"Ha, you run away! Why don't you keep running away!"

"A mere rat from the human race can only look good at running away!"

Long Jue and Shi Congze were finally able to catch up quickly, with powerful spiritual power bursting out all over their bodies, ready to take action at any time!

Tian Canzi also came up from the sky and walked towards Han Feiyu unhurriedly, his tone as cold as thousand-year-old ice.

"You have good physical skills and magical powers. Hand it over and I can make your death easier."

Han Feiyu looked at Long Jue and Shi Cong, and then carefully looked at Tian Canzi, who had the deepest aura, and couldn't help but frown for a moment.

"Miscalculation, I didn't expect that there would be such a troublesome person who could restrict my escape..."

"It seems like we have to put in a little more effort today!"

Chapter 270 Misfortune depends on blessing

As a casual cultivator, he has been wandering around the world alone for many years. He rarely fights hard with strong people. He usually escapes immediately after grabbing the treasure he likes.

Relying on his extremely fast movements, he has never made a mistake in his practice career!

But now that he was restricted by Tian Canzi's strange magical power, he was not afraid of a fight.

Han Feiyu concentrated his energy, and after a few breaths of confrontation with the three people in the air, he decided to strike preemptively!

"Mountains and seas form a poison!"

He waved his sleeves, and countless colorful Gu insects flew out from his sleeves, forming a swarm that covered the sky and attacked and killed the three Xiangtian Canzi!

"True Dragon's Sky-Splitting Claw!"

"Holy Spirit Magic Sword!"

Long Jue and Shi Cong sensed that these Gu Insects were extremely extraordinary, and immediately used their powerful magical powers to resist and destroy the incoming Gu Insects!

Tian Canzi just raised his hand and connected his five fingers. Thousands of silk threads were like sharp blades, killing the incoming Gu insects one by one.

At the same time, he focused on two things and continued to control the thread to wrap around the golden tripod again, hoping to take back the tripod first.

The golden cauldron was extremely impressive. Unlike other magic weapons, Han Feiyu had no time to refine it at the moment, nor could he put it into the Qiankun Ring.

He had no choice but to start a tug-of-war with Tian Canzi, and at the same time, he held out dozens of formation flags. In an instant, he set up a killing array, and the three of them officially started fighting with Tian Canzi!

Seeing that the other party was in a stalemate, several other ancient royal families did not bother to collect the magic weapon, so they immediately followed up in the air and helped Tian Canzi and the others to surround and kill Han Feiyu!

And now on the other side of the lake.

Chu Wujie had already been thrown to the ground. Looking at the battle in the distance, he couldn't help but marvel!

"It's him! He was the first person to break into the Void Immortal Palace before!"

"Who is he? He can actually fight against those three monsters and not fall short?!"

And seeing that the other party couldn't think of anything to deal with him for the time being, he couldn't break the silk cage for a while.

He had no choice but to stay where he was, taking out a lot of healing elixirs and pouring them down while staring expectantly at the battle situation in the sky.

"I hope he can win and kill all three of those bastards!"

While he was secretly hoping, a series of wonderful realizations suddenly arose from the bottom of his heart.

I have always had smooth luck, pursuing good luck and avoiding bad luck.

But this time he was beaten into such a devilish behavior!

"Misfortune depends on blessing. If my luck hadn't run out..."

"Then right here...I will get other greater opportunities!"

Chu Wujie's eyes were shining, as if he had forgotten that he was seriously injured and dying just now!


Suddenly, the four people in the sky struck hard, and the boundless air waves swept thousands of miles. Under the collision of terrifying spiritual power, the precious cauldron was blown away and hit directly in front of Chu Wujie!

The tripod weighed more than the mountains and hit the ground until the ground collapsed and rocks were shattered. It shocked Chu Wujie and sent him flying hundreds of feet away!


He fell into disgrace again and couldn't help but cursed angrily.

