Bai Wuyou saw the two women fleeing, and immediately snorted coldly. A pair of white bone wings appeared behind him, and he set off a violent hurricane and chased after the two women!

"The space inside the Wandao World is turbulent and changeable. If we don't chase them quickly, we may lose the location of these two people."


The other six princes also quickly reached a consensus, and immediately each used their signature imperial body skills to evolve the world's fastest speed and chase Qin Diyao and Chu Weiluo!

After a short period of breathing and taking holy-level healing pills, Qin Ji had calmed down a lot, and looked at the direction where Chu Weiluo left with resentful eyes.

"Little bitch! How dare you make me lose face in public!"

"What if you have some skills? I must break your arms! Chase!"

He roared, leading the Qin family to chase.

As the troops from both sides continued to pour into the Wandao World, several old sighs were heard in Zhenlong Pass.

"Compared to foreign lands, these little guys are weak, and they are fighting among themselves. How can they be opponents of foreign lands!"

"Don't worry, fighting among themselves may be a good thing."

"As long as we can create a leader in the end to control the overall situation, everything will be fine!"

"I think those two little girls are very good. I have never seen such outstanding fairy seedlings. In the future, they may become two emperors and work together to suppress the world!"

When the gatekeepers heard this, they all nodded in admiration. After all, the talents and fighting power shown by Qin Diyao and Chu Weiluo were all impressive. They also knew clearly that if they were in the realm of kings and princes, they would never be a match for these two little girls!

"Hmm? There's a message from Zhenliang Pass."

"Oh? How's the battle going?"

"Huh? The battle at Zhenliang Pass..."

"It's over!"

"What?! They lost so quickly?!"

"Alas! I told you long ago! I shouldn't have sent those two girls here. Without them, how could the King Realm fight against the Foreign Land!"

"It's too late to say anything! They've lost miserably now, and we don't know how many people have been killed or injured!"

"Hey, hey, hey, I haven't finished yet!"

"It was the Foreign Land that was defeated! Those little thieves have been killed!"

As soon as the old man who guarded the pass finished speaking, the whole place fell into a strange silence.

Then everyone hurriedly took out the message talisman and began to ask the guard of Zhenliang Pass about the specific situation.

"What?! It was the young master of the Lin family who turned the tide of the battle with his own strength?!"

"Is Qin Diyao his wife? He is on his way to find his wife?!"

"Too fierce! It turns out that there are masters among the younger generation!"

"Wait! He is coming to Zhenlong Pass, so won't he enter the Wandao World?"

"Is it really destined? This boy has the innate Dao embryo physique, and the innate Dao embryo is in perfect harmony with the Wandao World!"

"If he enters the Wandao World, with the guidance of his physique, he may be able to explore the biggest opportunity in it!"

The gatekeepers were all excited, as if they had foreseen that an unprecedented terrifying monster was about to be born!

But not long after, several people exclaimed.

"Hey? Look! That handsome young man who just arrived, could he be the young master of the Lin family?!"

"What a dazzling fairy light! Is it necessary to be so high-profile?"

"Damn it! I wish I was this handsome when I was young!"

When everyone was exclaiming, Lin Xingyun had already stepped on the fairy light of rescue and flew straight into the battlefield!

Chapter 335 Entering, Dao Ze Ling Yu

"The Supreme Bone actually began to heat up on its own, Yaoyao must be here."

Lin Xingyun was rushing towards the entrance of the Wandao World Space, and suddenly felt a burst of heat and movement in his heart. He knew that the Supreme Bone was inducing Qin Diyao. After all, the two fused Supreme Bones were born from Qin Diyao. Now that they are about to see their old master, their spirituality will naturally burst out.

A reminiscence smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but suddenly his face changed, and thirty-six layers of enlightenment aura appeared unconsciously around his body, and the innate Dao embryo was stimulated by itself!

"What's going on? Is there something in that small world that can trigger my innate Dao embryo?"

Lin Xingyun felt an infinite sense of wonder in his heart, as if there was some treasure in that space that was very compatible with his physique and was calling him to go there!

He did not stop for a moment, and the silver-white fairy light under his feet bloomed again, and he flew into the space crack in an instant like a meteor.


An hour later, in the world of ten thousand Daos.

On a barren Gobi desert, two beautiful figures were walking side by side in the air. Qin Diyao released his soul to search for something everywhere, while Chu Weiluo stared with a pair of bright watery eyes, just looking around.

After a while, Chu Weiluo's eyes lit up, pointing to a small pool in the Gobi and cheering.

"Yaoyao! There! There is Dao Ze Lingyu!"


Qin Diyao nodded, and the two left hand in hand.

