"Break the Demon Soul with Hundred Refinements!"

"Slay the Mysterious Magic·!"

A series of magical powers and magic weapons shone with thousands of dazzling rays of light, and blasted towards Lin Xingyun like a group of meteors!

Dozens of king-level cultivators attacked together, and their might was so strong that the world changed color, and the space on all sides was shaking!

But Lin Xingyun still had a calm expression, and he raised his hand directly, and the vision of the Great Dao Immortal Bell appeared on his head.

After years of training in the dream, his understanding of his physique and visions had already deepened several levels. At this time, he saw that the majestic immortal bell followed his will and sent out a series of deafening Great Dao Heavenly Sounds to the group of cultivators!

"The bell rings in all realms!"

Countless Great Dao Heavenly Sounds sounded like oracles, setting off endless waves, and while resisting a burst of attacks, the hearts and minds of the cultivators were violently shaken, and the magical powers and magic weapons were almost out of control!

Then, the Daluo Dao Sword also flew out of Lin Xingyun's body.

After falling into his hands, his body immediately burst out with endless dazzling sword light!

He turned his body into a sword and flew into the sky like a comet.

After breaking through the weakened offensive, he was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, and started slaughtering the monks again!

"Fellow Taoists! Things have come to this point, fight this kid!"

"Sir, spare my life! I have no grudges against you, why are you——?!"

"This sir! Please give me Fengling Yueying Sect a face! I am——?!"


No matter what face the monks had or how they responded, the end result was inevitable death.

However, Lin Xingyun was fighting fiercely, and suddenly his heart trembled.

I saw two extremely powerful attacks coming from the side at the same time!

"Kunpeng Law·Nine Netherworlds!"

"Heavenly Tribulation·Heavenly Punishment Prison!"

I saw a shadow of Kunpeng with wings spread out to cover the sun, howling with boundless power, and the wings were so powerful that it seemed to be able to pierce the sky!

On the other side was an endless and terrifying purgatory scene, with mountains of swords and seas of fire, iron trees and evil mirrors, all as real as real, turning into a strange vision of the divine prison, suppressing everything in the world!

Under the combination of the two extreme moves, the power was much stronger than that of dozens of cultivators. At this time, it was like the collapse of the sky and the crack of the earth, and they all attacked Lin Xingyun together!

Chapter 261 Extreme moves collided, and the flying fairy moved the sky

Lin Xingyun had naturally sensed the existence of these two people a long time ago. Seeing the two extreme moves that shook the sky and the earth coming, he no longer paid attention to other cultivators. He flashed and went straight to Wang Teng and Qin Yiren!

The white fairy light on his heart suddenly flashed and shone, like a fairy who had been banished from the world and descended into the secular world!

The next moment, a figure with cat ears and a cat tail flew out from his heart, but this time he did not attack, but leaned against Lin Xingyun's chest.

After thousands of years of experience in the dream, Lin Xingyun has used and understood the secrets of the magical spirit of Huimeng Fairy, the double pupils and the supreme bone of Feixian for countless times.

At this time, he was going to use the two people in front of him to try out his new magical power!

He and Feixian Divine Fetus rang in harmony, and the vast white fairy light illuminated the world, completely covering and covering this barren mountain!

And his double pupils were also blooming with infinite divine light, constantly merging into the body of Feixian Divine Fetus.

Feixian Qin Diyao's vertical pupil cat eyes also quickly changed into the appearance of Emperor Luo's double pupils, which also gave birth to the great power of creating the world!

The next moment, two huge vertical pupil phantoms of thousands of feet appeared behind them, like powerful creatures from ancient times coming and examining the world!

Seeing this, all the cultivators were shocked by the might of the two huge vertical pupils, and they felt boundless fear from the bottom of their hearts!

However, only a moment later, Wang Teng and Qin Yiren's two extreme moves came together, and the shadow of Kunpeng could also cover the sky, and Senluo Purgatory was also bursting with murderous intent!

"Flying Immortal Moving Heaven Technique!"

And the huge vertical pupils also burst out two gray-white light pillars in an instant, carrying endless annihilation and attacking power, and launched a shocking collision with the two extreme moves!



When the two sides collided, the aftermath of the spiritual power was like a torrent of huge waves, destroying all the rocks and plants on this barren mountain into dust!

A group of cultivators hurriedly sacrificed their own magic weapons and body protection skills to resist the impact of the remaining power with all their strength.

