After Lin Xingyun read this long list of fates, he thought secretly.

Just shake his head with regret.

"Alas! Daoist, I just wanted to take away the reward I deserved.

"Who knew that this ancient heavenly monument was so generous, I could only reluctantly accept it all!"

"However, this ancient heavenly monument still has some remains, if Daoist friends don't mind, they can still bring it..."

Will this wreckage actually dissipate on its own? Gee, what a pity!

"Then I can only thank Daoyou for completing it, there will be a period later!"

As soon as Lin Xingyun surrendered his hand, he immediately led Xiao Qianluo and entered the giant door in a flash.

And Chu Wujie was stunned for a while before he finally exclaimed violently.

"Blanched ————!"

"Chase! Be sure to take the Heavenly Monument Treasure back! He

was interrupted three times and twice, and he failed to take away the Heavenly Monument in time.

It's hard to trust others once and let the other party take the Tianbei test.

But it was this person who actually let him lose so completely!

Just as he was about to set out in pursuit, the brothers Chu Yi and Chu Xin behind him hurriedly dissuaded.

"Second Young Lord, calm down!"

"His name is Lin Xingyun... Moreover, with such a talent, it must be the young master of the Lin family! "

The other party's identity is not weaker than yours, and the strength is strong, even the young emperor of the Wang family and the heavy pupil of the Jun family are not his opponents!"

"Second Young Lord, you have to think twice before acting!"

Chu Wujie listened, and also calmed down a lot.

The other party's breath was fine, which really made him completely unable to see through.

And just when he just raised the idea of pursuing, an infinite aura suddenly arose in his heart.

As if taking such a wrong step again, there will be a big crisis of life and death!

"Ahem... "Speaking

of our Chu family and the Lin family, it seems that there is no grudge..."

"In order to avoid the feud between the two families, then this time... Just let him go for now!

Chu Wujie said with a dry cough, and Chu Yi and Chu Xin immediately echoed.

"Second Young Master Gao Jian!"

"Let's hurry up and look for an opportunity in that door!"

At the same time, the two couldn't help but secretly shake their heads and smile bitterly.

The heart said that although the young master of his own family is as good as the stream, he does lack a bit of courage to dominate the world.

If the eldest lady of his own family is here, he won't have to hold back as much as now, and he will definitely make a strong move and make the other party pay!


On the other hand, Lin Xingyun and Xiao Qian fell into the door.

I saw that this space was in a trance, and between a few breaths, the two of them seemed to be randomly teleported, and they were already in another small world.

This is a dark netherworld of the heavenly firmament, but the aura is extremely rich, and all kinds of treasure medicine and divine materials can be seen almost everywhere.

However, there were some intruding monks who wanted to collect treasures.

A powerful creature burst out from all directions, devouring them alive and killing them to death!

Those creatures have human races, demon races, and primeval royal families, and their cultivation is all above the princely realm.

And all of them have empty eyes, stumbling expressions, and are as terrifying as corpses!

"Not good! Rewind! The

two intruding disciples fell into the siege, and after resisting for a while, they were already covered in injuries.

They all did not dare to hesitate anymore, and immediately fled into the air.

However, they had just escaped only ten miles.

It happened that he bumped into the white and black, two immortal couples.

"Daoist, don't get in the way!"

They were eager to hear the word.

Xiao Qianluo raised his hand, and the nine blood-red serrated chain phantoms, like bloodthirsty vipers, flew out instantly!

Even though those two scattered cultivators resisted with all their strength, they were still quickly penetrated through the defense, and all their internal organs were penetrated!


One of them was slightly weaker, and he was quickly strangled into corpses by the countless sawtooth chains, and he was completely killed!

The other person was cultivating more profoundly, and he was still surging with spiritual power, desperately resisting the attack of those chains!

Feeling his own killing Dao rules, he was a little more complete.

The corners of Xiao Qianluo's mouth raised slightly, and he was ready to use another magical power to completely kill that person.

But suddenly I remembered something.

He looked at Lin Xingyun and asked with a swallow.

"Nebula, I'm like this... Will you... Will it not like it..."

As a woman, this is the first time she has killed someone in front of her lover, and it is inevitable that she has some shame and scruples.

"Fall, how could it be?"

"Immortal cultivation is originally going against the sky, and it is normal for cultivators to fight and kill each other."

"And your Dao is not a way to kill indiscriminately, what does it matter if you only kill creatures in the same realm, or even in the high realm?"

Lin Xingyun hugged her, smiled and kissed her forehead.

"You can kill boldly, don't worry about it!"

"Besides, in my life, can I still not like you?"


Xiao Qianluo listened, his eyes already filled with mist.

It was difficult for her to suppress the thoughts in her heart, and while raising her hand, she released nine chains to kill that scattered cultivator.

While raising his face, he kissed Lin Xingyun on the lips.

And that scattered cultivator could not resist the chain attack.

Seeing these two people again, they actually killed him while still talking about love there!

That's really not taking him seriously!

He was so angry that he finally couldn't hold on, and could only let out a final roar!

"You dog men and women! What a damn it!

"Today I am fighting to die, and I must drag you to death!"

"Burst ————!"

He was blinded and roared.

Just condense the top three flowers into the body, and want to use self-explosion as the last resistance!

However, Xiao Qianluo quickly controlled the eighteen scarlet chains with one finger, completely killing that scattered cultivator to death!

Lin Xingyun also tacitly made a move, and a magic jar manifested and flew out.

Devour all the violent and turbulent spiritual power of the other party, and let his self-detonation power be wiped out!

After doing all this, the lips of the two have not yet separated.

After a while, a silver thread passed by.

The two of them then relied on each other hand in hand, went to the next place, and continued to happily kill people and seize treasures!

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