"Extreme Yin Body? Is there a chance of giving birth to a chaotic body? "

And it will hinder early cultivation, no wonder she has the [Talent Transcendent] qualification, and is still the same as me."

"At the age of eighteen, it was just the Qi and Blood Realm."

"As for her brother Lin Chuan, he should be the proper son of destiny."

"And now in the Lin family, you can harvest at any time!"

Lin Xingyun thought secretly.

Just look at the beautiful girl in the ice sculpture.

The blood color on her little face was gradually fading.

It probably won't take long.

It will be destroyed by this extremely yin ice sculpture!

"It seems that she still has to be saved."

Lin Xingyun just wanted to take her and go to the elders of the clan for treatment.

Suddenly, there was a wit.

These ice crystals are the extremely yin power in her body.

Uncontrollable, spontaneous outbreak formation.

He has [Immortal Devouring Demon Skill].

Isn't it enough to absorb this extreme yin power?

And it can also strengthen itself, the effect must be good!

See no one below.

His entry-level [Immortal Devouring Demon Skill] is relatively hidden.

He immediately began to try, reaching out and pressing on the ice sculpture.

A small black vortex formed again in his palm.

Sure enough, the ice crystals formed by the power of extreme yin.

It's like rolling oil and pouring snow, melting quickly.

Absorbed by him!

After entering the body, it turned into a stream of pure spiritual power, enhancing his cultivation.

The effect is better than directly absorbing spirit stones and elixirs.

More than ten times stronger!

"If this is kept around, isn't it a humanoid spiritual power pool?"

"Others suck pussy at most, but I want to suck it..."

"I dare not think that this is a bit perverted!"

Lin Xingyun thought with interest.

At the same time, continue to run the Immortal Devouring Demon Skill.

Not long after, the Yin Qi ice crystals in Lin Qingtan's whole body were absorbed.

She also broke the seal.

Fell into Lin Xingyun's arms.


Young Lord... I just... It's frozen again..."

Lin Qingtan said weakly.

The delicate body still trembles from time to time.

"It's okay, I've already helped you break those ice crystals."

"However, your physique seems to be very special, and you have to think differently in the future to prevent another outbreak of ice."

Lin Xingyun stroked her hair and comforted gently.

"Thanks... Thank you... Young Lord...,"

Lin Qingtan thanked him gratefully.

Her beautiful eyes couldn't help but burst into tears.

She and her brother traveled thousands of miles to the Lin family, helpless.

Fortunately, I met this immortal-like young master in front of me.

So kind and kind.

And Lin Xingyun can't wait.

I'm going to find her brother to cut leeks!

"Where do you live with your brother, I'll send you back."

Lin Qingtan said a place to stay, and tried to get up.

But he found that his hands and feet were weak and he couldn't stand steadily.

In one fell swoop, he threw himself back into Lin Xingyun's arms.


"Yes... I'm sorry! Young Lord... I... I have no strength..." Lin

Qingtan was so embarrassed that she almost cried.

I'm sorry.

"It's okay, I'm used to it."

"I'm familiar with this one."

Lin Xingyun chuckled and comforted.

There is the blessing of the [female martyrdom body].

How many women have fallen into his arms "by coincidence".

I saw that he was extremely skillful, holding Lin Qingtan's calf.

Pick her up.

Lin Qingtan was light and soft, holding it effortlessly.

A pair of perfectly curved calves, dangling leisurely, very cute.

"That's it, let's go."

"Hmm! Few...... Young Lord..."

Lin Qingtan was already too ashamed to speak.

Just buried his head deeply, not daring to look at Lin Xingyun.

And Lin Xingyun can't wait.

He cast the [Wind Thunder Phantom] magical power, and stepped out of the Dao Spiritual Power Wind Thunder.

However, with a cup of tea, he arrived at the small courtyard where Lin Chuan's brothers and sisters lived.

Lin Chuan, dressed in blue and heroic.

He is practicing halberd in the courtyard.

However, when he saw his sister, he was carried into the door by a handsome teenager.

