Seeing that he had been seriously injured, Lin Xingyun commanded the Feixian Divine Fetus to strike with his own two swords, quickly cutting Wang Teng into pieces and leaving a corpse.

I saw bones and blood flying all over the sky, it was extremely miserable!

"Lin Xingyun! You can't kill me!"

"One day, I will make you pay back a hundredfold!"

Wang Teng saw that his defeat was irreversible, so he could only curse bitterly.

But a jade talisman floated out of his body, emitting a mysterious light, pulling his body to reorganize little by little, and seemed to be helping him escape as before!

"No matter how many treasures you have and how hard you are to kill, you will not escape death today!"

Lin Xingyun showed a cold face, waved his sleeves, and a small dark purple tower flew out of his body. It suddenly rose into the sky and enveloped and suppressed both of them in an instant!

"Tianji Demon Suppressing Tower?!"

"How is it can this kid have such great luck and be filled with treasures?!"

Wang Teng finally could no longer suppress the shock in his heart, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

He never expected that a mere junior from the other side could actually make one after another of the most precious treasures from the Immortal Realm recognize its owner!

Even his previous life, and even the most powerful people he had seen, were far inferior to such terrifying great luck!

On top of the two of them, the Tianji Demon Suppressing Tower spontaneously emitted countless dark purple rays of light, suppressing Wang Teng to the ground.

It even formed a stalemate with the jade talisman, making it difficult for it to leave with Wang Teng Po Kong like it did before!

"Lin Xingyun————!"

Wang Teng's head was also chopped off, and he was being suppressed to the ground, letting out a series of unwilling roars.

However, the only thing that responded to him was a pitch-black magic jar, which was aimed at him, wildly devouring all his blood, spiritual power, and soul!

The jade talisman was still powerful, and it continuously emitted rays of rays of light to connect and protect Wang Teng's body, trying to protect him from death.

But when Lin Xingyun saw this, he summoned the Chaos Green Lotus Fire with a flick of his eyebrows, and the raging flames burned Wang Teng's body, cooperating to refine everything about him!

The two sides were caught in a tug of war, with Lin Xingyun's side clearly having the advantage, and everything about Wang Teng being slowly swallowed into the magic jar.

With a thought in his mind, he threw out a large number of spiritual stones from the Qiankun Ring and began to activate the divine energy in the Heaven Palm Pot.

Make the time flow in the world in the pot ten times faster!

After that, he sat cross-legged and began to devour and refine Wang Teng with all his strength!

At the same time, system prompts kept ringing in my mind.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for plundering the Son of Destiny. The reward is 2000 Destiny Points!" (Luck and villain values ​​have all been changed to Destiny Points)

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for plundering the Son of Destiny. The reward is 4,000 Destiny Points!"

"Ding! The host makes the Son of Destiny hate him deeply, and he will receive an additional reward of 8,000 Destiny Points!"

As he continued to devour Wang Teng's body, spiritual power, and the remaining souls of the ferocious beasts, the system's prompts sounded again and again!

Wang Teng, who had been robbed of two great opportunities in the Immortal Fire Secret Realm, was about to be completely bald!

The world in the pot, seventy-seven forty-nine days later.

In the end, Wang Teng was left with only a broken head, still holding on and being suppressed to the ground!

And all his other foundations, together with the remnant soul of the ferocious beast, have been turned into nutrients and swallowed into the magic jar!

System prompts also sounded in his mind.

"Ding! The Destiny Son Wang Teng's Destiny Points have been cleared to zero. After killing him, you will be rewarded with a large amount of Destiny Points, and the opponent will be rewarded with all Blue and above Destiny Points!"

"The reincarnation of the Demon Emperor is indeed harder to kill than Tang Yu."

"But that's all."

Lin Xingyun still sat cross-legged, smiling coldly while continuing to devour.


"Who are you? Who are you?!"

Wang Teng, who was already extremely weak and decayed, suddenly opened his eyes wide when he saw that he had exposed his true identity, with an expression of extreme horror!

Obviously, he regarded the other party as a reincarnated old monster, and couldn't help but screamed and asked in fear!

"Oh, I thought you were about to die."

"I can tell you mercifully."

Lin Xingyun took one look at his miserable appearance, and couldn't help but reveal his signature nuclear smile!