But there were still a few weaker ones who were severely hit and knocked away by the aftermath of the collision of these extreme moves, and smashed on the Nine-Leaf Sword Domain and the Double Pupil Prison.

He was attacked by sword energy and divine light again and died on the spot!

The divine tree barrier was also shaking, but because it was far away from the center of the collision, it was temporarily stable.

In the barrier, Zhao Binglan looked at Lin Xingyun who came in person and was fighting against the heroes, and she was crying.

She never expected that in such a desperate environment, she just called for help, and the other party came to rescue her like a god!

"Young... Young Master————!"

She sobbed and wiped her tears hard, and was about to step out of the barrier to help Lin Xingyun.

However, before she left the divine tree barrier, a woman in a black dress with scarlet magic light all over her body landed outside the barrier and waved her hand to stop her.

"You are Zhao Binglan, right?"

"You are not strong enough. Enemies are everywhere. It is too dangerous to come out rashly."

"Stay here for now. We will solve it soon."

After Xiao Qianluo gave some instructions, he turned into a phantom and attacked the front battlefield.

Zhao Binglan was stunned. She knew that the other party was the "aunt" she had been begging for before!

After feeling Xiao Qianluo's extremely powerful cultivation aura, she knew that what the other party said was true, so she had no choice but to stop her action, her eyes full of self-blame and frustration.

She felt that although she had good talent and practiced hard, she was still far behind these top geniuses...

And in the sky, the two sides' offensives collided fiercely, and finally the winner was decided!

I saw the two beams of gray-white pupil light, like two comets, breaking through the sky, blasting the wings of the Kunpeng phantom, and breaking the Senluo Purgatory layer by layer!

The sky was filled with layers of explosive waves, and the two beams of pupil light, after being mostly wiped out, still descended in front of Wang Teng and Qin Yiren!

The two of them each used their body protection magic weapons to resist, but they were still blown away by the power of the pupil light, and they all hit the sword domain and the double pupil prison together!


Qin Yiren could no longer restrain himself and suddenly coughed up a large mouthful of blood.

Wang Teng tried to calm down his boiling internal organs, but a trickle of blood still flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"How... how is this possible?!"

"After Qin Diyao's supreme bone was taken away by him... it was actually developed to such an extent?!"

"I have practiced hard for a hundred years, and now... I am even more unable to defeat him?!"

Qin Yiren looked at Lin Xingyun's familiar white fairy light and the flying fairy fetus in the shape of his cousin, and his heart was already horrified!

As the son of the Qin family, he was still a rare opponent during his hundred years of hard practice, which made his invincible heart, which was almost broken at the beginning, gradually condense again.

But at this moment, facing Lin Xingyun and the flying fairy fetus...

As soon as they fought, he almost instantly recalled the fear of being dominated by these two people in the fairy fire secret realm!

"This will be a fierce battle, you'd better give me your best!"

"It's only been a hundred years, and he has grown to this point. If we don't kill him today, it will be even more difficult in the future!"

Wang Teng's face was still cold, as if he had not yet played a trump card.

"Brother Wang, then you and I..."


Qin Yiren was about to speak, and nine scarlet chains had already fallen from the nether void to him!

"Mountain and River Dharma Map!"

He hurriedly urged his spiritual power and cast a spiritual power map to resist.

However, the killing power of the nine chains was amazing. After only two breaths of stalemate, the map was torn to pieces!

A figure in a black skirt also followed, and as soon as a palm came out, countless spiritual blood thorns attacked Qin Yiren like raindrops, intending to kill one of the two people first!

Those blood thorns were extremely strange, as if they could easily break through the spiritual defense, but in an instant, bloody scars appeared on Qin Yiren's body!

"Hmm? There are still experts?!"

"Heavenly Tribulation Light!"

Qin Yiren was so angry that he immediately activated the Supreme Bone in his heart again, releasing a black light of punishment to resist those spiritual blood thorns.

When the two confronted each other, he suddenly had infinite signs of fear in his heart.

Just because of the attack of the woman in front of him, he suddenly remembered the time outside the Immortal Fire Secret Realm.

It was also a woman in a black dress, who appeared from a book.

With only the power of the incarnation of the soul, Jun Wan Gu, the head of the Jun family, was chased and killed, and he fled for his life, shaking the mountains and rivers of Lizhou for 100,000 miles!

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