
While Lin Xingyun was thinking, his heart suddenly moved, and a layer of dark yellow armor immediately appeared on his body.

A moment later, a dark green spiritual arrow shot through the sky, and the harsh sonic boom resounded for hundreds of miles in the mountains, as if it was going to kill Lin Xingyun with one blow!


But the arrow suddenly collided with the azure yellow armor on Lin Xingyun's body. Although it set off a huge wave of air and blew away all the surrounding mountains, forests and vegetation, it was still unable to penetrate the armor even one centimeter!

Lin Xingyun was using the magical power of the Black and Yellow Exquisite Armor, and the Qiankun Cauldron in his body bloomed with precious light, pouring a thick cloud of Black and Yellow Mother Qi into the armor, making it even more indestructible!

Since he obtained the Qiankun Cauldron, the continuous flow of Xuanhuang Mother Qi has made his defensive magical power almost infinitely higher. Even if he continues to practice it for a long time, one day, even the powerful emperors will not be able to break through his defense!

After a while, the spiritual power of the arrow finally exhausted and dissipated, without hurting a hair on Lin Xingyun's body from beginning to end!

He looked up and saw more than a dozen figures standing proudly in the sky, and the leader, a green-haired young man holding a folding fan and wearing gorgeous clothes, looked at him in surprise.

"Oh? A princely state can actually take this blow from me?"

"Hand over the Dao Ze Ling Jade in your hand and let me plant the slave seal. Maybe you can save your life."

Cang Luo's eyes showed interest, and he declared to Lin Xingyun condescendingly, as if he already regarded the other party as something in the palm of his hand.

Lin Xingyun glanced at him and felt that the other person's aura was extraordinary, far better than that of ordinary saint-level monks. He also exuded a terrifying and inexplicable imperial pressure. Moreover, the other people following him were not mediocre, so he knew The origin of the other party is surprising.

However, the movements of his hands did not stop at all. Instead, he increased his strength in an all-round way, and in the blink of an eye, he absorbed all the Taoist Spiritual Jade the size of a human head.

"If you don't eat the toast, you will be punished with alcohol!"

Seeing that he didn't take what he said seriously, Cang Luo's face immediately turned cold.

Without any instructions from him, two people immediately appeared from the entourage behind him. They waved their sleeves and manifested two giant spiritual hands, intending to capture Lin Xingyun and present it to their master.

But Lin Xingyun's feet sparkled with silvery white fairy light, causing the two giant hands to fly into the air, and appeared in front of one of them in the blink of an eye!

The supreme bone spirit energy emerged from his heart, and countless flying immortal tribulation lights gathered on his right fist. Thirty-six thousand dragon elephant particles also burst out with great power. Knowing that the opponent was a strong man in the saint realm, Lin Xingyun did not hold back at all this time. With his hand, he punched that person with all his strength!


The man didn't even have time to defend himself, and the upper half of his body and head were blown to pieces!

"Emperor, save me!"

A divine soul emerged from the remains of the body, running away while calling for help.

But Lin Xingyun turned his right palm, and the Daluo Dao Sword was already in his palm. Then he blessed the Dao of the sword and danced with a mysterious sword light. Wherever the sword light passed, it seemed to be able to turn everything in the world into nothingness!

"The Ten Thousand Transformations Sword Technique!"


The sword rays caught up with the soul like a ghost. The opponent had no time to escape. He only had time to let out a scream and was swallowed up by countless sword rays. Even the soul was completely annihilated!

When the other monk saw this situation, he knew that the opponent's combat power was terrifying, and he immediately retreated to Cang Luo.

But just as he was about to break through the air, Lin Xingyun's soul suddenly bloomed with radiance between his eyebrows, and a layer of vast and majestic soul power surged out like a wave, covering him in an instant.

A red-gold soul sword flew out from between the eyebrows, slashing towards the man's soul with an unstoppable force!

