
Lin Xingyun's magical power was seen cutting a smooth tunnel more than ten thousand miles long on the ground, and the tree spirit had disappeared, leaving only broken wood chips floating in the air.

It was actually completely reduced to pieces by one blow!


However, when Lin Xingyun took a closer look, he couldn't help but frown slightly.

Because in that open area, traces of willow-like Taoism appeared, gradually reorganizing the broken sawdust in the air.

In just a moment, the tree spirit was resurrected as before!

"Flying Immortal uses heavenly magic!"

Lin Xingyun did not hesitate, activated the Supreme Bone and Double Eyes again, and launched a fierce attack!


Another extreme move crossed the sky, and the tree spirit was turned into fragments all over the sky again.

But within a moment, the phantoms of the wicker roads appeared again, and soon the fragments were reorganized into one again, and they were resurrected as before!

"Flying Immortal uses heavenly magic!"

Lin Xingyun was dissatisfied and angry, and used his magical power for the third time!

However, this time, the tree spirit actually raised his hand to strike out a heavy tree of principles, using his own power to transform into a dead wood giant in front of him, and resisted the double-eyed Supreme Bone Combination Strike magical power for a moment!

Although it was still blown to pieces in the end, it was obviously much stronger than before!

And it didn’t take long before he was restored and reborn again by that weird wicker shadow!

"Okay, okay! This is how you play, right?"

"Wait a minute, I'll go to the kitchen to get you money!"

Lin Xingyun also became angry, and he immediately tapped his Dantian, and a white jade sword suddenly flew out and landed firmly in his hand.

Then he held the Da Luo Dao Sword and the Blood Killing Sword in both hands, used his body to transform into a sword, and used the Double Eyes Equalizing Heaven Technique to fully amplify himself. Then he stepped forward and slashed at the tree spirit with both swords!

"嘡————! 嘡————! 嘡————!"

The sound of gold and iron clashing resounded for thousands of miles. The two sides fought for only dozens of rounds. Lin Xingyun relied on his superb swordsmanship to chop off the tree spirit's head with one blow!

But the next moment, the shadow of the wicker appeared, and it took the head of the tree spirit back at great speed!

Then the tree spirit punched out, Lin Xingyun blocked it with both swords, and was knocked back half a step!

"Every time this tree spirit comes back to life, its combat power will double than before!"

"It's open, right? It's so outrageous!"

"If you come here a few more times, I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it anymore!"

Lin Xingyun found that the opponent was constantly resurrecting and strengthening like a cheat, so he knew that he could no longer use ordinary methods.

At this time, he couldn't help but feel anxious, and immediately shouted loudly in the air.

"Since senior thinks so highly of me, I won't pretend anymore!"

Chapter 312 Emerald Green Orb, the Tribulation-Transcending Heavenly Lord


Lin Xingyun once again used both swords, and the two sword beams were enough to cut off the river and the sea. After swinging the tree spirit's arms away, the sword light flashed across the sky, and once again chopped off the tree spirit's head on the spot!

But as the willow shadows appeared one after another, the tree spirit quickly resurrected again.

The next moment, the tree spirit actually stretched out his palms and took down the Great Luo Dao Sword and the Blood Killing Sword at the same time!

Every time a corpse is resurrected, the opponent's combat power increases dramatically, making it extremely difficult to deal with!

Lin Xingyun did not hesitate any longer. After all, the Liu family and the Lin family have been connected for generations, and the future head of the Liu family will be his wife!

He didn't believe it. He was in the Liu family, could someone take away the treasure? !

"Senior, look for the treasure!"

As soon as he patted his Dantian, a small purple pagoda immediately flew out in a circle, then rose up in the storm and turned into a nine-story pagoda a hundred feet high!


The Tianji Demon Suppressing Tower was pressed down from the air, suppressing Lin Xingyun and the tree spirit inside!

And just when the two were completely isolated, a soft and sweet female voice finally sounded again in the void outside.

"Xiaota? It's been so long."

"There are also Zhangtian Pot, Qiankun Cauldron, Daluo Dao Sword, and————"

"War Immortal Dao Yi!"

