Naturally, it was Ye Que who was brought to the Cangming Ancestral Star by him, broke the shackles of the Tyrant Body, and practiced all the way until now!

"Thank you, Master, I will definitely live up to your expectations!"

Ye Que replied happily, and the fighting spirit in his eyes became more and more turbulent!

Because at this time, there was also a bronze key in his Qiankun Ring, which was shining with precious light and the runes were flowing non-stop.

This bronze key was originally floating in the void of the universe.

But it seemed to be born by heaven and destined to him.

It actually fell directly from the void to the Cangming Ancestral Star yesterday.

And he happened to see it, so he succeeded!

After he got the key, he naturally felt blessed, knowing that there would be a great opportunity in the fairyland, waiting for him to go and get it!

And when he thought about going back to the fairyland soon.

Endless anger and murderous intent suddenly burst out in his eyes.

"Lin Xingyun!"

"Deep hatred, even a hundred years or a thousand years, can't be washed away!"

"Just wait, I'll be back to the fairyland soon!"

He roared in anger, his eyes full of grief and resentment.

For more than a hundred years, he wanted to kill Lin Xingyun all the time to avenge his brother's murder.

And the hatred of taking his wife away!

And he also asked about it.

Knowing that for more than a hundred years, the other party has been staying in the Yaochi Holy Land, practicing hard in seclusion.

But now he has completely changed!

I can't wait to find Lin Xingyun for revenge!

"Lin Xingyun, I hope you don't continue to hide in the Yaochi Holy Land!"

"If we meet this time, I will definitely kill you with my own hands and avenge my shame!"

Ye Que was secretly angry and indignant.

Let Hun Wuya send someone to lead them back to the fairyland!




At this time in the fairyland, in the Lin family mansion.

In front of a pavilion filled with gray fog.

Lin Xingyun, holding one in each hand, came hand in hand with Liu Meng'er and Ying Qing.

As soon as the three of them arrived at the forbidden pavilion.

A pair of mature and beautiful figures also came out hand in hand.

"Xingyun, how come you have time to come and see us today?"

Lin Rong asked with a smile.

Her palm was still holding Liu Qiuyan's hand and rubbing it non-stop.

Liu Qiuyan looked a little embarrassed.

But she still looked at Lin Xingyun seriously.

She found that the other party did not have the slightest sadness.

Instead, he was in high spirits, energetic, and radiant!

She secretly breathed a sigh of relief and put her mind at ease.

"Greetings to the Fourteenth Ancestor."

"Greetings to the Master."

Lin Xingyun bowed respectfully to the two of them, and Liu Meng'er and Ying Qing also bowed gracefully.

Chapter 242 Both of them survived the tribulation

"Fourteenth Ancestor, Master."

"It's because Meng'er and Aunt Ying are about to survive the tribulation of saints one by one."

"But their tribulation is different from that of ordinary people."

"I just want to trouble Master to find a secluded place to help protect the law."

Lin Xingyun explained his purpose and looked at Liu Qiuyan.

Liu Meng'er possessed the [Returning Dream Immortal Body], and had cultivated to the perfection of the king realm in the previous nine dreams. She had also comprehended the Dao of Dreams and had the ability to become a saint.

Ying Qing was already more than 600 years old.

After comprehending the Dao, he stayed in the perfection of the king realm for more than 100 years, trying his best to consolidate his foundation.

Now Lin Xingyun has returned and is with her.

She no longer has any worries and wants to take this opportunity to survive the tribulation and become a saint.

"Well, in that case, I'll go with you."

Liu Qiuyan turned around and agreed without hesitation.

"Eh? Little Xingyun, you only asked your master to go?"

"I want to go too."

Lin Rong pouted slightly, showing a dissatisfied expression


"Well, I'll trouble the Fourteenth Ancestor."

Lin Xingyun thought about it, but still agreed with a wry smile.

After all, with the Fourteenth Ancestor's temperament and his deep kindness to him all the way.

There is no secret that is worth hiding from her.

"Oh, you are still so polite to the Fourteenth Ancestor?"

"Yan Yan, look at the good disciples you taught, they are almost as rigid as you!"

Lin Rong pouted and complained to her best friend beside her.

"Okay, stop fooling around."

Liu Qiuyan was speechless, and couldn't help but pat Lin Rong on the shoulder.

Is this rebellious disciple of hers rigid or not?

She still has some ideas...

But she couldn't explain it.

I immediately waved my sleeves and took the four people together, and in an instant I went to a barren plain in another Daozhou.

The Great Emperor's spirit quickly surged out, isolating all the creatures within a radius of ten thousand miles.

After ensuring that no creatures could disturb them.

She nodded slightly, signaling Liu Meng'er and Ying Qing to start preparing for the tribulation.

The two of them did as they had agreed before, with Liu Meng'er, who was fully confident, going through the tribulation first.

Ying Qing observed and made some final preparations.

After Liu Meng'er had completed the task, she would go through the tribulation again.

"Meng'er, although you have the Immortal Body of Returning to Dreams, you can integrate the cultivation and foundation of ten lifetimes of dreams, and you will definitely not be afraid of the tribulation of the saint."

"But the tribulation is dangerous, you still need to be cautious and careful..."

After Liu Meng'er stepped forward, Liu Qiuyan was still a little worried, so she began to give earnest instructions.

While the two were talking.

Lin Rong suddenly walked to Lin Xingyun's side.

She leaned close to his ear and smiled mischievously.

"Xiao Xingyun, how far have you and your master progressed?"

"Although you are still young, you are definitely not able to defeat your master..."

"But what about the first kiss? Holding hands? Hugging? Was there any intimate contact?"

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