It is the fifth level of the divine soul skill "Sword Soul Emperor Sutra" that he has practiced, the soul-cutting spirit sword! Using his divine soul as a sword to fight against the enemy, combined with his flawless sword heart and powerful divine soul power, the power is far superior to the first four levels of magical power, and it is enough to kill the saint's divine soul directly!

The man also reacted quickly and immediately used a jade talisman to activate it with all his strength. It seemed to be a magic weapon specially designed to defend against attacks by divine souls.

"This...this is————?!"

But then, the man felt his eyes suddenly change. The next moment, he suddenly saw that he was on a high platform, and the people below were roaring like a tsunami!

And just like a person falling into a dream, an impression suddenly appeared in his mind. He had suffered in the restricted area for many years, and finally achieved enlightenment and became an emperor. Now he is the ruler of a party and is enjoying the worship of hundreds of millions of creatures!

"No! Is this an illusion?!"

But after all, he is a perfect and powerful person in the Saint Realm. He has practiced hard for thousands of years and has an extraordinary mind. At this time, he quickly woke up from the dream.

But before he could break through the dreamy scene, the red-gold soul-slaying sword had already taken advantage of him when he was defenseless to kill his souls one after another!

He felt a sharp pain all over his body, like a knife or an axe, followed by sudden weakness and exhaustion, and his eyes quickly turned into darkness.


After a shrill scream that spread in all directions, another saint fell and died on the spot!

And what Lin Xingyun just used was the sixth magical power in the "Sword Soul Emperor Sutra", Phantom Sword Prison! It can create an illusion of Senluo to confuse and disrupt the opponent's mind.

Originally, the power of this level of magical power was not so powerful, but Lin Xingyun has been practicing in dreams for thousands of years, and he and Liu Meng'er have already realized the dream way to perfection, and the combination of the dream way and the Phantom Sword Prison has long been perfected. !

At this time, under the combined force of the two factors, even if the saint is in the perfect state, his mind will be affected, and he will eventually die!

Above the sky, Cang Luo watched as his two followers were completely eliminated by Lin Xingyun in an instant, with a look of surprise finally appearing on his face.

"The Way of the Sword, the Way of Dreams?"

"Beheading two saints in an instant, who the hell is this kid?"

Cang Luo was looking at Lin Xingyun carefully. When he was surprised and confused, Lin Xingyun had already collected the corpses and magic weapons of the two people into the Qiankun Ring as trophies.

Then he looked up at Cang Luo and declared with a chuckle.

"Hand over everything you have and let me plant the slave mark, maybe you can spare your life."

Cang Luo was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then his expression darkened countless times, and murderous intent suddenly became blazing in his eyes!

He comes from Tianyuan, one of the five restricted areas. He is the legitimate son of the ancient emperor in the restricted area. He is destined to reach the top when he is born, and his talents and qualifications are far superior to those of billions of living beings.

From the time he was born after the restricted area was released, he has never failed in his experience in the Immortal Realm, and no one has ever dared to ridicule him like this!

"court death!"

He suddenly opened the folding fan in his hand, and tens of thousands of dark green poisonous insects emerged from the fan. They were like a terrifying disaster covering the sky and the sun, buzzing and roaring towards Lin Xingyun!

"Haha, if you don't eat the toast, you will be fined."

Lin Xingyun returned his words unchanged, with a relaxed expression on his face. He raised his hand and turned it over. The Xuanqi Sword Box was already in his palm!

Chapter 341 Freak, please stay

At this time, more than a dozen other Tianyuan monks also launched their ultimate moves. Countless magic weapons and magical powers rained down on Lin Xingyun, threatening to crush him into powder!

When Lin Xingyun saw this, his mind moved. The Tao of Sword, the Tao of Killing, and the Tao of Grass that he had just mastered were pushed to the extreme. His powerful spiritual power immediately turned into tens of thousands of green gold sword grass and flew out!

"Crack——! Click——!"

