Qin Diyao had a complicated expression, and her eyes showed a rare bit of nervousness and timidity.

Although she had not seen Lin Xingyun since they parted a hundred years ago.

But during these hundred years, even when she was transforming into the Supreme Bone of Reincarnation in the light cocoon, she remembered that she often had a very strange dream!

In the dream, she turned into a little black cat, and under the command of her "master" Lin Xingyun, she worked hard to perform a series of projects such as backflips, side flips, and Thomas's big turn for Lin Xingyun and another woman.

It was simply cheering for the happy sex life of the man and woman!

Chapter 336 Weird Dream, Enemy Attack

"That man is undoubtedly that bastard!"

"As for that woman...she looks so similar to the leader of Wenjian Peak, Liu Meng'er, the Yaochi Saint who has been in deep sleep for many years in the rumor..."

"But why do I...always dream about them?!"

Qin Diyao felt a little worried, her eyebrows knitted tightly, as if she was still very annoyed by what happened in the dream.

After she emerged from the cocoon, she was accepted as a disciple by an old ancestor in Yuanshen Palace and stayed in Yaochi Holy Land for several years.

But even though she devoted herself to cultivation during those years, she still had such dreams countless times.

The couple in the dream seemed to be endless, dancing and shooting there three times a day, or showing off their love in various places, which was simply inhumane!

Especially when she saw the person she had been thinking about day and night, colliding with other women in different ways every day, and even asked her to perform for them!

"It's just a beast! A beast among beasts!"

"Forget it! After all, it's just a weird dream, and they didn't really ask me to help them have fun..."

"But, did he really come here? Then I..."

Qin Diyao was originally gritting her teeth and was angry, but suddenly she felt a lot more discouraged and hesitated shyly, not knowing whether she should go to find Lin Xingyun immediately.


But suddenly, she felt a premonition of an attack and was about to meet it.

I saw a black shuttle cutting through the space like a dark shadow, attacking Qin Diyao directly from behind, with quite impressive power.

However, Chu Weiluo was not distracted like her, and immediately blocked behind her in one step.

She didn't release her spiritual power, but just raised her slender arm and waved it, and collided with the shuttle!


After a sharp buzzing sound, the shuttle was knocked away by an arm and fell into a yellow sand in the distance, and then a thousand feet of dust was blown up, and a hurricane swept the sky!

But Chu Weiluo's little arm was completely intact, not even a scratch on the skin!

At this time, a black-robed figure appeared in the air like a ghost, and more than ten foreign monks behind him also broke through the air.

"Who is this person? How can he catch my Eclipse Lightning Shuttle with his bare hands?!"

"Huh? Only at the King Realm? And there is no special physique, so he must have practiced the most advanced body-building exercises!"

Yuan Pi was stunned, staring at Chu Weiluo carefully, and his eyes burst out with greed without concealing his desire, and then he gave the order without looking back.

"No, you go surround these two women."

"I want to capture them alive and study them slowly!"

As a member of the Source Ghost Clan, he has a far better sense of special physiques and talents than ordinary people. He originally only sensed the surging and powerful blood power of Qin Diyao and wanted to kill him to eat his precious blood.

But now it's different. He wants to dig out the treasures of these two female cultivators in the King Realm!

"Yes, sir!"

More than a dozen foreign cultivators behind Yuan Pi immediately attacked like thunder. One after another, they flew out quickly and formed a formation around Qin Diyao and the two women. More than ten kinds of Dao force burst out in full force, grinning and trying to suppress the two women in it!

If it were an ordinary King Realm cultivator here, even if the other party did not attack at all, they would have been suppressed by the pressure of more than a dozen saints and broken their bones and could not move!

But Qin Diyao and Chu Weiluo were still relaxed and didn't care. Qin Diyao even gently grabbed Chu Weiluo's arm and checked it with concern.

"Weiluo, you're not hurt, are you? Does it hurt?"

"Injured? What kind of injury? Did he hit me? I didn't feel anything at all!"

Chu Weiluo shook her little arm with a smile, which made Qin Diyao smile.

Yuan Pi in the air twitched his face when he heard it. Although he didn't use all his strength just now, that blow was enough to severely injure a perfect monk in the Saint Realm!

But now Chu Weiluo was so arrogant, which made his eyes gloomy. He immediately raised his hand and turned out a dark ancient mirror, pointing it at the two people and declared viciously.

"Two little bitches, wait for the pain in the world!"

