And after Lin Xingyun kissed Xiao Qianluo's pink face, his eyes also flashed with a strange look.

"Since the life upgrade card can even upgrade the special physique, then..." "

My [female body] is also a golden life!" The

corners of his mouth rose irrepressibly, as if he thought of something happy!

However, he expected to upgrade his physique to red, even with the cooperation of the palm heavenly pot, it must take a lot of time, and it had already taken a lot of work to rescue Zhao Binglan and break through the realm.

According to the system prompt, there was not much time left before Han Feiyu obtained that Qiankunding at this time.

So I decided to take that opportunity first, and then talk about the rest.

And Xiao Qianluo was already in hot thoughts, directly hugged Lin Xingyun's head, and touched his lips for a while.

Zhao Binglan looked at the side with the same itch and envy, but it was not good to disturb the two of them rashly, so she had to wait pitifully.

And Lin Xingyun was obviously extremely skilled in eating bowls and watching pots, and after making out with Xiao Qianluo for a while, he opened his arms and beckoned to her.

Zhao Binglan was stunned, and couldn't help but recall the scene when she first threw her arms around Lin Xingyun in front of the Sword Pavilion!

"Young Lord!"

"Binglan, it's okay.

Lin Xingyun smiled and caressed her back, and in order to comfort her, he leaned into her ear and said breathlessly.

"We haven't seen each other in a hundred years, let's not call it a young master, weird."

"Sister Hanyi should have told you, we have already..." Without

waiting for him to finish, Zhao Binglan's eyes flashed with wisdom, as if she had been prepared.

Then she was so bold that she gave Lin Xingyun a hard peck on the face, looking at him and calling sweetly.


!" "Well, it's so good!" "

Wait for the Immortal Temple, go back to the Lin family with us." Lin

Xingyun saw that she was so sensible, and also smiled and pecked her white forehead, which made Zhao Binglan more and more happy, and a pair of small pink legs were tightly twisted because of expectation.

She had already chatted with Zhao Hanyi and knew that the two of them had already come to fruition.

Naturally, she has long understood that with her sister's nature, as long as she has a bite to eat, she will never be hungry! Now she can't wait to immediately pull Lin Xingyun out of the Void Immortal Hall to fulfill her wish of waiting for a hundred years!

And Xiao Qianluo saw that Lin Xingyun was going to accept a red face again, she didn't feel a little displeased, and seemed to be immersed in Fang Cai's complicated mood, and it was difficult to extricate herself at all!"

"By the way, Binglan, that

divine tree was refined by you?" How does it feel?" Lin

Xingyun glanced at the Seven Treasures Mysterious Tree floating on the side, and couldn't help but secretly marvel, only to feel that this treasure was extremely mysterious, almost not inferior to the Tianji Town Demon Tower.

"Well, it feels so good

!" "This Seven Treasures Mysterious Tree is the most precious treasure in the world, and it perfectly matches my physique, and now it has been refined by me, but it can help me cultivate all the way to the realm, and even make me hope to be able to preach!"

"Brother-in-law, in the future... I can also accompany you and accompany you to preach eternal life!" Zhao

Binglan was full of excitement, hugging Lin Xingyun and speaking emotionally.

She knows that her talent is weak and Zhao Hanyi is a bit better than them, so she has been diligent in exploring various secret realms in the past hundred years, fully developing her physical characteristics, and wanting to make up for it with diligence so as not to lag behind them too much.

Now that she finally has this biggest gain, she is finally relieved.

"Well, we still have countless years to come. When

Lin Xingyun heard her say this, he couldn't help but show a little emotion.

The other party had been waiting for him for a hundred years, and he had been working hard to cultivate into the realm, just to be able to catch up with him and his confidantes.

Thinking of this, he, who has always only preferred style, looked at Zhao Binglan's slender and delicate small body that could almost rub clothes.


Forget it, it's okay, the little one is also cute!" He

nodded secretly, and printed a few more times on Zhao Binglan's little face, making her more and more embarrassed.

She couldn't help but rub Lin Xingyun's body around, and her hands were not honest and began to grope Lin Xingyun's waist and abdomen............

"Well, there are still many opportunities in the Immortal Temple, let's go to do serious things first.

"Wait until you get out of the Immortal Temple, and then go do something unorthodox." "

Seeing the two beauties in his arms, one big and one small, they are already like wolves.

