"Ah?! Could it be that Lord Sacrifice Spirit wants to punish Nebula?!"

"Mom! Please help save him quickly!"

Liu Meng'er became more and more frightened and anxious, pulling Lin Mo to rescue Lin Xingyun.

"It's okay Meng'er, Lord Jiling exists, he won't embarrass the junior too much."

Lin Mo stroked Liu Meng'er's forehead and comforted her, but Liu Xinyan couldn't help but speak.

"But mother, that little bastard...Xingyun has a low level of cultivation after all. Even if Lord Sacrifice the Spirit is just a small punishment, it will be difficult for him to bear it!"

"Why don't you, mother, take us to see the Lord Sacrifice Spirit now, so that we can intercede on Xingyun's behalf."

"Xinyan, you..."

After hearing this, Lin Mo took a deep look at her eldest daughter, with a strange look on her face.

I secretly think that you care so much about your brother-in-law, and call Nebula Nebula so smoothly, is it really appropriate?

"Ahem... well, let's go into the valley together now. Meng'er has just come back, and it's really time to visit the Lord Sacrifice Spirit."

Lin Mo immediately made a decision, took her two daughters and took off in Yunxia, ​​flying deep into the Spirit Sacrifice Valley.


At this time, in the Valley of Sacrifice to Spirits, there was a vast depression thousands of miles away.

Thousands of humanoid creatures were seen forming an army, surrounding the young man in white in the center of the depression and launching constant attacks!

Their bodies were all green, and their cultivation was at the early stage of the princely realm. Moreover, their bodies seemed to be transformed from top spiritual plants. Their auras of life were extremely powerful. They were not afraid of death. They were able to surround Lin Xingyun to death and tear him apart. Into a shattering posture!

Lin Xingyun's whole body was already blooming with green-gold radiance, and he entered the state of turning his body into a sword. He kept using his fingers as a sword to kill all these humanoid creatures!


I saw a curved sword grass a hundred feet wide, like dividing yin and yang, instantly cutting more than forty green creatures around it into two pieces!

But it was of no use. More than 400 green creatures immediately appeared and rushed towards him to kill him!

"I don't know why this senior is so difficult?"

Lin Xingyun sent a voice message to the air and asked, while using the Nine-Leaf Sword Domain, turning all directions into a Shura killing field. As soon as many green creatures stepped in, they were killed and smashed to pieces by the thousands of sword grasses!

"You have so many magical powers that you can even revive the Dream Immortal body."

"There are only nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine tree spirits here, so how can we make things difficult for them?"

A clear and melodious voice came out from the void. Although it was extremely pleasant, it made people feel as if it had been separated by eternity and was as ancient as time.

"Damn you! Just nine thousand tree spirits?!"

"I really want to see what your mouth looks like, how it can say such cold words!"

Lin Xingyun secretly cursed and continued to kill the tree spirits that kept coming, but still did not give up negotiating with the senior.

"Senior is joking, junior is only in the princely realm, how can he be said to have great supernatural powers?"

"Besides, this junior is here as a guest for the first time, so it would be disrespectful for seniors to do this."

He said this, but in his heart he had already scolded this mysterious senior ten thousand times for being petty!

"No need to say much, just do your best."

"Since you are a guest, if I can kill all the tree spirits here, I might as well give you a good fortune."

The voice still came from the void, making Lin Xingyun speechless again.

"As expected of a senior, he can draw pancakes so smoothly!"

"Forget it, let's try a new method!"

He knew that the other party would no longer be accommodating. At this time, he could only have a chance to escape by killing more than 9,000 tree spirits!

Then he wiped the Qiankun Ring, and a black and white sword box filled with sword energy floated in front of him.


He just slapped it casually, and the sword box immediately made a loud and mechanical sound like a dragon's roar!

Then it unfolded very quickly, and a thousand and eighty green-gold sword grass burst out from it, flying in all directions like a meteor shower!

Each sword grass among them has been cultivated by the Xuanqi Sword Box, and its power is unparalleled. Just one blow is enough to penetrate the life gate of a tree spirit's head!

In just three quarters of an hour, all six thousand tree spirits had been killed.

It's a good thing that these tree spirits only know how to charge fearlessly, otherwise even if they had more than 6,000 pigs, they wouldn't be able to kill them all in three quarters of an hour!


While Lin Xingyun was slaughtering wantonly, he suddenly noticed something was wrong.

After killing six thousand tree spirits, the strength of the tree spirits that surrounded them was increasing step by step. Tree spirits in the late stage of the princely realm and the perfect realm continued to emerge!

Although they are still unable to break through the blockade of the Nine-leaf Sword Domain and the countless mysterious sword grasses and bully Lin Xingyun, they can already resist for a while!