Then he slapped the sword box, and there was a clear sound from the sound machine. The Xuanqi sword box quickly unfolded, and one thousand and eighty green-gold sword grasses also flew out. As the leader of tens of thousands of sword grasses, they began to form The Nine-leaf Sword Domain resists and destroys all offensive attacks from the opponent!


The magical powers of the two sides suddenly collided in the sky, and the burst of power was enough to turn the world upside down. In the blink of an eye, all the trees in the mountain stream were razed to the ground. A flying sword grass or a poisonous insect was enough to seriously injure an ordinary monk in the princely realm!

While the offensives of both sides were destroying each other, Lin Xingyun's double pupils shone with light, and a pair of vertical pupils appeared behind him.

At the same time, the vision of the Immortal Bell on the Great Dao suddenly increased sharply when he put it on top, and the Dao of Dreams was completely blessed on it. Then he shouted, and the Immortal Bell immediately erupted into a sound of shaking heaven and earth!

"The bell rings all over the world!"

The first level of Immortal Bell Heavenly Sound surged out like a wave. Combined with the magical power of the Dream Principle, the more than ten saints present were shaken to the point of instability, no matter how tenacious their minds were. Those with weaker strength even fell directly into a dream, and the offensive Nature also stopped for it!

As a descendant of the Great Emperor, Cang Luo's mental talent is naturally far superior to that of ordinary people, but at this time, he was still greatly affected. His soul was shaken and confused, and he suffered terribly, and it was difficult to exert his combat power for a while!

However, Lin Xingyun has always taken advantage of your illness to kill you, so he immediately mobilized all the power of Taoism to pour into the vertical pupils behind him, completely erupting the divine power!

"Flying Immortal uses heavenly magic!"

Two rays of divine light erupted from the vertical pupils behind him and merged into the scorching battle in the air. They immediately completely destroyed and annihilated the opponent's offensive. Like the Optimus Pillar, they violently bombarded everyone in Tianyuan!


"No! I don't want to die! I haven't asked for immortality yet!"

"Dad, Mom! How did you come back to life? Am I... dreaming?"

"Emperor! Emperor, help me!"

The Tianyuan monks were unable to resist at all, so they were bombarded to death by the great magical power evolved from the double-eyed supreme bone union!

"Immortal Zhenyue Jue!"


However, Cang Luo quickly woke up from the influence of the divine soul of the Great Dao Immortal Bell. He also felt the approaching crisis of life and death. He immediately shouted loudly, and as his spiritual power surged, a phantom of a sacred mountain appeared in front of him, and the divine light flew into the sky. He could barely resist it.

But he was still blasted thousands of feet away. In the end, the phantom of the sacred mountain was completely shattered. He barely managed to stabilize his figure, but his originally unruly and sinister expression was now as pale as paper!

"How is it possible? There are three thousand states in the Immortal Realm...there is such a freak?!"

Cang Luo wiped the blood that overflowed from the corner of his mouth. While his heart was horrified, he gradually began to think about retreating.

Although as a descendant of the Great Emperor, his long-standing arrogance prevented him from escaping immediately, but when he lowered his head and saw that Lin Xingyun was still at ease, not even a drop of sweat broke out on his face, he even had a kind smile on his face!

This made him completely unable to calm down, because he couldn't figure out the other party's depth at all!

Lin Xingyun was not in a hurry. Instead, he patted the Xuanqi Sword Box and grasped the blood-killing sword as the main weapon of the sword box. The silver-white fairy light flashed under his feet, and he planned to let Cang Luo try his two swords. Big sword!

"That is?!"

While Cang Luo was thinking about how to break the situation, he suddenly saw a pair of giant white bone wings flying in the sky in the distance. After seeing clearly that it was Bai Wuyou who came from the Minghai Forbidden Zone and was the heir of the Great Emperor of the Forbidden Zone with him. , and immediately shouted loudly.

"Brother Bai! Please stay!"

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