He was flabbergasted!

Immediately carried the halberd and rushed towards Lin Xingyun!

Lin Qingtan was so frightened that he hurriedly spoke up to stop it.

It took a while to explain before Lin Chuan calmed down.

Afterwards, Lin Chuan expressed his gratitude and apologies.

Invite Lin Xingyun to be a guest in the courtyard.

He wanted to personally serve tea and apologize.

Lin Xingyun casually sat down to wait for tea, and at the same time began to check the system.

Lin Qingtan recovered some physical strength.

Obediently sit alongside.

"System, look at his properties panel."


"Name: Lin Chuan"

cultivation: Late Life Script of the Yuanfu Realm

: [Wuji Heavenly Emperor] Golden

Fate Number: [Strong My Clan] Orange, [Talent Transcendent] Orange, [Nirvana Rebirth] Orange, [High Man Sasuke] Purple, [Rune Genius] Purple............

Recent chance: Tomorrow, I went to the Lin Family Gongfa Pavilion, and was recognized by the 81st floor, the Great Sage-level Increase Secret Method [Great Desolate Sutra].

Recent chance: Seven days later, he challenged the enemy Lin Langtian, and after a hard battle, he finally narrowly won, and since then, he has become one of the ten holy sons of the Lin family, and has been vigorously cultivated by the Lin family.

Favorability: 60 [Normal

] Detailed explanation

: [Wuji Heavenly Emperor] Jin: In order to avenge his father, he participated in the conquest of ten thousand dynasties, fought all the way to win the first place, and was favored by the strong of the Lin family, allowing him to return to the main vein with his own sister, defeated Lin Langtian, became one of the holy sons of the Lin family, and then overcame thorns all the way, and finally preached successfully, calling himself Wutiandi!

【Zhuang I Clan】Orange: After joining the sect and family forces, it can greatly increase its overall fortune, so that its disciples and clansmen develop extremely smoothly.

【Talent Transcendent】Orange: Cultivation speed and understanding are extremely high, and the talent is extraordinary!

【Nirvana Rebirth】Orange: Falling into a near-death state, you can turn into luck and cultivate to a higher level!

Purple: The jade talisman worn contains the remnant soul of the Great Sage-level powerhouse Ancient Heavenly Eagle, helping it grow all the way.

[Rune Genius] Zi: Born with a strong divine soul, the talent of the rune array is excellent.


"How is the life of this product so similar to Xiao Chen?"

"Talent transcendence, nirvana rebirth, superior help, powerful spirit..."

"These two are outrageous!"

After Lin Xingyun looked at his panel, he couldn't help but slander.

However, immediately after, the system suddenly came with a prompt.


"Lin Chuan, the son of destiny, was detected, and his favorability towards the host was 60 [normal]."

"Children of Destiny whose initial favorability is [normal] can choose to accept it."

"After choosing to accept, replace the favorability with [loyalty]."

"[Loyalty] reaches 60 or above, and you can share a part of the cultivation and destiny of the child of destiny."

"The higher the [loyalty], the more cultivation and life can be shared!"

"Does the host choose to accept it?"

"Huh? And this operation? "

Submit to the Son of Destiny?"

Lin Xingyun was stunned, and then thought for a moment.

First, Lin Chuan is a member of his own family, not completely unusable.

Second, he is a villain.

In the future, there will inevitably be countless great enemies.

The chaotic body of the Jun family is no longer easy to deal with.

There are also a bunch of children of destiny like Xiao Chen to entangle.

If you take a few children of destiny, junior brothers.

Go with other children of destiny, dog eats dog.

At that time, he will sit and reap the profits.

Wouldn't that be wonderful?

Moreover, if Lin Chuan is subdued.

In the future, let Lin Chuan go and fight Xiao Chen!

One of the two was supposed to be Emperor Wutian and the other was Emperor Yantian.

But they are all manipulated by themselves.

Fight to the death!

That picture is so beautiful!

It's a lot of energy!

He can't wait!

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