"Mom, it's outrageous!" "

Stinky son, you have spent too much time!"

"This little girl is too, why can't you think about it so much?"

"When the Ye family comes to find the door, how can I explain to people?!" "

Sure enough, I shouldn't have married in the first place, if I didn't marry over, Lin Chen's bastard wouldn't have disappeared, he wouldn't be missing, I..." Liu

Fengyi secretly dripped a few drops of cold sweat.

Begin to slander in the heart.

But right now, this is the occasion.

She still chose to remain silent first.

Seeing An Miaoyin, Lin Xingyun actually dared to surrender to him in front of the public.

I couldn't help but be stunned.

Immediately showed a sly smile, nodded and said.

"It's not early, let's go to the Xianzhou.

"Yes, Young Lord!"

replied An Miaoyin with a clever smile.

So he got up, walked behind Lin Xingyun, and followed him onto the Immortal Boat.

However, her pace at this time was already a little trembling.

Although the expression on his face was tense.

But a heart.

But like a deer in the forest, it kept jumping!

She suddenly felt as if she were.

She took an important step on the road of preaching

, and from now on, she can always follow Lin Xingyun!

Lin Xingyun turned his back to her and teased.

"It seems that last night, you have figured it out.

"But it's amazing that you dared to act so boldly so quickly."

"Thanks to the Young Lord's mention yesterday, Miaoyin could understand the true meaning of the path of preaching!" An Miaoyin

saluted and thanked her, her face showing gratitude.

At this moment, she did feel that the Dao Heart and Dao Fruit were a little complete.

She was secretly moved.

It turned out that Lin Xingyun did not lie to her............

And then it followed.

Lin Xingyun said with a bad smile.

"This is just the first step.

"Next, I'll let you be by my side, like a follower."

"Be upright and accompany me in and out of all kinds of occasions."

"I'm going to let you want the Immortal Sect and the Immortal Ye Family.

"Let you those masters, sisters, relatives and friends."

"Of course, there is also Ye Que!"

"Let them all know that you are already my maid." Lin

Xingyunxin said, of course, there must be Ye Que.

When the time comes, the world will know.

Ye Que's fiancée became his handmaiden.

I'm really looking forward to the time.

Ye Que, what kind of distorted and painful expression would it be!

And An Miaoyin listened to it.

There was also a bit of a touched jade face just now.

Quickly became embarrassed!

"You... You... You simply... "

Lin Xingyun!" "The old lady fought with you!" An

Miaoyin couldn't bear it

! Her bare hand burst into pink light, and she slapped a palm towards Lin Xingyun!



And at this time under the fairy boat.

Lin Qingtan finally came to his senses.

She looked at An Miaoyin and followed Lin Xingyun to the fairy boat.

It seems that they also want to go to the Yaochi Holy Land together.

Can't help but pull Lin Chuan on the side, and asked eagerly.

"Brother, that... Who is that sister?" "

Why she... Can she go to Yaochi with the Young Lord?"

I don't know who she is, but it seems that her cultivation is quite high.

"And, listening to her title, it seems that the young lord's... "

But the young master's business, how can we manage so much!"

replied Lin Chuan with a frown.


Yes, I see that the young lord has also brought other maids to the fairy boat." "

Oh, stupid to death!"

I will also serve as a maid to the young master, so I can follow him and go to Yaochi together..."

Young Lord............"

Lin Qingtan was immediately full of remorse.

Covering his little face, he sobbed sadly.

Lin Chuan is full of black lines.

Reached out and gave his sister a violent chestnut to

the brain! "Stepping on the horse!" "

I already knew that the little cabbage I raised, so in love with the brain." "

Rot in the ground and don't give the pig an arch!"


Seven days later.

The sacred mountain where the Yaochi Holy Land is located, at the foot of the mountain.

Today is the day once in sixty years, when the Yaochi Holy Land recruits new disciples.

All the younger generation in the Immortal Domain.

No matter what race, what kind of cultivation.

As long as you are of the right age, you can take a qualification test to see if you can enter the Holy Land.

Since January ago.

The city of Yaochi at the foot of the sacred mountain was already overcrowded.

They all came to try it.

See if you are lucky enough to worship in the Holy Land.

Just because the Yaochi Holy Land is one of the three immortal-level great sects in the Immortal Domain today.

There are countless strong people in the sect, and the tree has deep roots.

Nature is desirable.

It was early in the morning.

Thousands of young talents rushed to the sacred mountain to participate in the test.

And in the crowd.

There was a pair of plainly dressed young men and women, walking side by side.

Both were dust servants, carrying bags.

It seems that he can't afford to buy a Qiankun ring.