In order to gain one last piece of money from the other party, he decided to tell another white lie!

Chapter 266: Losing unjustly, breaking through the princes

Lin Xingyun stood with his hands behind his hands, looking up to the sky, with a look of nostalgia on his face, shaking his head and sighing.

"Countless epochs have passed, my name has long been forgotten, and all the past has returned to dust."

"I just vaguely remember that the hundreds of millions of creatures in the Immortal Realm seemed to call me..."

"Nirvana Heavenly Lord."

As soon as Lin Xingyun finished speaking, Wang Teng seemed to hear thunder from the sky!

His pupils suddenly narrowed, showing an unprecedented look of shock!

"Nirvana Heavenly Lord? Are you... one of the nine Heavenly Lords?!"

As the reincarnation of the Great Emperor, he had naturally heard the legend of the Nine Heavenly Lords and knew that they were the nine most ancient and mysterious powerful men in the Immortal Realm. They once dominated the Immortal Realm together, and even they, the great emperors, were far inferior!

However, countless epochs ago, the nine great gods suddenly disappeared together, and even cut off their inheritance, and were gradually forgotten by the world. Only the most powerful ones like them can still detect the remaining claws and scales...

And the person in front of him was actually the former Nirvana Heavenly Lord!

"The reincarnation of wonder it is so extraordinary...I lost unjustly..."

"But why...why--?!"

"In that great war, many great emperors and ancient kings were completely annihilated. I can reincarnate against the will of heaven and cultivate again, which proves that I have great luck and should continue my imperial destiny!"

"Why...why did you let me meet an old monster like you? You want me to die here?!"

Wang Teng seemed to understand, but he suddenly roared in anger, and the resentment and unwillingness in his eyes finally reached the extreme!

"Ding! The host makes the son of destiny hate him, and an additional reward of 40,000 destiny points!"

"Perhaps your rebirth is just an arrangement of heaven, to add more nutrients to me."

"The time has come."

After receiving the system prompt, Lin Xingyun smiled with satisfaction and raised his eyebrows slightly.

He controlled the Immortal Devouring Pot and burst out his divine power with all his strength, gradually swallowing the remaining broken head of Wang Teng into it!

"Heh! Heaven arranges... nourishment..."

"As expected of an old thing from the ancient times, you are so arrogant and take advantage of your age!"

"If I am given another life, I may be able to compete with you old monsters!"

Wang Teng's face was as dry as a dead tree, and he gritted his teeth and pulled out a sad smile.

Seeing that he was about to die, he closed his eyes and chose to face his end calmly, retaining a bit of the face of the Demon Emperor.

But suddenly, he suddenly widened his eyes, as if he remembered something, and asked Lin Xingyun strangely.

"It is said that Nirvana Tianzun is the only woman among the nine Tianzun..."

"You old monster, you actually turned into a man in this life?! You————"

"I am happy, it's none of your business!"

Before he finished speaking, the fairy light in Lin Xingyun's palm surged, and with a full palm, he slapped his broken head into the magic pot!

Then he continued to sit cross-legged in meditation, while refining and absorbing these nutrients, he concentrated on mobilizing the spiritual power around his body, recalling the Chaos Blue Lotus Fire, and circling and evolving on his head.

With his strong foundation, he continued to devour dozens of perfect monks in the King and Marquis Realm, plus everything from the two great geniuses Wang Teng and Qin Yiren.

Now that he has accumulated everything perfectly, it is time to break through the realm!

His spiritual power and blood surged like a dragon, constantly gathering on the top, and began to condense the flower of the Great Dao.

And in his heart, a series of gray light flowed endlessly, as if a terrifying force that could destroy the world was brewing in it!

In these 49 days, he not only devoured Wang Teng, but the Supreme Bone of Heaven had also been melted and merged with the Supreme Bone of Feixian, and now it is considered to be completely integrated!

The power and aura of this newly formed Supreme Bone is countless times stronger than that of a single Supreme Bone of Feixian!

"Although Qin Yiren is not the son of destiny, his [Supreme Pair] is already a golden destiny!"

"Now I am also considered a Supreme Pair, naturally far better than before!"

Lin Xingyun realized the mystery of this new Supreme Bone and began to mobilize the divine power in it to help him officially break through to the King Realm!


In the outside world, another three days passed.

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