As a large number of tree spirits besieged them regardless of death, the Nine-Leaf Sword Domain and the Sword Grass were gradually consumed and obliterated.

Finally, after killing another three thousand tree spirits, and with the full-scale attack of another group of tree spirits, the sword field and sword grass were finally completely wiped out!

Because this group of tree spirits are all princely realm masters who have mastered the Law of Wood, and by doing whatever they can, countless Laws of Wood manifest themselves into a vast tree realm, and their combat power far exceeds those before. The sum total of tree spirits!

Lin Xingyun was not used to them. He immediately patted the sword box again, and a scarlet-colored peerless killing sword flew out of the box!

It is the blood-killing sword that was put into the Xuanqi Sword Box and serves as the core weapon of the sword box!

At this time, after being nourished by the Xuanqi Sword Box, the Blood Killing Sword became more and more sharp, shocking the world like a bloodthirsty murderer!

Lin Xingyun grasped the Blood Killing Sword, and all the principles of sword and killing were poured into it. He immediately slashed at the countless tree spirits with a shocking sword!

"Nine leaves divide the universe!"

A scarlet sword light instantly cut through the thousand-mile depression, killing all the tree spirits in front of him on the spot!

But after killing 990 tree spirits again, Lin Xingyun felt some resistance again.

Because nine tree spirits appeared in front of him, all of them were in the realm of saints!

At this time, the depression had been destroyed beyond recognition, but the nine tree spirits were still as steady as Mount Tai, gradually approaching Lin Xingyun.

Eight of the tree spirits took the lead, each of them played thousands of pure wood principles, and actually formed a large formation on four sides. Countless ancient trees entangled and gathered into four towering wooden doors, forming a cage, shrinking Lin Xingyun in the cage!

Lin Mo

Chapter 311 It's open, right? Resurrection from the dead

But the square wooden cage had only taken shape for a moment.


A roar of fierce birds resounded from the cage, and then a thousand-foot-tall golden-winged Kunpeng suddenly broke through the cage, flapped its wings and soared into the sky!

Lin Xingyun had already come out with a sword, standing at the center of the Kunpeng beast's phantom, like a judge, looking down at the eight saintly tree spirits from a high position.

"Well, Wang Teng's Ten Evil Method is quite useful!"

In the more than half a year since he came back from the wilderness, he not only traveled with his lovers every day, but also immersed himself in the great harmony of life.

He also took the time to integrate his gains in the Void Immortal Palace!

Among them was Wang Teng's Ten Evil Relics, which allowed him to gradually control the power of ten ancient beasts and transform into the forms of ten ancient beasts to fight against the enemy.

At this time, with his foundation, he could perform it himself, and his power would naturally be far greater than Wang Teng's!

I saw the Kunpeng rushing down, his wings crossing the sky like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, and with just one blow, all the eight tree spirits were blown away!

However, these eight tree spirits were all in the saint realm, and it was still difficult to kill them on the spot with one blow. Instead, they quickly stabilized their bodies, gathered together again, and joined hands. The way of wood was as turbulent as the tide, and actually manifested a ten-thousand-foot wooden giant!

The giant was like a dead tree, but it contained infinite power. He raised his hand and fell, like a cloud hanging from the sky, and was about to suppress the golden-winged Kunpeng transformed by Lin Xingyun!

"Ten Evil Methods·Nine Nether Changes!"

Lin Xingyun shook his wings, and purple light flashed and bloomed around him. In the blink of an eye, he turned from a Kunpeng into a Nine Nether Beast!


[倅迣/亅说尰啭立尊?㈨ ④ 八 З 二 四 ○ ㈨②]

After a few breaths, he gathered all his Dao and spiritual power, and roared out a dark purple magic light, as deep and terrifying as if it came from the netherworld!

The magic light collided with the palm of the dead wood giant, and in just a moment, the dead wood giant and the eight tree spirits were completely swept into ashes!

And Lin Xingyun also changed his body, restrained the beast form, and fell with a sword, looking at the last tree spirit in the saint realm.

Because he had already sensed that the cultivation of this last tree spirit was as deep as the abyss, and the whole body showed a mysterious life breath, which was obviously the most difficult to deal with among the 9,999 tree spirits.

He did not underestimate the enemy. The light of the flying fairy and the light of the heavenly calamity shone out from his chest at the same time, illuminating the world like the blazing sun.

Then a petite figure flew out from the Supreme Bone, and a pair of vertical pupils appeared behind them. All the power gathered together and pointed at the last tree spirit!

"Flying Fairy Moving Heaven Technique!"

Lin Xingyun shouted, and a huge beam of light that tore through space burst out, annihilating everything along the way into nothingness!

The tree spirit did not dodge or evade, but used its body to take on this ultimate move!

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