It looks like an ordinary mortal, not unlike an ordinary mortal.

But in the man's eyes, there was a deep ambition to look at the world!

"Yaochi Holy Land, in this life, start from here!" "

I hate that although I was reborn in this life, I was thrown into a mortal family without any conditions for cultivation." "

After entering the Yaochi Holy Land, with my ability, I will definitely be able to stand out from the crowd and become a true disciple

!" "When the time comes to cultivate resources, you won't have to worry about it!"

Tang Yu secretly hesitated in his heart as he hurried away.

Yes, he is a born-again.

With all the memories of a past life.

In his previous life, he was an ancient emperor of the Immortal Domain.

After he became an emperor, he also traversed the Immortal Domain for 5,000 years, and he was majestic.

But unfortunately, it has not yet entered the old age.

He was poisoned by two close relatives and stole the Daoguo.

In the end, he died and disappeared

, but because he was carrying a fairy domain treasure, he was accidentally reborn.

With all the memories, and that treasure.

They were all born into a mortal farmhouse.

It has been eighteen years since he was born again.

"In this life, I will preach forcefully again

!" "Then take revenge on that beast and that slut!"

The simple girl beside him handed him a kettle.

"Brother, drink water.

"Oh, thanks little dance. Tang

Yu took the kettle and thanked Su Qianwu while drinking.

"Brother, you see that so many people here are all going to the Yaochi Holy Land. "

The two of us ... Can you really worship in the Holy Land?"

asked Su Qianwu a little timidly.

Since she was a child, she has basically stayed in the village.

At most, I have been to the town, and the small towns nearby.

There is little insight.

At this time, I saw such a whining crowd.

It is inevitable that the heart is very empty.

"Of course you can!" "

Xiao Wu, your qualifications are the best I've ever seen, it must be no problem!" Tang

Yu affirmed with a smile, a smug look in his eyes.

Su Qianwu is a girl from the same village as his childhood sweetheart.

Tang Yu is older, and the two have always been called brothers and sisters.

And he saw Su Qianwu for the first time.

You can see that she has extraordinary roots.

I am afraid that it is also the reincarnation of some great power.

But there is no memory of past lives.

In the small village where they grew up, there was no cultivation environment at all.

Tang Yu tried to cultivate hard by himself, and it was very difficult.

But when he remembered himself, a set of saint-level exercises.

After teaching Sue light dance.

There was no guidance at all, let alone cultivation resources.

Su danced lightly, and it came all the way.

Ten years to cultivate to the Yuanfu realm!

Even more terrifying than the Tianjiao of those immortal families!

For this reason, Tang Yu had already made up his mind.

Wait until the time is right.

Be sure to take down this childhood sweetheart.

This peerless Tianjiao will be a huge help in the future.

Now Su Qianwu has always only regarded him as an older brother.

It's just a good degree of feelings.

She must be completely self-conscious!


Soon, the mighty men and horses rushed to the foot of the sacred mountain.

The Holy Land, located on a sacred mountain.

And at the foot of the mountain at this time.

Ten three-zhang-tall five-colored spars were already separated in front of the mountain road.

This is the test spar of the Holy Land.

Just reach out and stick it, and you can measure the approximate qualification.

According to the qualifications of the advantages and disadvantages, from low to high.

The spar will show white, blue, purple, orange, gold, five colors.

Only purple and above qualifications.

to worship in Yao Pond.

Orange qualifications, will be directly accepted as inner disciples.

The golden qualification will be taught by the lords of each peak and even the master.

After selection, they are accepted as true disciples.

However, he has recruited disciples all times.

At least ninety percent of the people above are blue and white qualifications.

Those who can successfully worship Yao Pond.

Few and far between.

At this time, ten statues test the spar before.

There are already long queues.

Under the arrangement of the ten Yaochi elders, the tests were carried out in turn.

Every moment, there are people who show white and blue because of their test qualifications.

And wept bitterly, and left with hatred.

Some people even know that their qualifications are limited and there is no hope of entering the Holy Land.

The people

at the back of the line saw this.

Just push it away immediately and continue testing.

There will be no mercy for those who are unsuccessful.

The desire to worship the Holy Land.

Many of their basic humanity has been worn out.

There are even couples who come together.

The woman was purple qualification.

The man measured the blue qualification.

When the qualification test results, the moment they come out.

The woman was ecstatic and almost burst out laughing.

Then he turned his head and said grimly to the man.

"You and I are all fated, I deserve better!" "

Don't pass here, there will be no future!"

This phenomenon is very common.

It is called by the worldly mortals in the city of Yaochi at the foot of the mountain.

The first sword on the mountain, first cut the person in the heart!

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