But the two sides fought for only a moment, Chu Wujie threw a punch, and the fist light turned into the hand of the Mingwang, which directly smashed the opponent's head and blood, and wailed and smashed a hundred-foot deep pit on the ground!

"Good! You fought well--!"

"This young man is really amazing! I wonder where he is from?"

"With such strength and so young, could he be a descendant of the Changsheng family?!"

Outside the ravine, a group of cultivators praised Chu Wujie again and again.

Obviously, the other party was not afraid of the threat of the ancient royal family, and the strong attack made them feel very relieved!

"Haha, you guessed it right, this is the second young master of our Changsheng Chu family, Chu Wujie!"

"My second young master is extremely talented. With him here, these ancient royal families can't be arrogant at all!"

The brothers Chu Jian and Chu Xin also boasted at the right time, and they all looked proud.

After all, although their young master is a little weaker than the eldest lady, he is also a remarkable genius!

When everyone heard that it was the young master of the Changsheng Chu family, they showed even more respect and came forward to flatter and please him.

"Fellow Taoists! With the young master Chu here to support us, why don't we all go forward and kill these ancient royal family members together first!"

"Not bad! What level? You dare to follow others to draw boundaries? This is troublesome!"

"Go! Kill all these evil beasts!"

Many people became more courageous and immediately stepped forward to cross the ravine and began to surround and kill those ancient royal family members!

However, half an hour later.

The periphery of this lake was already full of corpses and flesh, along with their broken magic weapon fragments scattered all over the ground.

The brothers Chu Jian and Chu Xin fell to the side with serious injuries and unconsciousness, barely saving their lives.

Chu Wujie was also crawling on the ground, spitting blood.

His breath was weak, his face was as pale as paper, and he was no longer as high-spirited as before!

He could only grit his teeth to support his body, looking at the two fierce figures in front of him with horror and unwillingness...

Chapter 269 The Treasure Tripod Appears, Tian Canzi

The two of them were as strong as the abyss. One of them was wearing a red robe, covered with fine dragon scales, and one of his dragon claws was still bloody. The other was wearing a green armor, with six green marks on his face. The fierce aura was almost condensed into substance!

Behind the two of them, a thin man with white hair and white clothes was standing with his hands behind his back, his back to the crowd.

He calmly looked at the lake that was constantly gushing out treasures, and seemed to be completely indifferent to the fighting behind him.

The dragon scale man shook off the blood on his claws and laughed sarcastically at Chu Wujie who was crawling in front of him.

"Young Master of the Changsheng Chu Family? Is that all you have?"

"I heard that your Chu Family has a new goddess who is quite pretty. Why didn't you come to this fairy palace?"

Long Jue showed a frivolous smile, raised his hand and grabbed in the air. A shadow of a dragon claw emerged, and he lifted Chu Wujie up like a lamb to be slaughtered.

"Bah! You bastards!"

"If my sister was here, you would all die without a burial place!"

Chu Wujie spat out a mouthful of blood foam and cursed at Long Jue.

Beside Long Jue, the fur-clothed man couldn't help but sneer when he heard it.

"It's ridiculous. The light of a firefly is also worthy of competing with the sun and the moon?"

"Don't you realize the chasm between us?"


Chu Wujie's eyes were full of reluctance, but he really couldn't refute it.

The two in front of him exuded a strong and extremely ancient blood aura, just like the relics left by the former supreme beings in the fairyland!

He also knew that the other party was the peerless genius with the most noble blood in the ancient royal family, and the offspring of the former emperors!

Although the two in front of him should not be the eldest sons of the ancient emperors.

But the emperor's blood still gave them supreme talent and combat power, making them far superior to their peers from the day they were born. Even Chu Wujie can only look up to them!

In the same realm, except for those extremely rare and truly evil anomalies, no one can match them!

Just now, Chu Wujie was beaten to collapse and exhausted after fighting with Long Jue and Shi Cong for a while. He was not an opponent at all!

"Damn it! Damn it!"

"Old man, you really haven't done anything human!"

