In just two or three breaths, thousands of golden lights flashed and bloomed, destroying those resentful souls and magic weapons one by one!

The old man was extremely frightened when he saw this.

He turned around and tried to escape immediately.

However, those flying swords were extremely swift and had already surrounded him tightly.


After the old man screamed, he was chopped into pieces on the spot, and his soul was destroyed!

And his Wanhun Banner, which was not completely damaged.

was skillfully collected into the Qiankun Ring by Li Huangfeng who fell down.

Behind him, the villagers who escaped death were stunned for a long time when they saw this.

When they suddenly understood, they were all crying with joy and bowed to thank him.

"That is... the immortal master?!"

"The immortal master has arrived!"

"It is the immortal master... killed that devil and saved our lives!"

"Thank you, immortal master! Thank you, immortal master!"

As they bowed tremblingly.

Li Huangfeng had already collected all the spoils, and turned back to warn them.

"This evil cultivator is from the Demon Sect, and there is no guarantee that his fellow disciples will not come here to seek revenge."

"You should migrate as soon as possible and find a safer town to live in."

After saying that, Li Huangfeng casually threw a pile of gold and silver used by mortals in front of them as their assets for migration.

"Ah?! This... so much money?!"

"The Immortal Master is so kind-hearted!"

"We are so lucky to be rescued by the Immortal Master!"

"Thank you for your kindness!"

All the villagers were moved to tears and kowtowed again.

And one of the old men who looked like the village chief was so excited that he stepped forward and bowed deeply.

"Forgive me for being so presumptuous, but I dare to ask for the Immortal Master's title!"

"I will wait for the Immortal Master's title, so that I can offer sacrifices and express gratitude in the future!"

Li Huangfeng's eyes lit up.

As if he was waiting for this moment!

He stood with his hands behind his back and said solemnly.

"My name is Han Feiyu."

"If you always chant my real name, you will be safe and sound for the rest of your life!"

After all, [Han Feiyu] is his real name!

And [Li Huangfeng] is his pseudonym when he travels outside.

As for why he uses this pseudonym.

It is because when he first embarked on the path of cultivating immortals, he joined the big sect in Yanzhou, Jiuxuan Sect.

In the sect, the son of the sect master, Li Huangfeng, has a domineering personality and does all kinds of bad things.

He also bullied him, a junior disciple with no background.

After he succeeded in cultivation and escaped from Jiuxuan Sect.

Anyone who kills people, sets fires, robs treasures, and makes enemies outside.

He will call himself the young master of Jiuxuan Sect, Li Huangfeng!

And his real name, Han Feiyu, will only be revealed when he does good deeds.

Accumulating good karma in this way will help him practice a special skill!

Chapter 241 Cangming Ancestral Star, the Second Bronze Key

"It turned out to be Master Han!"

"We will obey Master Han's orders and praise the Master's name all year round!"

The village chief became more and more excited, and once again led everyone to kowtow and thank him.

Han Feiyu got a satisfactory result, and then he nodded slightly.

He turned around and was about to leave.

"Master Han, please go slowly!"

However, just as he was about to leave.

Two village women came forward and kowtowed to keep him.

"Master, my sister and I are destined to be unlucky in marriage. We have killed several husbands. Now our lives are very difficult!"

"Master, please have mercy on me and guide my sister to practice, so that we can escape this worldly misery!"

"Master, please have mercy!"

The two village women were both plump, and although they looked middle-aged, they were quite charming.

If a certain young master was here.

Maybe he would be kind enough to take them away to be maids or something like that.

However, Han Feiyu frowned, his face full of memories.

Although he had no interest in women, he seemed to remember some past events.

But he still shook his head indifferently.

"You two have no talent for cultivating immortals, and you really can't cultivate immortals."

"It's useless to force it, just live a peaceful life."

As he said that, he threw some gold and silver to them.

Then he turned around and disappeared from everyone's sight without stopping.

"Farewell to Master Han!"

Seeing this, all the villagers bowed and sent him off.

Under the leadership of the old village chief, they decided to praise Master Han's title and publicize his good deeds every day in the future!




At this time, outside the fairyland, in the void of the universe.

A huge star that has stood in the world for countless years is quietly crossing the sky, looking at the fairyland from afar.

On this star, there are also countless creatures living.

Moreover, regardless of gender, age or status, everyone has dragon-like blood and extremely strong bodies.

Some of the stronger cultivators, when practicing, the purple blood in their bodies surges out into the sky, with unparalleled domineering momentum!

At this time, in the core area of ​​the stars, in a magnificent hall.

"Master, I have recently felt that there should be a great opportunity for me in the fairyland!"

"I want to go back to the fairyland to explore and seize that great opportunity!"

A man in a green shirt said with a surging fighting spirit in his eyes.

"Well, although you have only practiced for more than a hundred years."

"But there were those ten saints who sacrificed their merits."

"You have made rapid progress in both your cultivation foundation and Cangming Overlord Body!"

"Now it's time for you to go back to the fairyland to meet the various geniuses and gain some experience!"

On the high seat, Hun Wuya nodded and praised, his eyes full of satisfaction and expectation.

The other party's talent far exceeded his estimation.

Now he is sure that the other party will be able to cultivate the Cangming Tyrant Body to perfection in the future!

And being able to personally cultivate a future Tyrant Body, he is naturally ambitious!

The man in green.

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