At this time, tens of thousands of miles away.

Between the small halls of ashes and vicissitudes, the bloody killing aura rose up in the sky, and more than ten corpses of the ancient royal family had been scattered all over the place.

A young man stands in the center of the corpse.

His qi and blood were like a dragon, and he was wrapped in a huge purple skeleton phantom, and his body was awe-inspiring, like a natural king in the world!

I saw that his mind moved, and he controlled the skeleton phantom to punch.

Directly hit the golden sword lion in front of him that turned into its true appearance, and his body burst apart, and his flesh and blood flew everywhere!

The remnants of the other party's corpse immediately burst out of the divine spirit, wanting to escape.

But he was captured by Ye Quehua's spiritual power giant hand, making him unable to move at all!

"Damn... Damn humans!

"You wait... Several ancient princes such as the Heavenly Silkworm and Long Jue have already come to this immortal hall!

"You dare to kill so many of our kindred, they won't let you go!" Will definitely ———— you

" "Ah————!

Without waiting for him to finish, Ye Que's five fingers shook in the air, and the skeleton phantom completely crushed and annihilated his divine soul!


"When I besieged my eldest brother, you Taikoo royal family also participated a lot!"

"What ancient prince, let me bump into it, and kill them all the same!"

His eyes were fierce, and the fire of revenge was never extinguished.

It's just a pair of kaleidoscopes!

However, he did not forget the business, raised his gaze, and quickly locked a direction.

Although after he entered this heaven and earth, he was also randomly teleported here.

But as soon as he set foot here, his mind moved, and he took out his bronze key.

Because the rune induction on it is getting stronger and stronger, and it also points to a direction.

It is obviously the biggest opportunity, waiting for me to go and check it out thousands of miles away!

If he hadn't just met such a group of primeval royal families blocking the way, he would have rushed to the top speed.


However, just as he was about to leave, he suddenly noticed something strange below.

I saw that between the various halls on the ground, I don't know when a large number of corpse puppet creatures gathered.

Originally dazed like the living dead, after gathering below Ye Que, they actually knelt down to worship.

It's like meeting a former emperor, respectful and religious!

"This... This is ———?

"These corpse creatures, when they see outsiders, will only attack and kill, but now they come to visit me en masse..."

This Void Immortal Temple has an extremely deep relationship with me, and may even be a creation left by me in my previous life! Ye

Que's heart was blessed and he quickly understood.

And when he tried to widely transmit the voice of the divine soul, communicating with those corpse creatures.

Sure enough, the brush below stood up again, and it was simply driven by him!

Seeing this situation, his face couldn't help but glow with joy.

In this heaven and earth, there are many corpse puppet creatures, if they can be used by him, it is equivalent to a large number of prince realm thugs!

At that time, whether it is collecting chance treasures or trapping and killing great enemies, it will inevitably be countless times easier!

He became more and more confident, and without hesitation, he commanded nearly a hundred corpse creatures below, and volleyed with him to the deepest part of the Immortal Hall he sensed!



At this time, 100,000 miles away in the north, on a vast and boundless wasteland.

A huge bronze gate like a mountain stands here, carved with countless esoteric inscriptions, and the vicissitudes of ancient life are everywhere.

In addition to that door, there is a dark world behind it, and the deep starry sky is everywhere you can see, only this bronze door stands here, as if it has existed for thousands of years.

Occasionally, one or two corpse puppet creatures approached the bronze door, and they would suddenly come to life, their eyes flashed with spiritual light, and even their body shape changed back to their appearance before they were alive!

But after a while, they all changed back to their original form, still slowly walking away like the living dead.

However, the next moment, a silver-white light fell like a comet.

Han Feiyu held the bronze key, his body speed was extremely fast, even if he was randomly teleported after entering the Immortal Temple, he was still the first to arrive here!

"That was... Time Dao rule?!

His face was amazed, only because he felt that the wisps of Dao Rule aura that escaped from the bronze door were actually rare and extremely mysterious Time Dao Rules!

And in the center of the door, there were three keyholes, as if calling for the bronze key in his hand.

He didn't dare to approach rashly, so he casually punched out a few silk threads of spiritual power, controlling the bronze key in his hand and putting it into one of the keyholes.

I saw that although the bronze door bloomed with a burst of precious light, it showed no sign of opening.

Seeing this, he immediately withdrew the bronze key, and at the same time shot out with all his strength, erasing all the aura of the Time Dao Rule.

This immortal hall was full of weirdness, and he naturally had to be careful everywhere.

"It seems that if you don't collect the three keys, you won't be able to open the bronze door..."

Han Feiyu's eyes sank, and he quickly made a plan.

After all, as long as you have a bronze key in your hand, you always have the first opportunity.

He no longer hesitated, immediately stepped on the silver-white brilliance, and set out to look for opportunities everywhere first.



And at this time the West is 100,000 miles away.

On a barren mountain, dozens of monks from all walks of life had gathered, encircling a cliff.

I saw that on the cliff, a colorful divine tree stood on the peak, blooming with seven-colored treasure light, forming an enchantment with a square circle of seven zhang, sheltering a pink-haired girl sitting cross-knee under the tree.

The girl's body was also like a resonance, constantly emitting a seven-colored halo, fusing with the divine tree behind her, and she was actually trying to refine it.

And at the forefront of the periphery of the enchantment, Qin Yiren stood with his hands in his hands, and said with a smile.

"This girl, you don't have to resist anymore."

"Even if you successfully refine this treasure, with so many of us present, can you really take it with you?"

"Under is the immortal Qin family divine son, Qin Yiren."

"If the girl can obediently obey and run to me with this treasure, I can guarantee that you leave safely, how?"

Seeing this, the surrounding cultivators all cast unkind eyes at him in unison.

However, the immortal Qin family divine son, this identity is still enough to shock the crowd, so that they dare not move.

Only in the corner, a man in a gray robe covering his face snorted disdainfully.

And immediately afterwards, the girl in the enchantment also took a bite and scolded at Qin Yiren angrily.


"Qin family divine son, right? I did hear my sister talk about it.

"You beast who even your own cousin can calculate and murder, how can I believe your nonsense!"

"Huh? Your sister? Who is your sister?!

Qin Yi's face twitched, and he couldn't help but ask rhetorically.

But he suddenly remembered that the good things he did at the beginning, except for Lin Xingyun's group, who else would know?!

"Hmph! Too lazy to pay attention to scum like you!

Zhao Binglan scolded with disdain, and continued to refine the divine tree behind her.

"Slut, toast and don't eat and punish wine! Do you ———!

Qin Yiren was disgraced, and was angry and cursing.

The gray-robed man passed by him and said coldly with contempt.

"Shame on people, don't mention any immortal family in the future!"

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