The breath of both of them is as strong as an abyss, one is wearing a red robe, his body is covered with fine dragon scales, one dragon claw still has blood left, the other person is wearing cyan armor, and his face is imprinted with six blue marks, and the fierce aura is almost condensed into substance!

He calmly looked at the lake that kept gushing out treasures, and seemed completely indifferent to the fight behind him.

I saw that the dragon-scaled man scattered the blood on his claws, and laughed mockingly at Chu Wujie who was crawling in front of him.


I heard that your Chu family also has a newly promoted goddess, quite a bit of pose, why didn't you come to this immortal hall together?" Long

Jue showed a flirtatious smile on his face, raised his hand and grabbed it in the air, and a dragon claw phantom appeared, lifting Chu Wujie like a lamb to be slaughtered.

"Bah———! you miscellaneous things!" "

If my sister were here, you would all have to die without a place to be buried!"

Chu Wujie spat out a mouthful of blood and cursed angrily at Long Jue.

Next to Long Jue, the man in fur couldn't help but sneer when he heard it.

"Ridious, the light of fire, also worthy of competing with the sun and the moon

?" "Could it be that you still can't detect the gap between us?"

"You ———?!"

Chu Wujie's eyes were full of unwillingness, but he really couldn't refute it.

In front of these two, at this time, a burst of powerful, extremely ancient bloodline aura emanated from the surrounding body, as if they were the former Immortal Domain Supreme, a relic left in the world

! He also already knew that the other party was the peerless Tianjiao with the most noble bloodline in the ancient royal family, and they were the heirs of the former Great Emperor Realm powerhouses!

But the bloodline of the Great Emperor still brought them supreme talent and combat power, so that since the day of their birth, they have far exceeded the countless distances of their contemporaries, and even a handsome talent like Chu Wujie can only look back to him

! In the same realm, except for those extremely rare true demon anomalies, no one can match these emperors of them!

"Damn it

!" "Old thing, you really haven't done a single thing

!" "You had to die and become an emperor, so that your son was being hammered!" "

If I also had the blessing of the blood of the Great Emperor, I would lose to these two miscellaneous things?!" Chu

Wujie secretly gritted his teeth with indignation, and scolded his own father again!

But in the face of the two opponents, he still did not have the slightest intention of asking for mercy, and he also cursed bitterly.

When my sister avenges, she will wipe out your Panlong Platform and the Holy Spirit Mansion

in the future!" "Oh, the skill is not big, the tone is really not small

!" "Then I really wish she came earlier, I can't wait to try the goddess of the Chu family!" Shi

Jue and Long Jue laughed more and more sarcastically, and at the same time Long Jue clenched his claws to wipe out Chu Wujie on the spot


However, at this moment, the water surface in the lake seemed to be cut open from it, and countless magic weapons were like the arching moon of the stars, surrounding a red gold big ding that carved the creatures of ten thousand races all over, slowly rising up from the lake!

Could it

be Xuanhuang Mother Qi?!", "That is a divine material that can refine imperial soldiers! It was actually filled with that big ding, so much that it almost overflowed

!" "Those Xuanhuang Mother Qi alone, the value is far better than all the magic weapons in this full field!"

Everyone in the Taikoo royal family exclaimed, and the greed in their eyes could not be concealed at all!

Although they are both Taikoo royal families, and they are only facing away from them, they have endless power emanating, so shocking that they dare not make a second for a while!

Obviously, the other party is also an emperor, and his combat power is strong, and he is still above Long Jue and Shi Qi


The white-haired man looked indifferent, and his tone was full of course.

He was also not polite, waved his sleeves, and countless fine silks were born out of thin air in the surrounding heavens and earth, and he was about to wrap up that big ding and pocket

it! "Heavenly silkworm, don't be too greedy, it's full of Xuanhuang mother qi! Can you eat it alone?" Long

Jue and Shi Jun were equally greedy and fiery, and they couldn't care about killing Chu Wujie for a while, and immediately stepped forward to find the heavenly silkworm to share it.

"Well, who is it?!" However,

a silver-white light suddenly flickered from the other side of the lake.

That person was like a ghost phantom, and in an instant, he flew to the side of the golden ding, grabbed the golden ding, turned around and left, and skillfully followed more than a dozen magic weapons and collected them into the Qiankun ring

! "So fast! What kind of body power

is that?!" "Where is the thief? dare to intercept our treasures?!" Seeing

this, Long Jue and Shi Jun didn't even have time to react, and they watched that the golden ding and the full Xuanhuang mother qi were taken away

! ! The two of them were immediately furious, and they stepped on all kinds of light and flew towards the silver-white light! But

they were soon doubly shocked to find that with the other party's extreme speed, they couldn't catch up with each other at all! "It's

really looking for death!"

"Think that if you have a good body, you can run rampant in the world?" The

heavenly silkworm finally showed a bit of fierceness, and did not seem to care about the other party's distant ability!

He volleyed out a magic trick with both hands, and countless pale silks immediately appeared in the void of the eight directions, expanding rapidly like a cage, completely covering this heaven and earth

! And the person who took away the golden ding was naturally passing by this place and was attracted by the treasure Han Feiyu!

But he got a heavy treasure at this time, sensing that the other party's strength was extraordinary, so he did not plan to fight, and was preparing to slip away happily as in the past.

But suddenly, he saw a silk cage appear out of thin air in front of him, completely surrounding his path!

"Hurry!" He

immediately pinched the cage with one hand and summoned dozens of flying swords to slash at the cage in unison.

Although he cut a lot of silk, the cage seemed to be endless, and it was completely filled in an instant, making it difficult for him to break through and escape for a while

! "Ha, you escape! Why don't you continue to escape!" "

The Terran rats, only the escape kung fu can still be seen!" Long

Jue and Shi Jun were finally able to catch up quickly, and their majestic spiritual power burst out all over their bodies, and they were ready to strike at any time!

The Heavenly Silkworm also came in the air afterwards, walking towards Han Feiyu unhurriedly, his tone was as cold as a thousand-year-old Xuan Bing.

"The body is good, hand it over, I can let you die a faster death."

Han Feiyu looked at Long Jue and Shi Chen, and then carefully looked at the Heavenly Silkworm with the deepest breath, and couldn't help frowning for a while.

"Miscalculation, I didn't expect that there were such tricky characters that could limit my escape..." "

It seems that today, I have a little more strength!"

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