If it continues, I am afraid that it will be out of control, Lin Xingyun had to pat Zhao Binglan's back, helplessly dissuaded.

"Hehe, thank you brother-in-law!" Zhao

Binglan smiled wickedly and rubbed oil on him for a while, and the three of them set off together to go to the chance prompted by the system.



100,000 miles to the north.

A deep and vast turquoise lake, originally windless and waveless, the lake is as flat as a mirror.

But as if sensing that someone with fortune was coming, starting half an hour ago, from the depths of the lake, it continued to emit dazzling yellow brilliance, straight to the sky, obviously a heavy treasure was about to appear!

And before the heavy treasure appeared, there were one after another prince-level and saint-level magic weapons, which jumped out of the lake one after another, as if in a big sale, which stunned all the monks passing by!

Among the people coming from all directions, Chu Wujie, Chu Xin, and Chu Yi were also listed.

"My intuition is really correct, there must be my great opportunity in this place

!" "The Second Young Master is really Hong Fu Qi Tian, our brothers can also follow suit!"

Chu Wujie looked at the lake and laughed excitedly, and the Chu Xin brothers were also happy to flatter.

The three of them immediately rushed to the front and plundered.

However, before they reached the lake, they saw a bloody carnage ahead, and screams began one after another.

"Immortal Temple chance, everyone has a share, you primeval royal family still want to swallow it alone?!"

"Lord spare your life! I don't want these magic weapons!"

"Ah————! "

Several Terran cultivators, either fiercely resisted, or begged for mercy and fled."

But it was still torn to pieces by those primeval royal families with different shapes, with their magical power

! And after killing the group of cultivators who arrived, one of the blond and golden-robed primeval royal families waved his robe sleeve, and his spiritual power turned into a long sword, slashing an abyss ravine outside the lake!

"This place is already owned by our primeval royal family, whoever dares to cross the boundary will be the end!"

Saying that, he shook it in the air and crushed all the several corpses in front of him into meat mud!

Feeling the fierce spirit and strong combat power of the other party, some of the Terran cultivators who rushed here were all shocked to stop, everyone gritted their teeth, but they all dared to be angry and did not dare to speak.

What about the Taikoo royal family, really can't we bully our Terrans?!" Chu

Wujie was completely fearless, and stepped over the ravine without hesitation.

His figure was like a shadow of electricity, and he punched out an immobile king divine shadow, and directly launched an attack on the blond

man! "Hmph! Find death!" The

blond man snorted coldly, sensing that the other party's strength was good, and immediately turned into his golden sword and lion nature, and immediately began to fight with Chu Wujie.

But the two sides fought for only a moment, Chu Wujie punched out, the fist turned into King Ming's big hand, and directly slammed the other party's head and blood, wailing and smashing a hundred zhang deep pit on the ground

! "Good! Good fight——!

" "This little friend is really amazing! I don't know where Tianjiao is?" "This kind of

strength, and so young, is it a descendant of the immortal family?!"

Beyond that ravine, all the cultivators were admiring Chu Wujie.

Obviously, the other party was not afraid of the threat of the Taigu royal family, and made a strong move, which made them feel extremely relieved!

"Hehe, you guessed well, this is the second young master of our immortal Chu family, Chu Wujie!" "The second young master of

my family is extremely talented, with him here, these primeval royal families can't be arrogant at all!" The

brothers Chu Yi and Chu Xin also boasted in a timely manner, and their faces were honored.

After all, although the young master of his own family is a hundred million weaker than the eldest lady, he is also a great Tianjiao figure!

Everyone heard that it was the young master of the Immortal Chu family, and they respected it even more, and they all stepped forward to flatter and cater to him.

"Dear Daoists, with Young Lord Chu here to press the formation, why don't we all step forward and work together to slaughter these ancient royal families!" "

Not bad! What grade? Dare to learn how to draw the land as a boundary?

I saw that the periphery of this lake was already full of corpses and flesh and blood, along with their broken magic weapon fragments scattered all over the place.

The brothers Chu Yi and Chu Xin fell to the side seriously injured and unconscious, barely saving their lives.

Chu Wujie was also already crawling on the ground, spitting blood and vomiting blood non-stop.

His breath was weak, his face was as white as paper

, and he could only grit his teeth to support his body, full of horror and unwillingness, looking at the two fierce figures like mountains in front of him............

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