"Back then, you were so stubborn that you refused to become an emperor, causing your son to be beaten up!"

"If I also had the blood of the Great Emperor, would I lose to these two bastards?!"

Chu Wujie secretly gritted his teeth in anger and scolded his own father again!

But facing the two opponents, he still had no intention of begging for mercy, and he also scolded them.

"Kill me now if you have the guts! When my sister avenges me in the future, she will wipe out your Panlongtai and Shenglingfu!"

"Hehe, you are not very capable, but you are really arrogant!"

"Then I really hope she comes earlier. I can't wait to try the goddess of the Chu family!"

Shi Cong and Long Jue laughed more and more sarcastically, and at the same time, Long Jue waved his claws and clenched them, ready to kill Chu Wujie on the spot!

When death was imminent, Chu Wujie was still strong, but he couldn't help but groan inwardly!

"How is it possible?!"

"I clearly sensed that there was a great opportunity for me here! How could I suddenly die here?!"


However, at this moment, the surface of the lake seemed to be split open, and countless magic weapons, like stars surrounding the moon, surrounded a red-gold cauldron with creatures of all races carved all over it, and slowly rose from the lake!

The cauldron was actually a deep yellow, and wisps of Xuanhuang mother energy escaped from the cauldron, which instantly attracted all the attention of Long Jue and others!

"That... could it be Xuanhuang mother energy?!"

"That is the divine material that can be used to refine imperial weapons! It is actually filled in the cauldron, so much that it is about to overflow!"

"The value of those Xuanhuang mother energy alone is far greater than all the magic weapons in this place!"

The people of the ancient royal family were amazed, and the greed in their eyes could not be concealed at all!

However, in front of them, the white-haired man was like a majestic pass.

Although they were both from the ancient royal family, and they only had their backs to them, they exuded endless power, which frightened them so much that they did not dare to act rashly for a while!

Obviously, the other party is also the son of the emperor, and his fighting power is even stronger than Long Jue and Shi Cong!

"I want this tripod."

The white-haired man looked indifferent, and his tone was full of matter-of-factness.

He was not polite either. He waved his sleeves, and countless fine silks appeared out of thin air around the world, and he was about to wrap up the big tripod and put it in his pocket!

"Tian Canzi, don't be too greedy. That's a full tripod of Xuanhuang mother energy! Can you eat it alone?"

Long Jue and Shi Cong were equally greedy, and they didn't care about killing Chu Wujie for a while, so they immediately stepped forward to find Tian Canzi to share the profits.

"Huh? Who is it?!"

However, a silver-white light suddenly flashed from the other direction of the lake.

The man was like a ghost, and in an instant he flew to the side of the golden tripod, grabbed the golden tripod and turned away!

"So fast! What kind of body movement is that?!"

"Where did the thief come from? How dare he intercept our treasure?!"

Long Jue and Shi Cong didn't even have time to react, and watched the golden tripod and the full tripod of Xuanhuang mother energy being taken away!

The two were immediately extremely angry, and they stepped on various colors of clouds and flew into the sky to chase the silver-white light!

But they soon found out with great surprise that with the opponent's extreme speed, they couldn't catch up with the opponent at all!

"You are really looking for death!"

"Do you think you can dominate the world with your good body movement?"

Tian Canzi finally showed a bit of ferocious and fierce look on his face, and didn't seem to care about the opponent's ability to escape!

He used both hands to shoot a series of spells in the air, and countless pale silks immediately appeared in the eight directions of the void, expanding rapidly like a cage, completely covering this world!

And the person who took the golden tripod was naturally Han Feiyu who passed by here and was attracted by the treasure!

But he had obtained a valuable treasure at this time, and he sensed that the other party was extraordinary, so he did not intend to fight, and was preparing to slip away happily as in the past.

But suddenly he saw a silk cage appear out of thin air in front of him, completely blocking his way!


He immediately made a hand gesture and summoned dozens of flying swords to slash at the cage.

Although he cut a lot of silk, the cage seemed to be endless and filled up completely in an instant, making it difficult for him to break through and escape!

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