"This little thing is so blessed with so much luck and has so many treasures in his body..."

"I can't tell from now on, I will really have to rely on him..."

The female voice stopped suddenly, and ripples rippled in the void.

Then I saw an emerald green orb emerging from the void and falling towards the Tianji Demon Suppression Tower.

At this time, inside the pagoda, a layer of purple light had formed a mysterious magic circle, restricting the tree spirit to death and unable to move at all for a while!

Now that the Tianji Demon Suppressing Tower is blocking him, Lin Xingyun doesn't have to worry about anyone snooping and just starts doing whatever he wants!

"Swallow the Immortal Magic Jar!"

Lin Xingyun raised his hand as if to lift a jar, and an infinitely dark and profound pitch black magic jar immediately appeared in his hand!

The ghost face patterns on the jar are lifelike, and the magic jar begins to explode with infinite suction, sucking in all the vitality of the tree spirit!

Although the wicker shadows appeared again, this time Lin Xingyun was merciless and swallowed them fiercely. After sucking up the tree spirit until only half of its body was left, he also stabbed the blood-killing sword into the opponent's head, using a two-pronged approach, gradually eating away the wicker shadows. Wipe everything clean on the other side!

No matter how hard the tree spirit managed to come back to life, it was no match for so many means of killing them all together. In just half an hour, it was finally wiped out!


"Senior, I have killed all the tree spirits, please..."


Lin Xingyun breathed a sigh of relief, put away the Tianji Demon Suppression Tower, raised his head towards the sky and said.

But an emerald-green orb was placed silently close to his forehead.

A soft green fairy light flashed by, and the gem merged into his brow!

Then a vast amount of information poured into his soul, but it did not make him feel painful. Instead, the gem continued to emit a rich breath of life, nourishing everything from his body to his soul, making him feel extremely comfortable!

And when the aura of enlightenment of the innate Dao embryo bloomed around him and he devoted himself to the perception, he finally began to understand the full picture of the information in the gem!

"The Tribulation Sutra?"

"Is it the inherited skill of one of the nine great celestial masters, the Tribulation Sutra?"

"The first healing and repair skill in the fairyland. After successful practice, you can recover and be reborn every time you are seriously injured and on the verge of death, and your combat power will increase exponentially?"

"If you practice with the Rescue Sutra, even if your soul is completely annihilated, as long as there is still one person in the world who calls your real name, you can survive all the tribulations and be reborn again!"

Chapter 313: A small gathering to take care of the senior sister

"The Tribulation Sutra? The inheritance of another celestial master!"

Lin Xingyun was secretly surprised, but he also understood the other party's meaning in an instant.

He calmed his mind, fully blessed the enlightenment talent of the innate Dao embryo, and devoted his whole body and mind to the comprehension of the Tribulation Sutra.

It was not until three days and three nights later that he finally opened his eyes, took a long breath, and his eyes burst into light again.

At this time, he stretched out his hand and a very faint green spiritual power emerged from his fingers. Although it was only the first time, the life breath in it was already very rich!

"In the future, if you practice with the "Jiu Nan Jing" successfully, you will become stronger and stronger and immortal!"

"Thank you, senior!"

Lin Xingyun thanked him from afar in the sky. The next moment, the world around him had changed.

When he stabilized his body again, he had appeared in a deep and dense forest.

Not far ahead, an inconspicuous nine-foot willow tree was surrounded by the center of the dense forest like a moon surrounded by stars, and its tender branches were swaying slightly.

And Liu Meng'er, mother and daughter, three people, were meditating respectfully in front of the willow tree, obviously waiting for Lin Xingyun to get away.


Liu Meng'er was the first to fly over, holding Lin Xingyun and checking with concern.

"Thank you, Lord Jiling, for your mercy!"

Lin Mo and Liu Xinyan saw that Lin Xingyun was safe and sound, and turned back to kowtow to the willow tree.

"Lord Jiling? Could this be the true body of that senior?"

Lin Xingyun was secretly puzzled, and at the same time, he looked at the young leaves, branches, trunk, and roots of the willow tree.

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