When they reached the edge of the pond, Qin Diyao just raised her hand slightly, and all the soil and rocks on the ground flew away. After hollowing out nearly a thousand feet, a palm-sized crystal jade was finally revealed below.

She hooked her index finger, and the spiritual power turned into a thread, and she picked up the jade between her fingers. Only a wisp of Taoist aura flowed out of it, and the extremely rich spiritual power turned into golden sand. Although it was only a small piece, it was obviously a rare treasure in the world!

"Well, not bad, it's quite big."

"Wei Luo, you are so amazing. This spiritual jade is so secret, you can actually find it one by one."

"Hey! What's this? If you praise me more, I will have even more powerful abilities!"

Chu Weiluo crossed her slender waist and raised her head proudly.

But he didn't intend to tell his good sisters the truth. In fact, he could see the attribute light groups of all things in the world. It was by relying on this that he could easily search for these deeply hidden Taoist Spiritual Jade!

"Yes, yes, Willow is the best!"

"It's time to give this piece of spiritual jade to you. I've absorbed a lot of it."

Qin Diyao patted Chu Weiluo's head in cooperation and praised her, then handed her the spiritual jade in her hand.

"Oh, no, no! I said, I don't need to understand the Tao."

"Didn't you say that you have not broken through to become a saint, and you are trying to understand an unprecedented Tao? This thing will have the greatest effect on you, Yaoyao!"

Chu Weiluo pushed Daoze Lingyu back and waved her hand to refuse.

After all, after she became proficient in using the system, she knew that her path of cultivation must be different from others.

When she was born after being unsealed, and after being given a defense value of 9.99 million by Chu Lulu, she understood the way of imperialism as if it were a matter of course!

She knew that she didn't need to spend any time or energy to understand the Tao. She just had to fight fiercely, kill enemies, collect attribute points, and then add points like crazy. Then she would naturally be able to master the Tao step by step, break through the realm, and even realize the Tao and become an emperor!

When Qin Diyao heard this, he sighed softly, with a look of worry on his face.

Since she emerged from the cocoon of light and was reborn five years ago, a brand new Supreme Bone has completely grown in her body. She named it the "Supreme Bone of Reincarnation", which contains the purest principles of reincarnation, enough for her to stand on her feet. Achieve Sainthood!

However, although the principle of reincarnation is already one of the ten principles in the world and is extremely powerful, she always feels that there is something missing in her heart, as if she should not be limited to this.

She always had a hunch in her mind that if she relied on the Tao of Reincarnation to break through and become a saint, she would certainly be able to become the top saint in the world, but this would inevitably limit her development in the future!

"Those who gain something will lose it..."

"If I want to take revenge on the Qin family and Qin Ziyan, I must find my own path, a truly invincible path!"

Qin Diyao's eyes flashed with determination on her clear and white face.

The next moment, she was not polite to Chu Weiluo. She sat cross-legged and crushed the Taoist Spiritual Jade in her hand, then closed her eyes and concentrated, absorbing the power of Taoism contained in it.

This is the most precious treasure of heaven and earth in the world of ten thousand ways. It is produced by absorbing the essence of thousands of years of great ways. It contains the power of innate principles. Even such a small piece as big as a palm is enough to help a monk in the princely realm. Immediately comprehending the Tao will lead to perfection and achieve the state of a saint!

If a saint absorbs it, not only can he consolidate his foundation, but he can also rely on his ability to help him achieve enlightenment, break through the bottleneck of cultivation, and advance toward the realm of great saints!

The World of Ten Thousand Daos only appears once every 100,000 years. If you put it outside, this spiritual jade would have no price at all. Even in the World of Ten Thousand Daos, it is extremely rare. Even Chu Weiluo, who had turned on clairvoyance, had to search for it with great difficulty.

At this time, Chu Weiluo saw that Qin Diyao had absorbed the Dao Ze Lingyu and began to realize the Tao. She also consciously acted as a protector, like a conscientious little guardian, looking around vigilantly to protect Qin Diyao.

However, three quarters of an hour later, Qin Diyao suddenly opened his eyes and exited the state of enlightenment with sweat on his face!

"Huh? Yaoyao, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong with the spiritual jade?"

Chu Weiluo became very nervous when she saw this, and quickly hugged Qin Diyao and looked around.

"It's okay, Willow, I just... suddenly felt uneasy..."

Qin Diyao shook his head slightly, indicating to the other party that there was no need to worry.

But she couldn't help but hold her heart with her hands, because deep in her sternum, waves of hot and throbbing were surging out like a tidal wave!

Just now, she was immersed in enlightenment, but who knew that a tall figure gradually appeared in front of her eyes.

The man was dressed in white, and his appearance was the most beautiful in the world, but his eyes were clear and innocent, as if he penetrated straight into her soul, which made her feel confused!


"I feel so bad. Is he here?"

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