Although there were only a few casual cultivators present at this time, those who dared to come were not mediocre, and they were extremely ambitious!

Naturally, many geniuses from the immortal forces of the Changsheng family and the ancient royal family came one after another, wanting to enter the palace to search for treasures and experience, and even wanting to try to explore the opportunity of becoming an immortal!

Only the princes and princesses of the four forbidden areas did not come.

It was because the world near the wilderness, including the deserted city, was extremely resistant to their forbidden bloodline.

Once, a prince of the forbidden area set foot in the deserted city.

He did nothing at all, just because his left foot stepped into the city gate first.

He immediately grew a body of red hair, wailed and died on the spot!

Afterwards, it was still unresolved, and no one came to the deserted city or the wilderness to seek revenge and cause trouble...

At this time, above the sky, as people from all sides gradually gathered.

In the dark clouds of thunder and lightning, large areas of space were cracking like colored glass, and the momentum was from slow to fast, and it quickly broke open thousands of feet wide!

A palace surrounded by five-colored fairy light also began to appear in the world from the corner of the roof ridge!

Seeing this, the people present also focused their attention, and everyone was like an arrow on a string, ready to be fired at any moment!

In a corner of the crowd, a red-haired young man in red clothes was in high spirits and looked arrogant.

He himself had a good spirit, and behind him were two middle-aged men in the perfect king realm. Not far away, there was also a great saint realm strongman accompanying him to protect him. It was obvious that his family background was very high.

And he looked at the gradually emerging Void Fairy Palace.

He couldn't help but become more arrogant, raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"I didn't expect that I would have such a great opportunity to reappear in the world just a few years after I lifted the seal of self-imposed exile!"

"It is said that the fairyland is now a golden age, and all races are prosperous."

"But in this life, I am Chu Wujie. Who else can become an emperor but me?!"

Chu Wujie became more and more proud as he spoke, and the corners of his mouth were almost raised to the top of his head!

The two middle-aged men behind him also flattered him at the right time.

"Second Young Master, you are a natural talent, and it is naturally just around the corner to become an emperor!"

"That's right! The eldest lady is already a rare genius in the ages, and now the second young master is also extraordinary!"

"It seems that our Chu family will definitely produce two emperors in this life! It's really gratifying..."


Before the man finished speaking, he was slapped on the head.

"Damn! You can't talk without my sister, right?!"

Chu Wujie's mouth, which had just been raised, was pulled back again, and he gritted his teeth and cursed with a black line on his head.

"But Second Young Master, I'm just bragging about you and the eldest lady!"

"Yes, Second Young Master, don't worry about it, we really don't mean anything else!"

"Although everyone in the family says that the eldest lady is much better than you, we brothers have never thought about it!"

"Really, we brothers swear that we will never have such intentions!"

The two middle-aged men looked aggrieved and retorted.

"Damn! Still talking?!"

"Listen to me, don't mention my sister outside in the future!"

"Did you hear me? Did you hear me? Did you hear me?!"

Chapter 252 Too fast, the Heavenly Monument of the Divine Fire Realm

Chu Wujie's face became even uglier, and he was hit by a series of violent slaps.

It seemed that he was hit hard in the sore spot, and he was a little anxious!

"Okay, Xiaojie, stop making trouble."

"Let outsiders laugh at you."

The Great Saint Realm Protector couldn't stand it anymore, so he had to step forward to stop him.

Chu Wujie then stopped his hand with a sullen face, and turned to continue looking at the gradually emerging fairy palace.

The two middle-aged men also breathed a sigh of relief, but they did not hold a grudge.

Because they had followed this young master for a while, they knew that he was just tough on the outside and shouted fiercely.

When he actually hit someone, it was like tickling.

After about three hours, the Void Fairy Palace finally emerged from the space crack for the most part, revealing a vast and magnificent palace!

"Now! Let's go!"

Chu Wujie's eyes lit up, and he immediately ordered the two people behind him.

Then the three of them stepped on the rosy clouds and flew towards the fairy palace.

The other cultivators who had already arrived were naturally unwilling to lag behind, and they all drove their own magic weapons, or turned into light and shadow, and rushed towards the fairy palace!

But within everyone's sight.

I saw a silver-white light suddenly streaking out the world's fastest speed!

Like a meteor from outer space, it flew into the first floor of the Immortal Palace in just a moment!

And the cultivators who were rushing to get ahead.

Seeing this, they couldn't help but start to be stunned and amazed!


"Who is that fellow Daoist? How fast is his body movement?!"

"Snap, it was very fast! I didn't even react, and he went in!"

"Too fast! It wasn't so fast when I first practiced dual cultivation!"

"Isn't it too much? This person has taken the lead so much, how can we compete with him for the opportunity of the Immortal Palace?!"

As everyone exclaimed in amazement.

Chu Wujie also frowned and paused for a while.

After all, the other party's weird and unpredictable body movement was something that even he couldn't see through!

With such an opponent appearing, he couldn't help but be on guard.

"Second Young Master, don't worry too much. The Void Immortal Palace is different from other places."

"It is a space of its own, vast and boundless. No matter how fast he moves, he can't take away all the treasures."

At this time, the Chu family's great sage sent a timely reminder.


Chu Wujie nodded slightly, and no longer hesitated, leading the two to set off again.

The other cultivators also came back to their senses, and once again drove various colored divine lights, rushing into the fairy palace more and more urgently.

Chu Wujie and the other two were also not slow, and entered the first floor hall as the first batch of cultivators to arrive.

Although it was unusually spacious, it was extremely gloomy and cold, and the chill was chilling.

Between the dilapidated and gloomy palaces and towers.

As someone broke in, clusters of blue flames gradually floated on the palace lanterns in all directions.

It seemed that the fairy palace had a spirit, welcoming the cultivators who were about to enter and fight for their lives!

In the center of the hall, a huge bronze door had opened a gap as wide as one person, and it was still slowly opening.

"Second Young Master, that person must have broken in!"

"Let's hurry up and catch up!"

Behind Chu Wujie, the two brothers couldn't help but urge.

The other cultivators had already rushed to break into the huge door.

But Chu Wujie himself couldn't help but slowly walked to the side of the giant gate.

There was a stone tablet that was also simple and vicissitudes, more than a dozen feet high, standing quietly!

It was the Jidao Ancient Heavenly Tablet of the Divine Fire Realm!

Chu Wujie looked up from below with an extremely strange expression.




[I said on behalf of my family, why is the author so short ( ̄▽ ̄~) It's also very cute even if it's small]

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