
"That... What about the ancient heavenly monument?

"I'm not mistaken... It's this island..."

"How could such a big ancient heavenly monument be missing?!"

Lin Xingyun turned his head to look.

I saw a little girl in an indigo long dress, with her lips open, covering her mouth.

Exclaimed with a blank look.

She looks as beautiful as a human elf, her skin is as fair as beautiful jade, and her body is still very petite.

With a neatly combed double ponytail, it looks very cute.

"Ding! Blood relatives of the Children of Destiny detected! "


"Boom! Here it comes!

Lin Xingyun was stunned, and he couldn't help but be surprised in his heart.

I didn't expect to have an unexpected harvest before going to the Yaochi Holy Land!

He stepped forward and asked with a gentle smile.

"This clan sister, what a face."

"What's your name?"

The little girl looked at the handsome young man in front of her, feeling

his immortal temperament.

A heart suddenly felt like being hit hard!

She instantly blushed and couldn't speak.

"I... I...... My name is..."

"Lin... Qingzhu..."

After a long time, she lowered her little head and replied shyly.

"Please... Excuse me... "I am

your second young master, Lin Xingyun."

"Yay! You are... Is it the second young master?! "

Meet the Second Young Lord!"

Lin Qingzhu was taken aback, and quickly knelt down and worshiped respectfully.

"Get up, why kneel?"

Lin Xingyun was also a little puzzled.

According to the convention, when the clansmen see themselves, they just bow and salute.

Why did this girl kneel directly?

"Lin Qingzhu?"

"I've never seen you, is it not someone from our main vein?"

"Yes... Yes, less Lord. "

My brother and I are from the Lin family branch of the Tianyan Dynasty."

Lin Qingzhu slowly got up and said shyly.

"Oh? The branch of a small place comes, no wonder he doesn't know the rules very well, and he is still very humble.

"But this smells right!"

Lin Xingyun thought secretly, with an evil smile at the corner of his mouth.

"It's okay, it's all the Lin family."

"Listen to what you just said, you came to find this ancient heavenly monument?"

"How, do you want to test strength?"

"Hmm... Well!

"I heard that there are various treasures in this heavenly monument

..." "My brother will compete with a bad guy in a few days, so I want to come and take some treasures for him..."

Lin Qingzhu explained in a thoughtful manner.

From time to time, his small face turned crimson and peeked at Lin Xingyun's eyes.

"Less... Young Lord, do you know that Heavenly Monument, why is it gone? "

No, I broke it."

Lin Xingyun didn't care about the tunnel.

He was also a little strange, how in the blink of an eye, there was not even slag left of the stone tablet.

"Huh? Broken?!

"Young Lord, you... How did you...?"

Lin Qingzhu was shocked.

But after reacting, he didn't dare to ask more.

After all, the other party is the young master of the Lin family, and his status is high.

Break something, which round to get her this little girl asked.

"That... Okay then

..." "Disturb the young master, Qingzhu will retreat..." Lin Qingzhu

showed disappointment on his face and bowed deeply to leave.

She only has a complete Qi and Blood Realm, and her cultivation is weak.

The only one who can think of helping his brother is the Extreme Dao Ancient Heavenly Monument Reward, this method.

Now that hope is broken, I have to go back in frustration.

However, she was just about to leave.

but was pulled by Lin Xingyun's little arm.

"Eh, no hurry."

"This clan sister, you don't want your brother to lose to that bad guy in a few days, right?"

Lin Xingyun smiled and seduced.

"Hmm! I think... Think my brother can win!

"That's right, Young Lord! You...... Can you help my brother?

Lin Qingzhu listened, and a pair of beautiful water eyes regained their radiance.

With a pleading face, she looked at this extremely handsome young master of the family, expecting him to save her brother and sister.

"First of all, how old are you, clan sister?"


"The day before yesterday... Just turned eighteen...,"

Lin Qingzhu replied dumbly.

I don't know why the young master suddenly asked this.

"Very good!"

"So I can move forward with confidence."

Lin Xingyun nodded in satisfaction.

He playfully picked up Lin Qingzhu's little face.

"You know, there is no three meals in vain."

"If you want me to help your brother, you have to pay enough first."

"Tell me, what can you give me?"

"This... Less Lord... Other...... Don't do this! "

Will be seen by others... Less Lord! Being

teased by Lin Xingyun like this, Lin Qingzhu only felt that his body was hot, even his ears were red, and he struggled and twisted gently.

"It's empty here, who else?"

"If you break your throat, no one will come."

"It's better to think about what you can pay me."

Lin Xingyun said with a bad smile, pinching her silky and fair face.

I can only say, very moist!

"But on me... There is nothing of value..." Lin

Qingzhu's mind was in a mess now, and he couldn't think of what kind of reward he could give to the young master.

Suddenly, she seemed to remember something, and suddenly became more ashamed.

However, looking at the jade-like face that was close at hand.

Lin Qingzhu didn't hesitate much, and then made up his mind.

I saw her blushing little face shyly, and she was struggling.

"If the young master doesn't dislike it..."

Willing... Willing to be a slave and a servant

..." "Serve less..."

But she only said half of it.

Inside the petite body, a huge cold aura suddenly burst out.

That cold aura was extremely solid, instantly enveloping Lin Qingzhu in it!

"What a weird girl."

"But the blood relatives of the Son of Destiny are somewhat abnormal."

Lin Xingyun recovered his indifferent expression and quickly took two steps back.

After only a few breaths, Lin Qingzhu was turned into an ice sculpture by the cold qi and trapped to death.

She couldn't move in it, her eyes were closed, her face was painful, and she looked pitiful.

Lin Xingyun began to look at her properties panel.

"Name: Lin Qingzhu"

cultivation: Qi and Blood Realm Fulfillment

Life Script: [Wujue Heavenly Emperor] supporting role, orange

life: [Extreme Yin Body] orange, [Talent Transcendent] orange, [Dependent on each other] purple, [Young and difficult] gray, [Encounter with people not shou] gray............

Favorability: 70 [Love

] Detailed explanation

: [Wu Jue Heavenly Emperor] supporting role, orange: As Lin Chuan's only biological sister, she has relied on her brother since she was a child, because of her natural extremely yin body, her cultivation is extremely slow, and she often can't control it, spontaneously frozen, and then was married by the Lin family to the immortal Ye family, a junior of the extreme yang body, and her cultivation has advanced rapidly since then, and finally grew smoothly into a generation of quasi-emperors, suppressing one side under Lin Chuan.

【Extreme Yin Body】Orange: A physique containing the ultimate Yin attribute spiritual power in the world, which drags down the speed of cultivation in the early stage, and the risk is extremely high, and after encountering the Extreme Yang Body, it can adjust the Yin and Yang, stimulate the potential of the physique, and have a certain chance of giving birth to a chaotic body heir!

【Talent Transcendent】Orange: Cultivation speed and understanding are extremely high, and the talent is extraordinary!

Zi: Relying on his brother Lin Chuan for life, he has been cared for by Lin Chuan a lot in his life, and he cares for him a lot.

[How difficult it is to be young] Ash: The speed of cultivation is extremely slow when he is young, and he often freezes spontaneously in adulthood, and his fate is difficult, and he will die if he is a little careless!

[Meet People Not Shu] Ash: Targeted by Lin Xingyun in front of the Extreme Dao Ancient Heavenly Monument, and since then he has been molested in every way, and it is difficult to get rid of it for life....


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