As he said that, he began to chant in a deep voice, as if preparing some extremely vicious curse!

"Tsk! Yaoyao, this guy is really annoying!"

"Well, leave it to me, I'll solve it soon."

Qin Diyao nodded slightly, and then stepped into the air, wearing a black dress and fluttering, as elegant and moving as a fairy.

"Stop, kid, has Lord Yuan Pi allowed you to move?"

A foreign saint sneered contemptuously and stepped forward to stop him.

But the next moment, Qin Diyao raised his hand and pointed it as a sword, and sword lights fell on him like phantoms!

"Humph! A mere prince dares to fight me?"

The foreign saint burst out with his spiritual power, trying to smash Qin Diyao's sword light.

But he was surprised to find that the sword light easily cut through his spiritual power, and did not cut his flesh, but passed by his side, and evolved two strange figures beside him.

"Huh?! This... this is——?!"

He just glanced at his side, and immediately his eyes were shocked, and he was terrified to the extreme!

Because although the two figures were dressed differently, they looked like him!

However, after the sword light completely passed, the two figures were also severely injured, and the sword light cut off their chest spines at the same time!

"Ah! How could it be?!"

The next moment, the foreign saint was extremely shocked to find that he had the same injury on his body, and his torso was almost directly cut in two!

Qin Diyao's face was as cold as frost. He used the law of reincarnation to bless his fingertips. He slashed out with his sword again, completely destroying the two figures beside the foreign saint!

"No! No———!"

The foreign saint felt an infinite sign in his heart, and he couldn't help but scream in despair, as if he had foreseen his own death!

Sure enough, the next moment, the strange sword light appeared out of thin air, and completely destroyed his body and soul into a corpse!

Qin Diyao didn't pay much attention to him, but continued to step into the air, as casually as stepping on an ant.

"How is this possible?! She only used two swords to kill Yuan Huan?!"

"This woman is so weird! They all attacked with all their strength!"

The other dozen saints were also very surprised. They didn't have the relaxed and proud attitude when they surrounded the two women before. They all displayed their special magical powers and madly attacked Qin Diyao!

But when the more than ten kinds of terrifying attacks that were enough to flatten the mountains and seas bombarded Qin Diyao like a storm, a petite figure stood up and blocked Qin Diyao with her back to all living beings!

A rose-red barrier unfolded behind her, which was evolved from the purest principle of control, blocking her like a natural moat!




I saw more than ten foreign saints bursting out with their full power, bombarding the barrier like an ant trying to shake a tree. The barrier was almost motionless, blocking all the attacks!

Chapter 337: Three Lives Sword Art, Forces Yuan Pi to Retreat

"How is it possible?! She is only a king and marquis, and more than ten of us saints can't break her defense!"

"Is it the Dao of Control? Although it is one of the strongest Daos, it shouldn't be so outrageous!"

"What kind of monsters are these two women in the fairyland?!"

More than a dozen foreign cultivators were all shocked, but they were also ruthless. They knew that there was no way to make peace at this time, and they immediately used extreme moves to break through the terrifying barrier!

Chu Weiluo still had her back to the world, and didn't take the people behind her seriously at all. She just admired Qin Diyao's heroic appearance with approval.

Qin Diyao had already come to Yuan Pi, raised her white little hand and clenched it into a fist, and the supreme bone in her heart burst into the glory of reincarnation, which made her momentum soar, as if she could overturn the heavens with one punch!

Seeing this, Yuan Pi's heart suddenly tightened. He dared not despise it anymore. He finished chanting immediately and urged the ancient mirror in his hand to burst out divine power!

"Night Demon God-killing Curse!"

The ancient mirror burst into an infinite gloomy black light, completely covering the entire sky into darkness. A huge demon shadow covered with evil divine patterns flew out of the mirror at a high speed, screaming and rushing towards Qin Diyao, as if to drag her into the darkness!

Qin Diyao's face was still calm, her eyes were calm, and her little pink fist was blessed with the glory of reincarnation. She punched the demon shadow and Yuan Pi.

Wherever her fist went, six portals appeared out of thin air, among which there were hungry ghosts wailing, Shuras shouting and killing, and the sounds of joy, anger, sorrow and happiness in the world. In an instant, the six reincarnation scenes were initially evolved!

Then, after a punch was thrown, the power of the six reincarnations was like a rolling torrent. In just a few breaths, the demon shadow was crushed to pieces!

"not good!"

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