But he quickly regained his senses. Seeing that no one was paying attention to the tripod, he struggled to get up and wanted to step forward to collect it.

Even if you can only get some Xuan Huang Mother Qi, the trip is worthwhile!

"I knew it! If you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed later! I really..."

However, Chu Wujie was proud for a while.


Another explosion came from behind, and a wave of spiritual power surged like a hurricane, blowing him forward again and falling into the lake!

"Zhuo! What the hell are you————!"

He climbed out of the water and lay on the bank, just about to spit out the fragrance, when he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Now that this world is blocked by Tiancanzi with a silk cage, who can break in? !

He raised his eyes and took a closer look, and saw a man in green, wrapped in a purple skull vision, leading hundreds of zombie creatures, breaking through the silk prison with force, and bursting into the place in a mighty manner!

Ye Que didn't shy away, holding his bronze key and looking around the audience.

After he passed by this place, the bronze key in his hand became full of divinity. At this time, he saw the runes on the bronze key flowing continuously, pointing straight at Han Feiyu on the battlefield in mid-air!

"Is it him? It seems that he also has a bronze key with him, and those ancient royal families are actually surrounding him to kill him?"

"That's fine, just catch them all in one go!"

"Go and kill them all!"

Ye Que's eyes suddenly turned cold and he gave an order.

The army of nearly 800 corpse puppets gathered all the way behind him, and immediately roared up, like locusts in the sky, attacking Han Feiyu, Tian Canzi and others!

He glanced aside and noticed the tripod.

"This tripod is extraordinary! There are actually countless black and yellow maternal energies in it!"

He immediately raised his hand to collect it, but found that the treasure tripod was extremely spiritual and could not be refined for a while, nor could it be collected into the Qiankun Ring.

"That's all, sooner or later it will be mine."

Ye Que didn't care, so he flew into the air and cooperated with the eight hundred corpse puppets to kill Han Feiyu and others!


"This young master is Ye Que, the young master of the immortal Ye family?"

When Chu Wujie saw this, he hurriedly called out.

Recalling that in front of the ancient monument, he also saw Wang Teng and the man in front of him being hostile, calling him Ye Que.

"Oh? Who are you?"

Ye Que hesitated, looked at Chu Wujie and asked indifferently.

"I am Chu Wujie of the Chu family. I admire Mr. Ye for being so powerful!"

"However, that fellow Taoist can be regarded as saving my life. Mr. Ye, can you please look at the face of my Chu family and let that fellow Taoist survive? I will definitely keep Mr. Ye's words in mind in the future..."

Chu Wujie saluted, pointed to Han Feiyu from a distance and asked.

But before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted impatiently by Ye Que.

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

"A child of the Chu family? I'm kind enough not to kill you. Just wish yourself well."

Ye Que glanced sideways at Chu Wujie and said contemptuously.

Before leaving, he also gave Chu Wujie a cold warning.

"But if you dare to touch that precious tripod and the black and yellow mother energy inside, you will have to bear the consequences!"

With one command, he summoned ten corpse puppet creatures to guard around the tripod.

Then it turned into purple light on its own and headed straight for the aerial battle!

"What the hell! You bitch! You dragged me!"

Chu Wujie was so angry at the other party's domineering attitude that his veins bulged, and he spat out a fierce breath of fragrance towards Ye Que who was walking away!

"You won't let me take it? I insist on taking it!"

"A mere zombie creature wants to stop me?"

He continued to drink a large amount of healing elixirs and adjusted his breath with all his strength to recover from his injuries!

I plan to wait for Ye Que to go away, and then take advantage of the situation when I get deeper into the battle!

At this time, high in the sky, eight hundred zombie creatures had surrounded Han Feiyu and others, attacking and killing them non-stop!

"What's going on? Where did so many zombie creatures gather?!"

"It's that boy from the human race. He can actually control these corpse puppets to obey his orders?!"

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