Chapter 253 Five Elements Blood Letters

I saw the words written at the highest point of the stone tablet.

"The first place, Chu Wudao, the great sun fire that purifies the world, will be rewarded with an Earthly Evil Sword Box!"


Chu Wujie couldn't help feeling sad when he saw the name that penetrated deeply into his soul.

And when he looked closely, he saw two lines of small words written in blood next to the line of gold letters that ranked first.

"If you waste your life, your wishes will never come true!"

"The ultimate path in the world is left for future generations to climb!"

Looking at the extremely familiar handwriting, Chu Wujie became even more sad and cried out in pain.


"Father, the child understands!"

"My child understands how unwilling and regretful you were back then!"

"Don't worry, my child will definitely inherit your legacy and climb to the top of the Immortal Realm!"

"Even if I can't reach the ultimate level in every realm or break every ancient monument, my child will definitely prove the truth and become an emperor. I will definitely live up to your expectations!"

He threw himself on the ancient monument of Jidao and spoke passionately with red eyes.

The two brothers behind him were filled with emotion when they saw this, and were moved by their young master's ambition and filial piety.

Other monks passing by saw this situation and occasionally stopped to take a look.

But after discovering that the stone monument was the ancient heavenly monument of the Divine Fire Realm.

They all frowned and couldn't help cursing!

"Who is this, who has nothing to do and puts the ancient monument of the divine fire realm in a place like this?!"

"Who is in the Divine Fire Realm here? Come out!"

"What's wrong with our mentality? Are we sick?!"

In fact, most of the various treasures on the ancient monument are enough to make them covet.

Unfortunately, they are all old princes who have practiced for hundreds of years, otherwise they would not dare to try their luck in the Void Immortal Palace.

At this time, they were like a group of eunuchs going to a brothel.

I can only stare at the treasures on the ancient monument!

After everyone cursed a few words, they left angrily and continued to pour into the giant door.

And after seeing that there were not many outsiders disturbing me.

Chu Wujie also wiped the corners of his eyes, preparing to take the next step.

After all, he came here on this trip, and the Jidao Ancient Sky Monument was also one of his goals.

Although this heavenly monument is extremely magical, it is difficult for monks at the Great Saint Realm or even the Quasi-Emperor Realm to forcibly remove or damage it.

But his father has been devoted to the path of the Jida all his life, studying the mysteries of the ancient monuments of the Jida for thousands of years.

Before his death, he had already explored a feasible strategy to take away the heavenly monument!

Chu Wujie raised his hand and took out a gold and silver mesh.

The brilliance of its material flows like a living thing, and there are also strands of mysterious Taoist charm emanating from it. You can tell at a glance that it is extremely extraordinary.

Just when he was about to spread out the gold and silver mesh and forcefully take away this ancient monument.

"Eh? Young Master, look, there are words in blood on the side of this sky monument!"

Suddenly, brothers Chu Jian and Chu Xin behind them noticed something.

He immediately reminded him loudly.


Chu Wujie was stunned for a moment, then looked up.

I saw the blood characters extending back, and there were three more lines of blood characters.

"Willow, when you see this line of writing, your father must be no longer in this world."

"As a father, there is no hope of attaining enlightenment, but I will keep walking on this path and continue to explore for you the ultimate way to become an emperor!"

"Your brother is useless, but my father believes that you will definitely be able to take this unprecedented path to become an emperor and become the most powerful emperor in history!"

After Chu Wujie read it.

His face turned blue and white, and he fell into an eerie silence.

After a while.

He finally raised his legs and kicked the bloody words several times.

"Bah——! You old man, you deserved to be so early, I※※you※※※※!"

"Are you still not a human being? How can a father be so partial to you?!"

"I'm useless?!"

"You left all your Taoist fruits, foundations, and those treasures to your sister, and then you died!"

"You have the guts to leave all your things to me, and you'll be done with it just to see if I'm fierce or not!"

Chu Wujie could no longer contain his anger, kicking the bloody words while spitting fragrance at the ancient monument.

The two Chu Jian brothers behind him fell silent.

The other monks passing by also laughed when they saw this group of filial piety.

The fairy palace is rarely filled with happy air!

After Chu Wujie vented his anger, he calmed down a lot.

He was once again ready to throw out the gold and silver mesh and take away the ancient monument.

Although he has reached the realm of a prince and cannot get any of the treasures in it, if he brings this ancient monument back to the Chu family, they may not be able to get their hands on the treasures in the future!

But just when he was about to take action.

A young man with luxurious clothes and a powerful aura entered the palace at this moment.

"Huh? Is it Chu Wujie from the Chu family?"

Qin Yiren's eyes lit up and he took the initiative to talk with a smile.

"Brother Chu, you are polite. Long time no see."

Chu Wujie was stunned.

Looking back, he looked up and down, as if he couldn't remember this person.

"Uh, you are..."

"Cough...cough...Brother Chu forgot that I was also present at the goddess banquet where your sister was canonized as the goddess of the Chu family five years ago."

"At that time, I also gave thirty-six pieces of spiritual phoenix feather cloaks as a congratulatory gift..."

Qin Yiren's face twitched, but he still maintained a decent smile and explained.

Chapter 254 Arrive at the scene one by one and interrupt continuously


"I remember! You are the Goddess of the Qin Family!"

"Hey! Thank you so much for the feather cloaks you gave me. They are very comfortable for me to wear!"

Chu Wujie showed a look of realization on his face, and then he bowed his hands and thanked me happily.

"My sister is too picky too. She said she didn't like those colorful clothes, so she threw them all to me at that time."

"Goddess Qin, you won't mind, right?"

"No, no, Brother Chu, you are joking..."

Qin Yiren answered casually, but his mouth twitched even harder!

The materials of those Phoenix feather cloaks are extremely rare. They are not only rare defensive magic weapons, but also fit the body when worn. They also have the magical effect of assisting cultivation. They are gifts he specially gave to the Goddess of the Chu Family.

In the end, they were all thrown to the boy in front of him to wear. It's a waste of natural resources!

But he still kept a decent smile and asked.

"Brother Chu, how is your sister these days? Why didn't you come to the Immortal Palace with me this time?"

"My sister has already gone to the border to train."

"Oh? Goddess Chu is really righteous. To be honest, I have also wanted to go to the border for a long time to have a bloody battle with those foreign villains..."

Qin Yiren was talking.

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