after seeing someone else burst into orange.

Immediately, he followed the desperate drawing of cards.

But eventually, the whole day came down.

Only Tang Yu and Su Qianwu were tested, two golden qualification disciples.

Finally, night fell.

Everyone at the foot of the mountain has finally finished testing.

A huge contingent of tens of thousands of people.

In the end, only a hundred people were eligible to worship the Holy Land.

After the test, the ten elders rode the auspicious clouds.

Bring Tang Yu and the others to the sacred mountain together.

When the group soared into the clouds.

After descending into the Yaochi Holy Land.

I saw that the mountains here were misty and cloudy.

Lingxi springs are everywhere, and fairy herbs and treasures are full of medicines.

Countless sacred birds and cranes flew in the sky.

Look into the distance.

Four strange peaks that reach into the sky stand in all directions of the Holy Land.

Elegant and quiet pavilions are located on four strange peaks.

A fairy charm.

Let these young people who have just entered the Holy Land marvel non-stop.

"Wow, brother, it's so beautiful here, it's much more beautiful than our mountains there

!" "Can we really live in this kind of place? It's so good!"

Su Qianwu was also pleasantly surprised, and couldn't help but be excited.

"Of course, stay as long as you want.

Tang Yu was still crooked and proud, with a contemptuous smile on his face.

With his vision, what immortal style has never seen.

Here, this is just the first step for him to return to the top.

At this time, his gaze was not on the wonders around him.

But next to the gate of the Holy Land Mountain, on a bluestone three feet high.

Directly above that bluestone.


Yu stared at the rusty sword and couldn't help but show joy.

"I can't imagine that my last sword [Blood Killing] was actually left behind in this Yaochi Holy Land!"

"Unfortunately, the Blood Killing Sword is now extremely damaged, and even the prince soldiers are inferior.

"However, it is appropriate to make weapons for me now."

Tang Yu secretly considered in his heart.

This rusty sword was the only sword soldier in his previous life, the blood killing sword!

You can devour the flesh and blood of living beings and strengthen yourself!

It is even expected to evolve into an imperial soldier!

Unfortunately, he was not a major in kendo back then.

The imperial soldier at the time of his sermon was a golden halberd.

Although he also killed a lot in his life.

But in the end, only blood is killed.

Evolved to the level of quasi-imperial soldiers.

Still in the last battle before death.

Let the blood kill be seriously damaged, and this is where it flows.

And just as Tang Yu was thinking about whether to go and get the sword now.

An elder suddenly came forward and smiled at everyone.

"New disciples.

"Before entering the Holy Land and meeting the peak lords, there is one more thing.

"Look, the rusty sword on the bluestone in front.

"That's the sword weapon that the previous generation asked the Sword Peak Peak Lord.

"His old man stood this sword here before he died.

"And make a promise, new beginner, who can pull out this rusty sword." "

No matter what level of qualification you have, you can directly become a sword son of Qianjian Feng!"

After the elder finished speaking, he smiled slyly.

Seduced the crowd.

"Everyone, the status of this sword son is far beyond that of a true disciple, and it is the heir of the peak lord!" Everyone

knew that there were four great peaks in the Yaochi Holy Land.

Whenever a disciple enters, he must be selected to worship at one of the peaks.

And the peak lord of the four peaks has a lofty status.

Second only to the Holy Land Sect!

The young men and women present directly became the heirs of the peak lord as soon as they heard the opportunity.

All of a sudden, they were all calm,

especially those disciples with purple qualifications.

Initially, their eyes lit up!

Originally, they thought.

He can only enter the Holy Land as an ordinary disciple.

Unexpectedly, there was another chance to change one's life against the sky!

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