Even if they tore through space to escape, they could not escape the pursuit of the chaotic light. In just a few breaths, more than ten foreign monks were completely killed, and not a single corpse was left!

"Alas! Xiaolin, this is such a waste!"

Chu Weiluo saw that after the foreign monks died, even the strange black air on their bodies was completely wiped out by the chaotic light, and she stamped her feet in pain.

She flew up and came to Qin Diyao's side. Seeing that the little snake had been killed with satisfaction and was gently wrapped around Qin Diyao's neck, she couldn't help but poke its snake head with some jealousy.

"Yaoyao, you have to tell Xiaolin that it won't be used anymore. I still need to collect..."

"Ahem... Ahem, collect the magic weapons from those foreigners as trophies!"

"Okay, Xiaolin, did you hear me? You can continue to rest. We will deal with those enemies."

Although Qin Diyao was puzzled as to why Chu Weiluo was interested in those trophies, he still told Cailin.

Cailin shook her snake head slightly, looking disobedient and naughty. She even felt uncomfortable being poked by Chu Weiluo and opened her mouth to bite her finger!

"Ah! Yaoyao! She still wants to bite me!"

"Xiaolin, don't bite!"

Qin Diyao scolded like a child, and Cailin closed her pink snake mouth in dismay, retracted to her neck and lay down.

"Really! Yaoyao, isn't it already perfect in the Saint Realm? Why hasn't it transformed into a human yet?"

"It still maintains this small body all day and sticks to you all the time, what's the meaning?"

Chu Weiluo puffed up her lips slightly and grumbled with some dissatisfaction.

"I don't know either. It stands to reason that ordinary monsters can transform after reaching the Divine Fire Realm, but Xiaolin has already reached the Saint Realm, but still can't transform..."

"Maybe it's because the blood of the Chaos Sky Snake is too special. After this matter is over, we will go out and find a way for it to transform."

Qin Diyao stroked Cailin's snake body and planned, with a helpless and sad look on her face.

When she broke out of the cocoon, she also found out where Lin Xingyun was as soon as possible, but when she rushed to the Sword Questioning Peak, she was told that she could not get close to the imperial soldier guarding formation on the top of the peak, so she could only go to the Sword Son Pavilion to explore.

Cai Lin was the one she kidnapped from Jianzi Pavilion. After living together for a long time and feeding each other some precious blood regularly every month, she and Cai Lin developed a lot of blood-related intimacy.

Cai Lin's foundation is extremely terrifying. He has already passed the tribulation and become a saint, and he has reached the perfection of the saint realm as soon as he broke through!

But it is extremely strange that he can't transform into a human. His intelligence is still as simple and innocent as a child, and he can't even speak.

This makes Qin Diyao often worried, not knowing what hidden dangers exist in the other party.

Chapter 339 The home court of the innate Dao embryo, the free spiritual jade

"Hiss! Hiss!"

Seeing her worried face, Cai Lin spit out her snake tongue like a child who makes his mother happy, and twists his snake body in front of her with full energy, even forming a heart shape in the air, and then raises his head and kisses Qin Diyao's cheek.

"Hey! Xiaolin is quite good at it!"

"Well, forget it, this is not bad, I will take good care of Xiaolin."

Chu Weiluo and Qin Diyao were amused by Cailin's cute behavior. After rubbing its body together, they were ready to continue their journey.

Chu Weiluo looked up and pointed to the south and called out happily. She actually saw a large number of attribute light balls rising into the sky!

"Yaoyao, go in that direction! There must be treasures there!"

"That direction? This..."

Qin Diyao's expression changed, because the south that Chu Weiluo pointed to happened to be the direction where the Supreme Bone Induction in her chest was the strongest!

When she thought that if she went this way, it would not take long to see the person she had been thinking about day and night, her cheeks flushed, and a cat's tail almost couldn't help but want to show up!

"Okay... I'll listen to you!"

After hesitating for a while, she nodded slightly, and Chu Weiluo took her arm, and the two continued to walk in the air to the south together.

At this time, 100,000 miles away in the south.

In a deep mountain stream, there were originally no native creatures. For thousands of years, there were only the sounds of water hitting the shore and wind blowing through the mountains and forests.

But at this moment, there were bursts of grim laughter and screams.

I saw a figure in white, holding a photo stone and watching it with relish, while walking between the mountains and forests, with a very chic posture.

But he was always surrounded by the thirty-six-fold enlightenment aura, and the misty precious light bloomed continuously, as if it was continuously resonating with the great way of this world!

However, he walked casually to a bluestone, and suddenly there were bursts of tiny noises from under the bluestone.

Then, in just a few breaths, a golden gem broke out of the ground beside the bluestone, dispelled the dust on its own, and flew in front of him like the most obedient pet. It was actually a piece of Dao Lingyu!

"Well, it's not too small."

Lin Xingyun took a glance and saw that the Dao Rule Spirit Jade was also the size of a fist. He took it in his palm and activated the Immortal Devouring Demon Technique to absorb all the abundant Dao Rule power and the Spirit Jade itself.

