Then he secretly communicated with his soul.

"Brother Wang, I did lose my sense of propriety in front of the Fairy Fire Palace that day!"

"Please, brother Wang, for the sake of our friendship, join hands with me again!"

"Don't worry, brother Wang, after the matter is done, you and I will each have half of this sacred tree. Qin will never break his promise this time!"

Now there are nearly a hundred cultivators from all walks of life gathered here.

In addition to the gray-robed man who is not very conspicuous and has unknown origins.

He was not sure that he could successfully seize the treasure for a while, so he had to find Wang Teng to join forces again.


Wang Teng snorted coldly, his face full of hatred and murderous intent.

He still remembered clearly the treacherous behavior of Qin Yiren in front of the Fairy Fire Palace!

With his personality, he almost wanted to kill Qin Yiren directly and take away his supreme bone!

But his attention at this time was still attracted by the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree and Zhao Binglan in the barrier.

"Strange, what's so special about this woman? Why does she make me so excited?"

He was secretly surprised, as if the woman in the barrier was his destined person, and the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree was also his destined great opportunity!

"Wait for these people to consume the barrier first, then it won't be too late to make a move!"

"This woman and the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree must belong to this emperor!"

He secretly made a plan in his heart, looking around, the young emperor was not angry, and he was ready to take everything!

But suddenly, he heard a series of screams from the back.


"Sir, spare me! I just came here to watch the fun! I'll leave now, I'll————"


A middle-aged man in brown robes was escaping on a cloud.

Lin Xingyun waved his sword casually, and a sword light passed like the sickle of the god of death, cutting off his head and the protective magic weapon together, and a red blood column gushed out!

His soul flew out immediately, and he ran even more desperately.

But several blood-red chains followed closely behind him, strangling and destroying his soul!

Behind this pair of men and women dressed in black and white, there were already more than a dozen corpses lying in a mess.

Both of them were like gods of death, harvesting the lives of cultivators along the way like mowing grass with indifference, while quickly stepping onto the top of the barren mountain hand in hand.

Lin Xingyun punched out again, bringing up a hurricane that broke through the air, blasting a large area of ​​mountains into powder.

He also beat a young man in Taoist robes who had no time to escape, causing his body to disintegrate and his soul to fly away!

Now with the combat power exerted by his foundation, it only takes one punch to kill such a perfect casual cultivator in the king realm!

Chapter 260: All surrounded and killed, join forces again

"Second brother————!"

"Dare to kill my second brother! I will fight you!"

"Xiao Ri Sheng Xin Jue!"

Not far above, a middle-aged man in a Taoist robe who was about to besiege the barrier was furious when he saw this!

He immediately went all out, creating thousands of extinction radiances, bombarding Lin Xingyun and Xiao Qianluo!

However, Lin Xingyun just made continuous sword strokes, and the vast and infinite sword energy was like a net of heaven and earth, which eliminated all the attacks in front of them and protected them tightly.

"One grass cuts the stars."

The next moment, he waved his finger and cut out a ten-thousand-foot blue-gold sword light.

The sword light was as powerful as a bamboo, and in just a few blinks, it cut through all the extinction radiances of the opponent and completely cut the middle-aged man in the Taoist robe in two!

This towering peak was also cut into a deep crack, as if it was cut by a heavenly sword!

"Run away! Don't mess with this boy!"

"How is it possible?! He is a perfect Divine Fire Realm, and killing a king and a prince is as easy as killing a chicken?!"

"Is he an ancient freak? Or the emperor's son?! Too scary!"

"I haven't been home for hundreds of years, and my wife is about to give birth. Fellow Taoists, I'll go first!"

The cultivators were frightened by Lin Xingyun's fighting power and his style of killing everyone they saw, and they all wanted to retreat!

But just as they were driving their magic weapons and body skills, preparing to escape far away.

Pieces of blue-gold sword domains have completely surrounded all directions!

"Double pupils open the sky technique!"

Lin Xingyun's eyes flashed with double pupils, and huge and terrifying eyes suddenly appeared in the sky.

Another double pupil space appeared, like a prison of heaven and earth, cooperating with the Nine-leaf Sword Domain to completely block this mountain range!

Obviously, he didn't intend to let go of any of the cultivators present today, and wanted to trap and kill them all to death!

On the mountain top, the people who were besieging the divine tree barrier stopped their attacks when they saw this strange phenomenon.

The gray-robed masked man just looked back, his face darkened, and his eyes burst into endless anger!

"It's the kid from the Lin family! He's here too?!"

"He's really good, no wonder even Jun Changsheng has to suffer!"

"Well, let's see what you are capable of first!"

He gritted his teeth and thought angrily, but he obviously didn't want to fight Lin Xingyun head-on.

He flashed to a corner on one side, and then blood flowed out of his eyes.

The next moment, his figure flashed, as if he had sunk into the void, and the whole person instantly escaped from the blockade of the double pupil space and the nine-leaf sword domain, and appeared outside the ten thousand feet sky!

"Lin Xingyun———?!"

"It's him again?! He actually came to this fairy palace, he's just haunting me!"

"That's good, Qin Diyao's supreme bone must be in his possession, now is the perfect time to take it away!"

Qin Yiren saw who was coming and was furious, his spiritual power surged out.

Although he could only flee miserably in the Immortal Fire Secret Realm.

But now a hundred years have passed, he believes that his strength is far better than before, and his Supreme Bone Divine Power has also been further improved, so he may not be unable to fight Lin Xingyun!

But to be on the safe side, he still sneered at Wang Teng.

"Brother Wang, I heard that Lin Xingyun had a big grudge against you in the past?"

"Now that he is coming fiercely, don't you plan to join forces with me?"

Wang Teng has long been murderous, and the anger in his eyes is almost bursting out!

"Lin Xingyun———!"

"Qin Yiren, I will give you this chance!"

"Kill him first, then talk about other things!"


The two hit it off and ignored the sacred tree barrier. They all planned to deal with Lin Xingyun first!

Not far from the cliff, the cultivators were shocked to the extreme when they saw that the other party was actually so vicious and wanted to exterminate them all!

Everyone tried their best to escape from the two prisons.

However, this prison was extremely solid, and countless double pupil divine lights and blue-gold sword energy began to fall from all directions.

They were besieged and killed so hard that they could hardly resist and defend!

Lin Xingyun even took out the Blood Killing Sword and rushed forward. The sword light was as fast as a shadow and lightning, completely unstoppable. Every time the sword fell, a cultivator died tragically on the spot!

The flesh and blood corpses with abundant spiritual power were also siphoned clean by the Blood Killing Sword on the spot, and only bones were left in a blink of an eye!

Such a brutal situation made the cultivators present more and more scared!

"No, it can't be broken at all! This prison... Could it be the divine power of Emperor Luo's double pupils?!"

"Who is this person?! Didn't I hear that the double pupil of the Jun family has died?!"


As screams and the sound of flesh and blood and magic weapons breaking rang out, everyone became more and more anxious and frightened!

Seeing this situation, they knew that there was no escape.

After a brief exchange, they all became ruthless and gave up on escaping. Instead, they went all out, intending to fight to the death with Lin Xingyun!

"Red Cloud Emperor Sword!"

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