The Seven Treasures Tree was still suspended in the air. Zhao Binglan sat cross-legged on the tree, her petite and exquisite body constantly emitting colorful rays of light, and her aura was countless times stronger than when she was besieged seven days ago.

Suddenly, she opened her eyes, her moist lips opened and closed slightly, and after exhaling a breath of turbid breath, the sacred tree behind her gradually changed and shrank into a three-foot-long delicate tree according to her will, allowing her to control it .

"Sister Luoluo, I have completed the refining!"

She immediately stood up, jumped happily to Xiao Qianluo's side, held her arm and smiled excitedly.

"Binglan, congratulations."

"But you are dozens of years older than me. Calling me sister...isn't appropriate?"

Xiao Qianluo touched her head and smiled helplessly, then continued to stare at the Zhangtian Pot, waiting for Lin Xingyun to come out.

Although Lin Xingyun had previously sent out spiritual thoughts, saying that he had eliminated all the opponents and was breaking through the realm, and asked them to wait, she still couldn't help but feel concerned.

"Your age is nothing! You and the young master saved my life, so I can't call you sister too much!"

Zhao Binglan leaned on her and explained with a smile.

However, when she looked at Xiao Qianluo at such a close distance, she couldn't help but secretly marvel again.

"This several times bigger than my sister! It's too much!"

She couldn't help but lower her head again, and found that she could easily see her little feet wearing embroidered shoes...

His face suddenly became more frustrated, and he was almost crying!

But she still curled her lips, took out a lot of precious medicines and spiritual materials from the Qiankun Ring, and gave them all to Xiao Qianluo.

"Sister Luoluo, I would like to express my gratitude for this!"

"From now have to take more care of your sister!"

"Binglan, what are you doing? You don't have to be so polite. We are all a family. Your sister and I..."

Xiao Qianluo was refusing with a smile.

I saw the lid of the Zhangtian Pot tilted, and a ray of light flew out.

Lin Xingyun's figure appeared, but Xiao Qianluo and Zhao Binglan couldn't help being surprised.

Especially Xiao Qianluo. She has been practicing killing for many years, and her senses are particularly keen. At this time, she only felt that the person in front of her was already too powerful to be matched!

It seems that all it takes is one punch and one palm to take his life!

When Lin Xingyun saw this, he also reacted, knowing that he had just completed his breakthrough and his aura was too tyrannical.

He completely restrained his cultivation aura, gently held Xiao Qianluo in his arms and smiled.

"Luoluo, don't be afraid."

"Xingyun, you are much stronger than before...!"

"I feel like... I could be killed by you easily!"

Xiao Qianluo said with lingering fear, but looking at Ailang's familiar face in front of her, she quickly adjusted.

Then he raised his toes with some annoyance and bit Lin Xingyun's lips hard.

Trying to alleviate the fear at that moment in this way.

The two struggled for a while, and then Lin Xingyun patted her plump buttocks and chuckled in her ear.

"Luoluo, do me a favor."

"Huh? You don't want to..."

A few wisps of blush appeared on Xiao Qianluo's face, and she subconsciously glanced back at Zhao Binglan, as if she was a little worried about such an occasion.

When Lin Xingyun saw that she was thinking wrongly, the smile on his face became even wider.

But at this moment, he wasn't thinking about doing that.

Instead, he perfectly killed Wang Teng, causing his destiny to skyrocket by 200,000, finally officially breaking through the one million mark!

Chapter 267 Advanced Lottery, it’s great to have you!

With one million life points, you can already start the advanced lottery!

He can't wait to see what treasures can be found in the advanced lottery!

At this time, the communication system has already begun in his mind.

However, the lottery opportunity is rare and should not be missed. If you don't win the highest level, which is the red prize, you will suffer a big loss.

He had a hunch that it would take a long time for the two Destiny Daughters to save up to one million Destiny Points next time...

To be on the safe side, he needed to make some small preparations.

Increase your chances of winning the red prize!

When he thought of this, without hesitation, he leaned close to Xiao Qianluo's ear and whispered a few words to her.

