Qin Yiren watched the Flying Immortal Qin Di Yao chop himself into pieces, and his eyes were full of hatred, resentment, and despair.

He is obviously shameless enough and treacherous enough.


, when his divine soul was about to dissipate and fall, Lin Xingyun did not waste the slightest, and with a wave of his hand, the Immortal Devouring Demon Jar burst out with divine energy, swallowing everything he had into it!

At this time, that supreme bone was still erupting with the power of robbery, and it seemed that it still wanted to resist.

Lin Xingyun glanced at it, and the white immortal light in his heart gushed out, and immediately suppressed this masterless supreme bone.


the other hand, Wang Teng once again blatantly struck, and the demonic energy around his body surged into thousands of dragon snakes, neighing towards Lin Xingyun.

Lin Xingyun once again held the Immortal Devouring Demon Jar, while devouring the other party's divine power with all his strength, he flew up and entered Wang Teng in the blink of an eye.

The Flying Immortal brilliance lingered on the blood killing sword, and the heavy pupil Jun Heavenly Technique had also been cast, increasing his strength, and before the sword fell, Wang Teng was shocked to feel that his body was about to be cut by the sword qi!

"Sonorous ————!"

The sound of gold and iron burst out, and Wang Teng was knocked back thousands of kilometers away, smashing two barren mountains before stopping his figure.


Xingyun followed closely behind, and the sun and moon in the top pot cooperated with the outbreak of thousands of divine rays, and they all besieged Wang Teng, so that he had no ability to parry at all, and in a blink of an eye, he was already injured!

However, Wang Teng still had a grim face, his body was surging wildly, and the seventh fierce beast door behind him faintly opened, and a violent beast roar came out from it.

"Seventh gate, break!" he

looked hideous, roared, and his white hair fluttered.

The next moment, the seventh door finally broke open a corner, and a wolf-headed giant beast remnant soul gushed out from it, which was actually one of the ten fierce Nine Ghost Beasts of the Immortal Domain

! After being infused into the body by that remnant soul, Wang Teng's body showed one after another bloodstain cracks, and it seemed that he had reached the limit of what he could improve!

"Sonorous" "————!Sonorous" "Sonorous


He waved his hand again to meet it, and fought to the death with Lin Xingyun.

However, there was an Immortal Devouring Demon Jar pressing the formation, frantically devouring all his offensive and spiritual power at all times, making him weaker and weaker the battle, and quickly showing his defeat!

After all, he possessed the inheritance jade talisman of the Chaotic Heaven Demon Emperor, and although his imperial power was slightly weaker, he was confident that the jade talisman was enough to save his life and help him escape!

At this moment, he just wanted to fight with Lin Xingyun to the extreme, seeking a breakthrough opportunity in the limit of life and death, Yixue's shame and hatred over the years


! Turning into a sword with his body, holding the sword flying immortal!" Seeing

that he was severely injured, Lin Xingyun harnessed the flying immortal divine fetus, slashed with his own two swords, and quickly cut Wang Teng into pieces of broken corpses.

I saw that the bones and blood were flying all over the sky, and it was already miserable to the extreme!

"Lin Xingyun, you can't kill me

!" "One day, I will let you return it a hundred times!" Wang

Teng saw that his defeat was difficult to recover, so he had to resent and scold.

But a jade talisman floated out from his body, which was emitting mysterious brilliance, dragging his body to reorganize little by little, as if to help him get out of trouble and escape as he did at the beginning

! "No matter how many treasures you have, how difficult it is to kill, you can't escape death today!"

Lin Xingyun was cold, and with a wave of his sleeve, a small dark purple tower also flew out from his body, suddenly soaring into the air, and instantly enveloped both of them in suppression

! "Tianji Town Demon Tower?!"

"How is it possible... How could this kid have such great luck and be a treasure all over?!" Wang

Teng finally couldn't suppress the consternation in his heart, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

He never expected that a junior on the other side could actually make this piece of Immortal Domain Supreme Treasure recognize the lord

! This kind of terrifying atmospheric luck, even in his previous life, and even those supreme beings he had seen, were far from it!

And on top of the two, the Tianji Town Demon Tower spontaneously spiritualized, bursting out countless dark purple rays, suppressing Wang Teng to death.

It even formed a stalemate with that jade talisman, making it difficult to leave with Wang Teng as it was at the beginning!

"Lin Xingyun————! Wang

Teng's head was also cut off, and he was suppressed to the ground, emitting a burst of unwilling roars.

However, in response to him, only a pitch-black magic jar was aimed at him, frantically devouring his body of qi and blood, spiritual power, and divine soul!

But seeing this, Lin Xingyun raised his eyebrows, summoned the Chaos Green Lotus Fire, and the roaring flames burned Wang Teng's body, cooperating with refining everything about him!

As soon as his mind moved, he threw out a huge amount of spirit stones from within the Qiankun Ring, and began to urge the divine energy in the palm heavenly pot.

Let the time flow speed of the world in the pot be ten times faster

! After that, he sat cross-kneeled and began to devour and refine Wang Teng with all his strength!

At the same time, system prompts kept ringing in his mind.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for plundering the Son of Destiny, rewarding the Destiny value of 2000!" (Qi luck value and villain value have all been modified to Destiny value) "Ding! Congratulations to the host for plundering the Son of Destiny, the reward Destiny value is 4000!"

Wang Teng, who had been plundered twice in the Immortal Fire Secret Realm,

was about to be completely bald!

Wang Teng finally had only a broken head left, and he was still supporting the suppression to the ground

! And all his other foundations, together with the remnant soul of the ferocious beast, had been turned into nourishment and devoured into the magic pot!

"Ding, the son of Heavenly Destiny, Wang Teng's Heavenly Destiny value has been cleared, and after killing, a large number of Heavenly Destiny points can be rewarded, and the opponent will be rewarded with all blue or more lives!"

"The reincarnation of the Demon Emperor is indeed difficult to kill, no better than Tang Yu.

"But that's about it.

Lin Xingyun still sat cross-kneeled, and while continuing to devour, he smiled coldly.

"You ———?!

" "Who are you?!" Wang

Teng, who had been weak and decayed to the extreme, saw that he actually pierced his true identity, and his eyes widened sharply, and his expression was shocked to the extreme!

"I can tell you mercifully."

Lin Xingyun glanced at his miserable appearance, and couldn't help but show his signature nuclear smile on his face

! In order to finally get another sum of the other party's wool, he decided to tell another white lie!

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