If there were other cultivators from the Immortal Realm or the Foreign Realm present, they would be shocked to the point of doubting their lives when they saw this scene!

This Wandao world is vast and has a vast area of ​​millions of miles. Although it contains a lot of Dao Lingyu, it is also widely scattered throughout this small world. In addition, many of them are buried deep in various secret places and can block the soul from detection, so it is quite difficult to find them.

And even if they are found, they are of varying quality. It is rare for most people to get a thumb-sized Dao Lingyu.

But Lin Xingyun just passed by a piece of bluestone casually like taking a walk, and the Dao Lingyu deep below immediately felt the induction and took the initiative to break out of the ground and give it to Lin Xingyun directly!

"This small world is really amazing. Since I came in, the physical abnormality has been automatically stimulated, and even these Dao Lingyu are rushing to give it to me!"

"Although the innate Dao embryo's physical body and combat power are not too strong, it is born with the Dao and is very easy to understand the Dao."

"This Wandao world may be regarded as the home of the innate Dao embryo physique!"

Lin Xingyun realized something and sighed, but his eyes were always fixed on the image stone in front of him.

In the photo stone, Lin Chen was undergoing a painful operation without anesthesia!

The black-robed man was like a butcher, holding a green evil knife covered with copper rust, and made a rough gesture towards Lin Chen's old waist!

"Uh ah——————!"

No matter how strong Lin Chen's will was, he couldn't help but scream in extreme pain at this time!

Lin Xingyun was watching this scene with relish, but he only hated that the Dao Lingyu in his hand was not popcorn and champagne!

This photo stone was naturally looted from the other party's Qiankun Ring after he killed Yuan Rui before.

I don't know what the other party's mentality and purpose are. If you want to torture people, torture them. You even used the photo stone to shoot a documentary!

"Fortunately, I met you, otherwise who would you shoot these films for!"

Lin Xingyun's mouth corners slightly raised, while admiring various photo stones and continuing to move forward.

Not long after, the Dao power in the spiritual jade was completely absorbed by Lin Xingyun.

Relying on his unparalleled ability to comprehend the Dao, he absorbed the power of the Dao, and after concentrating on it, a series of enlightenments emerged in his mind.

Then he casually raised his hand, and thousands of green grass leaves evolved, flying in all directions.

Then those grass leaves were controlled by him as if he was performing the Nine-Leaf Sword Technique, gradually arranging the Nine-Leaf Sword Formation and the Nine-Leaf Sword Domain, as if he had completely mastered it!

"Although the Dao of grass is not powerful in itself, it seems to be able to increase the power of the sword technique when used in conjunction with the Nine-Leaf Sword Technique."

"It only took a moment to complete the comprehension of a Dao. This Lingyu is indeed a divine object!"

"If I continue to absorb Lingyu and comprehend the Dao in this way, maybe I can understand the three thousand great ways in this world of ten thousand Daos!"

Lin Xingyun nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at a mountain wall on the side.

He felt something in his heart, so he waved his hand towards the mountain wall, and his innate Dao embryo halo suddenly bloomed.

The next moment, bursts of explosions came from the depths of the mountain. Not long after, a Dao Lingyu the size of a human head broke out of the mountain and flew straight to Lin Xingyun!

Lin Xingyun took it all, grabbed the Dao Lingyu and began to absorb it.

At the same time, he did not forget to continue watching the movie.

The picture in the image stone had changed to another cell.

A young man who was also tied to a cross by a divine iron chain was in a daze, as if his soul had been taken away. Although his breath was still strong, he was like a walking corpse!

People in black robes surrounded him, each holding a bronze container filled with a dark liquid. Everyone was chanting harsh spells in unison, and the black water in the container immediately burst out with spirituality like boiling water, and kept pouring into the young man's body!

As the spell and black water continued to flow into the young man's body, his body began to transform into an alien creature, gradually spreading extremely evil black lines!

"Hey, isn't this Lin Feng? He has become like this after not seeing him for a few years?"

"It's really touching!"

Lin Xingyun looked at Lin Feng's miserable state and couldn't help but admire the means of the aliens, who could torture his good brother into this state!

At the same time, he couldn't help but think with interest.

"According to the images in these image stones, Lin Feng should have been controlled by the aliens and was to be used as a war slave."

"I wonder if he, a war slave, will be brought to the battlefield during the battle between the two domains?"

Chapter 340 Cang Luo, the magical power of the Sword Soul Emperor Sutra

"When Lin Feng was captured, he was already a perfect saint. After so many years, with his talent and the strange and bizarre tortures in the alien domain, I wonder if he has been accelerated to the great saint realm?"

"In the border battlefield, Zhentian Pass is a great saint battlefield. I just don't know if the source ghost clan will let him show up so early."

"Now he not only has the primordial saint body, but also has the origin of Lin Chen's saint body. He has unlimited potential. Once he is born, no one in the fairyland will be able to defeat him..."

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