Lin Xingyun stood with his hands in his hands, looked up at the sky, his face was full of vicissitudes of remembrance, and he shook his head and sighed.

"Countless epochs have passed, my name has long been forgotten, and all the past has been reduced to dust.

"I just vaguely remember that the billions of living beings in the original Immortal Domain seemed to call me a master..."

As soon as Lin Xingyun's words fell, Wang Teng seemed to sound nine thunder in his ears

! His pupils suddenly tightened, revealing an unprecedented look of shock!

"Nirvana Tianzun? Is it one of those nine great Heavenly

Venerables?!" "As the reincarnation of the Great Emperor, he naturally heard the legend of the Nine Great Heavenly Venerables, and knew that it was the nine supreme powerhouses of the oldest and most mysterious Immortal Domain, who once dominated the Immortal Domain together, even if they were far inferior to these Great Emperors!

However, countless eras ago, the nine Great Heavenly Venerables suddenly disappeared together, and even cut off the inheritance in unison, and were gradually forgotten by the world, only these most extreme powerhouses could still detect their remaining scales and half claws..........

And this person in front of him was actually the former Nirvana Tianzun!"

"Tianzun reincarnated... No wonder... No wonder it's so extraordinary... I lost unjustly..."

"But why... Why ———?!" "

In that great war, how many great emperors and ancient emperors were completely annihilated, I can not only reincarnate against the sky and reincarnate and recultivate, proving that I have great luck, and I should continue the emperor's life again!"

Why do you want me to meet an old monster like you, causing me to die here?!"

Wang Teng seemed to have realized, but he suddenly roared with resentment and anger, and the resentment and unwillingness in his eyes finally reached the extreme

!"Ding! The host makes the son of Destiny resentful, and the extra reward of Destiny is 40,000!"

"Maybe your rebirth is just arranged by Heaven's Dao, adding a little more nourishment to me." "

The time has come.

After receiving the system prompt, Lin Xingyun smiled with satisfaction and raised his eyebrows slightly.

He controlled the Immortal Devouring Demon Jar, bursting out with divine energy with all his strength, gradually devouring Wang Teng's remaining broken head into it!


It is worthy of being an old thing in ancient times, it really relies on the old and sells the old, and it is extremely arrogant

!" "If you give this emperor time again, it may not be able to match you old monsters!" Wang

Teng was already like dead wood, gritting his teeth and pulling out a bit of a bleak smile.

Seeing that he was about to die, he closed his eyes and chose to face his end calmly, retaining a trace of the face of the Demon Emperor.

But suddenly, his eyes widened sharply, as if he remembered something, and asked Lin Xingyun strangely.

"It is rumored that Nirvana Tianzun is the only woman among the nine Heavenly Venerables..."

"You old monster, you actually switched to a male body in this life?————

! "I'm willing, I want you to take care of it!" Without

waiting for him to finish, Lin Xingyun's immortal light surged in his palm, and with one palm with all his strength, he slapped his broken head into the magic jar!

Then he continued to meditate cross-kneeled, refining and absorbing these nutrients while concentrating on mobilizing the spiritual power of his body, recalling the Chaos Green Lotus Fire, and hovering and evolving on top of him.

With his strong foundation, he had swallowed dozens of Wang Marquis Realm Perfection cultivators in a row, plus Wang Teng and Qin Yiren, the two great Tianjiao.

Now that he has accumulated perfection, it is time to break through the realm!

His spiritual power, qi and blood are surging like a dragon, constantly gathering on the top, and began to condense the flowers of the Great Avenue.

And in his heart, one after another gray brilliance circulates endlessly, as if there is a terrifying power brewing

in it that destroys the sky and the earth! In these seven seven forty-nine days, he is not only devouring Wang Teng, that piece of the heavenly supreme bone has long been smelted and merged with the flying immortal supreme bone, and now it can be completely fused!

This newborn supreme bone, the aura of power is countless stronger than a single flying immortal supreme bone!"


Now I am also a Supreme Pair, naturally far better than in the past!" Lin

Xingyun realized the mystery of this new Supreme Bone, and began to mobilize the divine power in it to help him officially break through to the princely realm!


Outside, another three days passed.

The Seven Treasures Mysterious Tree was still suspended in the air, Zhao Binglan was sitting on the tree, her petite and delicate body constantly emitting colorful light, and her aura was already countless times stronger than when she was besieged seven days ago.

Suddenly, she opened her eyes, her moist lips opened and closed slightly, and after exhaling a turbid breath, the divine tree behind her gradually changed and shrunk into a three-foot-long delicate small tree according to her wishes, which she controlled and controlled.

"Sister Luoluo, I'm done refining!"

she immediately got up, jumped to Xiao Qianluo's side excitedly, and smiled excitedly by holding her arm.

"Binglan, congratulations.

"But you're dozens of years older than me, call me sister... Isn't it appropriate?" Xiao

Qianluo touched her head and smiled helplessly, and then continued to stare at the palm pot, waiting for Lin Xingyun to come out.

Although Lin Xingyun had heard a divine thought before, saying that she had solved all the opponents and was breaking through the realm to make them wait for a while, she still couldn't help but be concerned.

You and the young master saved my life, it's not too much for me to call you sister Sheng!" Zhao

Binglan leaned on her and explained with a grin.

However, she looked at Xiao Qianluo so closely, and she couldn't help but secretly marvel again.

"This figure... It's a few laps older than my sister! It's too much!" She couldn't

help but look down again, and found that she could easily see her little feet with embroidered shoes....

Her face suddenly became even more frustrated, and she was almost crying in anger

, but she still pouted, took out a large number of treasure medicines and spiritual materials from the Qiankun Ring, and stuffed them all to Xiao Qianluo.

"Sister Luoluo, thank you for this little thing!"


Binglan, what are you doing, don't be so polite, we are all a family, me and your sister..."

Xiao Qianluo was smiling and refusing.

I saw that the lid of the palm heavenly pot tilted, and a light and shadow flew out.

Lin Xingyun's figure appeared, but Xiao Qianluo and Zhao Binglan couldn't help but be surprised.

Especially Xiao Qianluo, she has been practicing killing for many years, and her perception is particularly keen, at this time, she only feels that the person in front of her is already unmatchable

! It seems that she only needs a punch and a palm to take her life!

Seeing this, Lin Xingyun also reacted, knowing that she had just broken through, and her momentum was too strong.

He completely converged his aura of cultivation, gently hugged Xiao Qianluo in his arms and smiled.

"Fall, don't be afraid. "

Nebula, you're better than before... It's a lot stronger!"

"I feel... You will easily be killed!"

Xiao Qianluo said with trepidation, but looking at the familiar face of Ai Lang in front of her, she still quickly adjusted.

Instead, he raised his toes a little angrily and bit Lin Xingyun's lips.

In this way, try to alleviate the fear of the moment just now.

The two entangled for a while, and Lin Xingyun patted her plump buttocks and chuckled in her ear.

"Fall, do me a favor.

"Well, don't you want to..." Xiao

Qianluo's face flushed a few wisps, and he subconsciously glanced back at Zhao Binglan, seemingly a little worried about this occasion.

Lin Xingyun saw that she wanted to be crooked, and the smile on her face was even greater.

But at this moment, he was not thinking about doing that.

Instead, he perfectly killed Wang Teng, so that his Heavenly Destiny value also skyrocketed by 200,000, and finally officially broke through the million mark!

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