Xiao Qianluo was stunned at first, and then his charming and fair face suddenly turned crimson!

She swallowed her throat suddenly, Feng Yun's lips buzzed and trembled, she raised her head and looked at Lin Xingyun with wide eyes, she was so shocked that she couldn't speak for a long time.

"Luoluo, don't worry too much, I have my reasons for doing this..."

Lin Xingyun explained quickly, with a bit of embarrassment inevitably showing on his face.

After all, even with his character, he felt that making such a request was a bit outrageous!

But compared with the high-level lottery and red prizes, he doesn't think there is anything to hesitate!

"You...what...why do you have to be here-?!"

"Can't we talk about this in private?!"

Xiao Qianluo was ashamed and shocked, and felt extremely baffled!

Now in this Immortal Palace, with neither the heaven nor the earth, she never expected that the other party would suddenly make such an outrageous request!

At this time, she also suddenly recalled that one day on the fairy boat, the other party suddenly pulled her up while she was still sleeping.

Then he insisted on calling him husband, and even calling him for a while was not enough. He also made her call him again and again!

Xiao Qianluo thought back and looked at Lin Xingyun with a complicated expression for a while.

However, she saw that Lin Xingyun still insisted and actually meant it!

Her face was as red as blood, her body was trembling slightly, and she seemed to be extremely embarrassed!

But he still bit his lower lip and slowly moved closer to Lin Xingyun's ear.

Using all his strength, he compressed the sound transmission from the soul and called out softly...

The next moment, Lin Xingyun felt a stream of invisible and mysterious luck blessing his body, causing his luck to suddenly skyrocket!

Originally he could only produce oranges and golds 100%, but now he had an omen from the bottom of his heart. It seemed that the red prize was finally promising!

He immediately communicated with the system and started the lottery.

"System, consume destiny points and start a high-level lottery!"


"Advanced lottery, the probability of winning for each level of prizes is: Purple 50% Orange 45% Gold 4.5% Red 0.5%!"

"The host consumes one million life points and starts a high-level lottery!"

The system responded, and a lottery roulette wheel that was ten times larger than before immediately appeared in his mind!

There are finally some extremely conspicuous red prizes among them.

It’s like the brightest star in the night sky, so dazzling that people can’t take their eyes away!

However, the chance of winning is still the same as in the intermediate and primary draws, only a pitiful five thousandths.

"Oh? Can you draw those three physiques too?!"

Lin Xingyun's eyes narrowed and he saw three of the red prizes, clearly marked [Chaos Body], [Innate Holy Body Dao Embryology], and [Hui Meng Immortal Body]!

He was slightly surprised, but quickly recovered.

After all, the system prizes do include various physiques. It is not an exaggeration to be able to directly win these top-level physiques with the most advanced red prizes.

But he always felt that if he could obtain one of these three supreme physiques with just one draw, although the gains would be huge, he would still be unfulfilled.

Soon, the lottery roulette wheel began to spin extremely fast until it slowly slowed down.

Lin Xingyun stared at the roulette wheel attentively. Although he had done everything he could to ensure his confidence was higher than before, he was still a little uneasy.

Until the roulette wheel finally stops spinning.

The pointer was impartial, neither crooked nor slanted, and stopped right on a dazzling red prize label!

He nodded with satisfaction and accepted the system prompts with a smile.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the red prize - [Fate Pack] X1!"

"[Fate Gift Pack]——Contains [Fate Upgrade Card] X5, [Fate Copy Card] Gold X5!"

"[Fate Upgrade Card]: You can upgrade any destiny level by one level, and you can upgrade your special physique, up to the red level! Note: Some irreversible fates related to parents and relatives, such as [Father dies and son laughs] Gray, [Brother ends up brother] Ji] Gray, cannot be upgraded!

"[Fate Copy Card] Gold: You can copy any gold and below fortunes and paste them to the host or others. Note: Special physiques and irreversible fates related to some parents and relatives, such as [Godmother] Orange, [Brothers and Friends] Orange , cannot be copied!”

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